circular reasoning
JoinedPosts by SadElder
What's missing from this list of technologies used by JWs
by scotoma inthis topic has been discussed before but it is interesting to look at it in the light of the new book god's kingdom rules.. 1903 news paper sermons.
1914 photo drama of creation.
1922 radio.
One language in the new system
by OneEyedJoe inso at the convention, one of the talks was about how all people will speak a single language in the new system.
my ears perked up when i heard at the outset "now, we can't be dogmatic about this" because that immediately makes me think that they're backing away from a previously dogmatic stance.
he went on to say that everyone will be speaking hebrew in the new system because "evidently" (another word that gets my ears to perk up these days) that was what was spoken before the languages were confused at bable.
I remember from somewhere years ago a statement that what Adam and Eve spoke was called proto-hebrew maybe proto-hebraic. And it was that language that would be spoken in the new world. Maybe someone who has a better memory can dig up the WT source. It was too long ago to remember the context of the discussion. The WT library does referrence paleo-hebew in the appearance of the tetragrammaton in some texts.
Coming soon to a District Convention near you, it's the Aposto-Blimp!
by Skimmer incoming soon to a district convention near you, it's the aposto-blimp!.
be on the lookout for the latest technology for telling the truth about the truth: a five meter long, helium filled blimp which will cruise about the hapless fools at a district convention.
made from tear-resistant mylar with propellors powered by lightweight lithium power cells, the blimp will be guided by a small computer with gps assistance and will follow its flight path in and around the stadium for hours at a time.
Don't some of these large venues now have prohibitions against flyovers due to the terrorism risks?
Remember the YHWH Letters/Buttons/Pins?
by snowbird inthey were written in hebrew script and were popular during the early 70's, when i came into the jw's.. as i recall, there was a qfr concerning them.. anyone else remember?.
Detroit Style Ballroom Dancing
by KateWild intrying to make rcs less of a snorefest.
not exactly award winning either, but worth a laugh.
kate xx.
Ted "the Boss: Jaracz would be having a fit if this were to occur during his reign... err... I meant life. He was the reason that Branch dedications stopped having musical programs. He made a trip to a foreign country (don't remember where maybe Chile) where they had a program of local musical culture and he had a fit. Gilead dedications became even more boring elininating any semblance of entertainment.
I used to say that if the Kingdub Hall is supposed to be the center for true worship, why weren't they also places for picnics and food and other things for wholesome entertainment? Did I get the looks over that.
Could the WT have paid of large loans when it sold NY properties?
by StephaneLaliberte init seems that everyone is taking for granted that the sociaty has made 1 billion in profit.
could anyone tell me why it would not be a posibility that the society had a large number of mortgages attached to these properties?
wouldn't that explain the latest monney grab from the congregations?.
To my knowledge the society doesn't mortgage anything. From the guys I knew in purchasing, they might buy stuff on time payments if they were offered something like 30-60-90 day payments at no interest. They have an aversion to outsiders knowing their business, mortgages require financial statements.
Did other JWs judge you? What for?
by Julia Orwell insome judged me for going/having gone to university.
some judged me for being 'too smart.
' some judged my non jw brother for being in the army.
Judged for having too much money; for taking a pioneer couple, who had nothing, on vacation with us and paying their way; for having a gold ring on my left hand as well as right; for having guns; for driving a Lincoln and not a Chevrolet like everyone else (they went apoplectic when I bought my wife a Mercedes); for quoting other Bible translations in my talks..... oh it could go on and on.
two Jehovahs Witnesses were paid millions to restrict WA blood transfusions
by Watchtower-Free insource: supplied.
source: supplied.
source: supplied.
Have the dubs found another way to make money? Perhaps this is the reason behind the push for those bloodless hospital facilities.
I had a funny feeling he was a Witness... and now I need help.
by noontide inim in a bit of a bind and im not quite sure what (if anything) i can do about it.
i was recently hired as a business consultant for a rather large company.
the company that hired me mentioned that they are concerned about a certain department and the way its being run, as this department affects every other department in the company.
I don't know where you live, but in the US religion may not enter into any employment considerations. You must not for your own sake discuss the JW connection lest you get involved in an EEOC complaint. Dubs live to beat the persecution drum.
Perhaps you need to be more direct with the fellow. Make a list of the perceived failings and the road to correction. If he shows no willingness to make correction, you know what you need to do.
The REAL reason for the elder and ms appointment change......
by EndofMysteries inas seen in recent posts, beginning later this year appointments and deletions of elders and ms will only happen through the circuit overseer.
this means that individual congregations and elders have no say anymore.
if the gb want only certain people in or out, they tell the co and he makes it happen.
I still believe that Crooklyn will somehow be involved. Perhaps the CO will send something to them as he does now. They will correspond with him and then he notifies the congo of the appointment. Being the contol junkies they are I can't see them giveing up control completely.