Here is some interesting archealogical (sp?) info re: Nephilim - specifically, FEMALE nephilim. I found this at the following site:
The Hebrew nation was well aware of the literal existence of giants, since they for a time coexisted with them. However, few people today concede that these extraordinary beings actually existed -- though skeletal and other remains have been found to support this thesis. In 1898, H. Flagler Cowden and his brother, Charles, unearthed the fossil remains of a giant female, over seven feet tall. In 1895, a party of miners working near Bridal Veil Falls in California, discovered the tomb of a woman whose skeletal remains were 6 feet eight inches in length.
On May 4, 1912, the New York times published a report that eighteen skeletons were found while excavating a Mound near Lake Delavan Wisconsin. The males were giants with remarkably large heads. In 1930, a mining engineer named J. E. Coker, discovered the bodies of men eight feet in height buried tier by tier in Sayopa Sonora, Mexico. Here are a few other locations where gigantic human-like skeletal remains have been uncovered in recent years: Tioga Point, Bradford County Pennsylvania; Dresbach, Minnesota; La Crescent, Minnesota, and Ellisburg Pennsylvania.