Hi Ryan,
Welcome to the site, looks like you haven't checked in. I am from Liverpool UK and look forward to finding out if Manc is Manchester UK.
Shame I am not as young as you though.
Kate xx
Hi Ryan,
Welcome to the site, looks like you haven't checked in. I am from Liverpool UK and look forward to finding out if Manc is Manchester UK.
Shame I am not as young as you though.
Kate xx
Hahah funny pic......but you know I never really felt like that....I loved being a JW.
Kate xx
any chance of people resisting the urge to start new threads when the subject is already being discussed?.
the prince threads are a good example.
instead of one interesting to read thread with lots of replies you end up with forty threads with one or two replies.
Yes it's so terrible indeed......Simon should ban posters for being so inconsiderate lol
Kate xx
i responded to someone on another thread, but would love to know this answer.. if a victim adult or child goes to elders and claims they were abused, don't they have to have clergy confidentiality?
so i was told that they encourage the victim to contact authorities , and they contact bethel, but arent there hands tied if the victim does not want to go to authorities?
an elder made the comment to me once.
WT have a policy of covering up crime within WT so as not to bring reproach on Jehovah.
When my daughter was physically beaten which resulted in a black eye by my ex, we went to an elder. He told us not to go to a domestic violence shelter and told us not to go to the police.
He denies this now.
Hiding crime is what they do. We are not the only ones......and when a female tries to expose a crime she is df'd.
Kate xx
after hubby skipped out on the memorial his parents and close friends started getting more assertive with him.
before they took on the role of the concerned let me rescue you from your apostate wife's clutches.
it's 100% my fault he stopped being a witness according to the inlaws.
Sorry your hubby is being hounded like this. Them blaming you is not respecting the sanctity of marriage. Credibility and reputation are very important do everything you can to protect yours. This cult can ruin lives.
Kate xx
hi bros.. after my father's publishing his book, "15 questions after 40 years of jw" , many ex-jw bros in korea became motivated to rush to the coc korean project.
however any secular project needs a fund eventhough it's a not-for-profit.
fortunately, a bunch of bros decided to donate generously $300~$7,000 to this unprofitable business.
I think I will bump this on 06/05/16.
Not long
Kate xx
during co visit, i took him for a bible study i was conducting.
during the session, the householder said he believed satan was not a person, but personification of evil within us.
i left co to handle householder’s doubt.
Elbib, sorry about your experience with the CO. It just goes to show how hierarchical WT is and how having opinions is not allowed or encouraged.
You were mistreated. I am so sorry.
Kate xx
i have a question with regard to fading.
the wife and i have plans to move to another hall and continue our fade from the organization.
we are already missing quite a few meetings and we are not reporting time.
Sounds like you have built an excellent network outside WT.
Sounds like there is no need to carry on the facade..... You have everything in place.
My daughter did a long fade and hardly anyone stays in touch..... Eventually when you leave you will be seen as bad association by some.
Go for it I say.
Kate xx
i have a question with regard to fading.
the wife and i have plans to move to another hall and continue our fade from the organization.
we are already missing quite a few meetings and we are not reporting time.
Moving congs might be useful if you were being hounded by your elders. It can also be good if you are not well known in your circuit.
To make a fade easier I would recommend building a circle of friends outside WT. I would see this more of a priority than meeting new people in a new cong.
Take care
Kate xx
horrible crime in glasgow on thursday evening when a well loved muslim shop keeper asad shah was stabbed to death by at least one other muslim man.
mohammad faisal, a family friend, said a bearded muslim wearing a long religious robe entered mr shah’s shop and spoke to him in his native language before stabbing him in the head with a kitchen knife.. mr shah had posted the twitter message ‘good friday and a very happy easter, especially to my beloved christian nation’.
residents of shawlands in glasgow say he was well respected and had been known to hand out christmas cards to neighbours despite being of a different faith.. hundreds have turned out in a vigil near the crime scene....
Very sad story..... I bet his family are suffering very much.
He seems like a great example for others to follow....it's so very sad he lost his life for being nice.
Be nice everyone
Kate xx