Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Biiiirthday tooooo youuuuuuu.
JoinedPosts by freein89
It's my birthday on Friday! (July 4th) / Thanks
by figureheaduk ini finally hit 24 on friday!
don't know why i've posted that as a topic heading.
however, i just want to say thanks to all the people that i've made freinds with on this site (you all know who you are.
Really hurt my feelings hope you were kidding
by freein89 inthe threads that might get locked thread.
it was very painful to me.
the anti american ones.
Dear KGB and all who answered,
Thank you. I guess I was being sensitive and got my feelings hurt. Perhaps it was just the day. It doesn't do a lot of good to worry too much about what others think, but it does matter to me. I feel that the political discussions here are good, its all a part of being in the world, which is a good thing-right? I am glad I said something, because it would have festered and I would not have found out what you all think, what we think. I like to believe that we have a community here and a community does not need to be free from dissent and opinion, arguments and hurt feelings happen. The good news is that I have found that I can let people know how I feel and they will care. Thats what a community is all about, banding together even if you get your toes stepped on. Rock on and you English-mind the gap. Yup I traveled London in the "tube" and found the mind the gap warnings hysterical.
Deb crap-i got off subject again-add perhaps?
Kids and grandkids, grandchildren are a great invention. you get all the joy and laughter and then they go home with their parents and you don't have the day to day worry, I recently babysat our 1 year old grandson for 2 days. I went outside to indulge my filthy cigarette habit and when I came in my husband said,"he's some kind of destroyer" I looked around and saw the diapers were all removed from the bag and scattered liberally around. A banana had been smashed all over the kitchen and living room. The magazines and phone books were everywhere. There was cereal all over the floor. And my beloved said to me " I cleaned most of it up"
besides that,
good books
birdies singing
tacky jokes-Did you hear about the guy that went to the psychiatrist and all he was wearing was Saran wrap underwear? . . .
the psychiatrist said well
I can clearly see your nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you could have dinner with any historical person...(top 3 choices)
by Ron1968 in.
if you could have dinner with any athlete, scientist, president, artist, or religious figure what would be your top 3 choices?.
William Wallace (bonus if he really looked like Mel Gibson-yummy)
Albert Einstein (bonus if he could help with my checkbook, I have a posthumus crush on Albert, he was so cute in his fuzzy haired old man kind of way)
Eleanor Roosevelt
Really hurt my feelings hope you were kidding
by freein89 inthe threads that might get locked thread.
it was very painful to me.
the anti american ones.
thankyou, that helps. And I would certainly enjoy watchin ole' Bill and Hillary debatin marriage fidelity. It would be so refreshing!!!
Really hurt my feelings hope you were kidding
by freein89 inthe threads that might get locked thread.
it was very painful to me.
the anti american ones.
The threads that might get locked thread
It was very painful to me. The anti American ones. Why? I hope it was in jest, those who made them please explain yourselves, because I don't understand. I do not agree with everything my government does, I don't like war mongering. But some focused on American culture. What is it that is so bad. My take on American culture is embodied by the little red wagon we got our grandson for his first birthday. July 2, by the way. The Radio Flyer, little red wagon, a part of American culture-no grandson of ours will grow up without one. Are you going by smutty TV shows? If so get a clue, thats not American culture, it may be a subset, but it is not by any means the majority.
Do you think we don't love our kids or care for our parents? Do you think we only care about money? Anyhow you hurt my feelings, thought you should know.
What is your most hated "platitude"?
by happyout inmine is the old "everything happens for a reason".
when i lost my daughter, i heard this so many times, i seriously thought i was going to punch the next freakin' idiot who said it.
it's just ridiculous.. i also hate the variation "god does everything for a reason".. happyout (whose teeth are still set on edge when she hears that)
"I know its the truth" or the ever popular "you know its the truth" makes me want to blow chunks
If you saw a serious car accident, would you...
by JH inif you saw a serious car accident, and people were trapped in the car, or unconscious in the wreck, would you try to get them out even if the car was on fire and could explode at any moment?.
coming back from quebec city today, i saw a car or truck in the ditch upside down and with lots of smoke coming out of the wreckage.
