Evidently then we here surely are likely to conclude that the Watchtower is full of it (italics ours).
JoinedPosts by SadElder
Michael the Archangel and Jesus same person? Start of Blondie researching
by blondie ini was reading something else on jwn and remembered why i started questioning wts definite statements of fact.. i was asked by a non-jw to prove these 2 points from the scripture:.
1. when did the 2,300 days in daniel 8:13,14 start?
this scripture therefore suggests that jesus himself is the archangel michael.. https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1102005160?q=jesus+michael+archangel&p=sen.
It was all GREEK to me
by Terry inaround 1976 i got the wild idea i'd like to learn greek (for my study of the christian greek scriptures and to 'get to the bottom' of whether i was wasting my time being even a token jehovah's witness.
) i would read the actual text and avoid my denomination's opinion commentaries, you see.. .
i learned the characters in the greek alphabet rather quickly and started reading an interlinear (english/greek) bible aloud - practicing my enunciation.
I haven't seen a Greek or Hebrew word in a JW publication in quite a wile. Of course I only give a cursory look every year or two.
I remember back in the early 80's when I was in an out of Crooklyn working on special projects that I sent notes to both Teaching and Writing committees suggesting that if were going to keep citing Greek and Hebrew words in the study articles we could at least include some phonetic pronunciation guides to assist the readers at the Watchtower Study. Went over like a dead rat and readers continued to slaughter the reading without making an effort to find out the correct pronunciations.
Now days it's Watchtower pablum for all.
Tonights mid week meeting study 7 " Accurate and convincing"
by benny inthe video at he mid week meeting tonight shows a video on how teaching must be based on hard researched fact and that we are encouraged to look at watchtower literature to get up to speed on a subject.. here is the link to it https://www.jw.org/en/publications/videos/reading-teaching-videos/accurate-and-convincing-video/.
i find this quite disturbing when you look at the feb 2017 watchtower which explains the governing body errs in their understanding of subjects yet they claim to be god's channel of communication to his people.. what are the thoughts on this?.
i know there are other topics on new light etc...
The Tower has always quoted itself as the authority on a subject..... The blah..blah..blah issue of the Watchtower said such and such. As if that makes what they want to say in the current issue correct on whatever blather they want to prove at the time. Evidently this likely makes the Truth the truth at the time written. Surely no one would think otherwise.
Why this obsession with Standardisation?
by eyeslice2 inthe longer i am out, the the less i understand the logic of this organisation.. i thought that the kingdom hall my wife attends was perfectly fine and adequate, in fact i liked that it sat in grassy grounds, surrounded by trees.
it probably wasn't in any dire need of re-decorating at this point.
others, obviously, thought otherwise and so the hall has recently been subjected to a make-over.. the parking lot has been extended in true joni michell they've "paved paradise and put up a parking lot".
In the past those chairs came from a company named Church Chairs of America out of a small town in Georgia. I remember us sending a truck from N. Florida to pick up a load. That was 15 years ago, don't know about now, maybe they have a shill corp. now that does all that.
Long prayers
by fulano indid you have one or two brother with way too long prayers in your congregation?
when i was a child we had a brother who would go on and on after the watchtower study for at least five minutes.
many elderly sisters just sat down and a lot were complaining after the long desired amen..
Those end of convention prayers were the worst. A rehash of everything and council to everyone included. Never did approve of prayers that counseled everyone.
It wasn't a prayer but a comment at a Crooklyn Monday night Watchtower study that stands out for me. I believe it was Russ Kurzin(sp?) who droned on for 7 minutes by my watch. He was known for long comments so I checked the time when he started. Couldn't tell you a thing he said, just that he went on and on, a real Genesis to Revelation moment
Governing Body - Time in Ministry
by Peeringin inis there any transparency in how many hours on the ministry the governing body members do on the ministry?
by this i mean the physical act of going door to door in their area.
i guess it is plausible that they would count overseas trips and working on publications as part of their ministry, but this is not what they encourage from the jw on the street.. is it possible for a gb member to be reproved or otherwise for not going out in service?
When working at Crooklyn on some special projects, I remember seeing Martin Poetzinger and his wife standing on the corner down by Cadman Plaza holding up magazines like little soldiers but can't recall ever seeing them converse with anyone. Maybe they got a 2 for one hour credit for going out in service right there for all the visitors to see.
Oh how this religion has changed! Would this have been permitted 20 years ago??
by stuckinarut2 inhttps://m.facebook.com/100002613343180/posts/2271710659592690?sfns=mo.
would the old-timers even recognise this religion anymore?.
this is from one of the international conventions held this year.
I believe it was Ted (The Boss) Jaracz who put a stop to all 'secular' entertainment after a Zone/Branch visit he made. Even the Gilead graduations stopped having demonstrations of local culture and became boring as hell.
Remember when we lodged in private homes at conventions?
by FatFreek 2005 ini bring this up now because i haven't seen any postings about that practice because i got out in 1977. when did wt quit soliciting private homes for accomodations?
or have they stopped?.
i hated it, but it was the only way we could afford to go.
The last time I recall doing "rooming work" was for the Washington, D.C. convention in 1968. Beyond that time either my memory or the work has disappeared.
What's Tony up to today?
by FatFreek 2005 inmaking a jw dot org tv presentation?
making a liquor run for his cronies?
in hiding?
Stan: Some years ago in West Palm Beach, FL a brother directed that year's drama did the introduction quite full of the spirit, it was very evident. Don't know what happened to him.
The Great KH Sell-Off
by snugglebunny inre the great kh sell off: could a congregation refuse to sign over their kingdom hall to the society?
i seem to recall - many years ago admittedly - that my home kh had been paid for by voluntary donations, no loans being involved.
i have no idea what the situation is now, but i do recall that many jw's contributed a set amount every month to the kh fund until there was enough money in the pot to build one.
Some years ago they (Crooklyn) had all US congregations add certain language to their articles of incorporation that named Watchtower or one of the shill corporations they use as ultimate beneficiary if the congregation ceased to exist. The actual verbiage used was adjusted to the laws of each state. The Circuit Overseer was to check the corporate documents to make certain that this was done.
In our congregation this was adopted by the corporate body which was then all appointed men. The rank and file never even knew this was done and probably still don't. Could someone make a case that this was not the will of the people and get that set aside? The legal eagles can weigh in on this.