There was something written at some point in the past about "costume" parties. I don't remember whether it was a letter to elders or a Watchtower discussion. I'll see if I can dredge it up.It's definitely a no no in dub land.
JoinedPosts by SadElder
Why "fancy dress" and "theme weddings" were BANNED by our Congregation!
by Witness 007 inour kingdom hall was in a boring town of 30,000 people so to spice things up me and some special pioneers living with us decided to have a fancy dress up party!
what could go wrong?
nice clean fun, and no booze (oh crap!).
Explain the annual meeting please
by carla incan someone please explain the annual meeting to me?
it takes place tomorrow from what i gather.
does this mean they still do fs in the morning?
Don't forget to put your money in any box, as those days money in every contribution box will be collected for the benefit of Crooklyn. So says the dub kings.
October 2, 2017 BOE US Re: Contributions Received at the 2017 Annual Meeting
by wifibandit inoctober 2, 2017 to all bodies of elders in the united states branch territory re: contributions received at the 2017 annual meeting.
Money hungry bastards.
Seeking Riches That Are True
by NJ501 inyour thoughts on today's watchtower?.
can you explain?.
how can material possessions be used to strengthen our friendship with god?
The donate icon at the end of the article speaks volumes.
Kingdom Halls open to hurricane flood victims??
by Sugar Shane inthere are other threads dealing with jws actions, or non-actions in response to the houston flooding.
i started this thread to find out specifically if kingdom halls, or assembly halls are being used to help victims.
not just other jws, but innocent victims of all walks: men, women, children & pets.
According to the dub web site they are "monitoring" the situation. Guess that means they want to see how much money is promised before they are ready to act in their own self-serving self-righteous ways.
Anbody know...
by careful in...what david ianelli is doing these days?
he was in the writing department and known as one of the more liberal brothers there.
he gave loving, heartfelt talks.
David was a nice guy when we knew him. But a company man all the way. Was a pet of Karl Klein. Haven't spoken to him in years now.
Gas or Electric Stove
by just fine ini am getting new appliances.
i have decided on black stainless for the finish.
the house is stubbed for gas and electric for the range.
If you can get past the concern for any gas issues (get a carbon monoxide alarm) I vote for gas. Easily controlled heat.... when it's on high it's high, low is low. I changed from electric a number of years ago and won't go back.
April 19, 2017 TO ALL CONGREGATIONS Re: Branch Relocation Visitor Centre
by wifibandit inbra april 19, 2017 to all congregations re: branch relocation visitor centre.
visitor information sheet.
They forgot the best part.....
"Brothers please note that an exhilarating new provision is now in place. Credit card processing machines are now in place at every entrance and in each restroom to allow for your donations. Kindly donate and donate often."
Church gets own police force - are the Dubs next?
by SadElder injust read this article in the washington times.
other sites have similar stories..
can you imagine the dubs with a sworn police force with arrest powers?.
Just read this article in the Washington Times. Other sites have similar stories.
Can you imagine the dubs with a sworn police force with arrest powers?
Watchtower/Bethelite Volunteers and US Self Employment or FICA Tax?
by EnlightenedEphesian inwith so many aging bethelites being "laid off" after years of volunteer service, what hope do they have of collecting any social security retirement?
i ask because i recently learned that my mother will not receive any government retirement benefits because she did not work enough to collect the 40 credits required.
this got me to thinking about bethel volunteers.
At one time the SSA tax was paid from the annual PEA (personal expense account allowance) and the Society had to pay matching funds. As I understand it this was one of the reasons for instituting the Vow of Poverty, so that Crooklyn would not be required to make payments any longer.
A pock on all their houses. Cheap bastards.