4 or 5 cars were stopped near by to look at the accident.
I do think cars can explode, I have heard that when the gas tank is near empty an explosion is more likely because it is the gas fumes that are explosive, not the gas itself. And yes I just jump right in there during an emergency and fall apart later.
when I was pregnant with my first daughter in 1981, I was taking CPR classes. I already had 2 sons and 2 stepchildren a son and daughter I was about 7 months into my pregnancy and was on my way to pick up my husband from work. I had all the kids in the car and I was driving on a rural road when I noticed some doings in the road ahead, I thought a dog had been run over, as I slowed and came closer, I saw that it was a child. I stopped well back so the kids wouldn't see. I ran as fast as my pregnant body would allow, and a teenage boy was leaning over the little girl. As I approached I hollered, is she still breathing. He said, "she just quit"
I knelt beside the 8 year old and checked for breathing. I had only taken 2 classes-all I knew was how to check for respiration and heart beat. Her heart was beating. I also knew that you can encourage breathing by tipping the head back to open the airway, so that is what I did.
She began to breath. Her eyes were open and her pupils were completely dilated - not a good sign. By this time cars from both directions were stopped and someone had called an ambulance. Her parents came out of their house and her grandparents happened to come by. I had someone get a blanket out of their car to cover the little girls legs, which were each broken in several places. I didn't want her parents and grandparents to see those legs.
I cradled her chin in my hand, and hoped the ambulance would arrive soon.
That evening the hospital called to tell me that the girl had died shortly after arriving at the hospital. We had a family cry, my husband and I grieved for the girl and her parents and the kids cried because Mommy and Daddy were crying. I cried off and on for days.
About two weeks later, with CPR classes completed, we were on our way to the Kingdom Hall for field service, and saw a car had run off the road, my husband and I were the first ones on the scene. We stopped and jumped out. The elderly man was not breathing and had no pulse. We pulled him out of his car and began CPR. I had to remove his dentures, couldn't get a seal-the dentures were too loose.
My husband did the breaths and I did the compressions. When each breath he put in came out, it was accompanied by a ghostly sound, ooohhh. It honestly sounded like a ghost in a cartoon. Each breath did that. The man began to have a pulse, I quit compressions. Again the hospital called that night to report that he had another heart attack once arriving at the hospital, he died.
Another family sob fest ensued.
I have never used my training before or since. Fairly odd that these things should happen at the time we were taking the classes.
When emergencies happen, your thinking brain kicks out and your training and heart kick in. You just do what has to be done, plenty of time to cry and react later. Long story short-of course I would help pretty much no matter what, no thinking involved you just DO it.
What big dreams have you accomplished/not accomplished?
by ashitaka inmy dream is finally sitting my lazy ass down and writing like i had dreamed about all my life; novels, screenplays, anything.. also, if you have accomplished, how did you get there?.
if not, what impeded you?.
Oh and one more thing, here is how an Ex JW tries to chase a dream
1. I am not unworthy, I deserve a dream and success
2. I am unworthy, a good for nothing slave
3. I am not unworthy, I deserve a dream and success
4. I am unworthy, a good for nothing slave
5. I am not unworthy, I deserve a dream and success
Continue to repeat steps 1 and 2 until you belong in the looney bin.
Does it sound like I'm stuck?
What big dreams have you accomplished/not accomplished?
by ashitaka inmy dream is finally sitting my lazy ass down and writing like i had dreamed about all my life; novels, screenplays, anything.. also, if you have accomplished, how did you get there?.
if not, what impeded you?.
Way to go Miss Rabbit,
You better watch out for Elmer Fudd, he hunts for sexy Wabbits, hehehehe Wabbit Twacks!