A lot of refuse and striving after the wind.
JoinedPosts by SadElder
In 70 words or less - Tell one person the 'truth about the Truth'...
by AK - Jeff inwithout use of profanity, vulgarity, or sarcasm.
tell this hypothetical person who is still a dyed in the wool witness clearly why he/she should leave.
do it in such a way that he/she will not bolt for the door screaming "get behind me satan" - in other words, use tact to anti-witness.. jeff
Jehovah's Witnesses: How Their Subculture is Fading Away.
by metatron ini am old enough to remember the days when conventions lasted many long days and large.
numbers of brothers were employed in preparing hot meals served on trays, army-style.
also recall how good these steam cooked meals tasted - and how policemen, assigned to.
Well said.
I look back, with a special fondness, at the times spent in pre-convention work. The days and hours spent with dear friends, many who have long since past. The downfall of this started with telling the friends that the only ones qualified to work in various departments were ministerial servants and elders. They trained the folks to no longer be volunteers. In essence they told them you're not good enough to give, get the hell out of here. So that's what they've done, gotten out. Now look how hard it is to get people to work at conventions.
The controlling interests in Brooklyn would have dubs do nothing but go in service, read the Watchtower, and go to meetings. Anything else is scummy dross in their opinion.
Why is that beautiful Kingdom Hall properties can't be used as a secure place for our children to meet and play, and picnic together? Now congregations are told don't you dare come to a Kingdom Hall in time of disaster, we don't have the insurance for it. The Kindom Hall is a center of pure worship only at the whim of the legalistic minds in Brooklyn. To hell with them.
Breakfast Table at Bethel.
by Blueblades inanyone know of any exciting inside talk going on at the breakfast table at bethel.
any governing body members doing any griping, or is the facade still going on?.
you know , the text for the day is: the application is: and now the new light for the day is:?
Here's a list posted on this site
Breakfast Table at Bethel.
by Blueblades inanyone know of any exciting inside talk going on at the breakfast table at bethel.
any governing body members doing any griping, or is the facade still going on?.
you know , the text for the day is: the application is: and now the new light for the day is:?
I don't think that the list is actually a new thing. I know I've seen it somewhere on the net but don't remember where. I'll try and find a copy or maybe coerce one from somewhere.
Breakfast Table at Bethel.
by Blueblades inanyone know of any exciting inside talk going on at the breakfast table at bethel.
any governing body members doing any griping, or is the facade still going on?.
you know , the text for the day is: the application is: and now the new light for the day is:?
Of course all discussions at the morning table are to be kept as "family business" as they are fond of saying.
Recently Jack Barr castigated the "family" over an e-mail that had been distributed on the Bethel intranet. Supposedly a note was sent out listing changes that have been made in the Daniel Book. The "family" was told that if "they" (whoever "they" are) wanted such a thing published it would be done through appropriate channels.
I believe Ted (the Boss) Jaracz, head of the Bethel CIA - Service Department, said that they have been investigating property purchases somewhere between Patterson and Wallkil. No details or decsions announced.
Control, Control, Control.
Did it ever bother you that Watchtower never did charitible works?
by AK - Jeff ini mean, for forty years believing the witness lie it always made me wonder.. judas was the keeper of the money box - and there are statements that indicated that the apostles thought that wasting money that could be used to aid the poor was sinful - so indications are that the earliest christians were doing charitible works.
of course there are many scriptural passages that encourage that activity among believers.
today all the organization ever does is pay lip service to charity.
It's been said that "charity begins at home", yet rarely have we seen dubs in real need provided with what they need. How can they see the importance of assisting others in need?
On a day when the KH is NOT used, it should be opened for distribution of food for these people. ''God's House'' should be a Sanctuary, not a lock-up shed.
Can't imagine this ever happening. Dubs in Florida have been advised (read that .. ordered out) that they may not go to Kingdom Halls should they need shelter in the event of storm disasters. For insurance reasons of course.
I'm sure that they sorely miss our nice monthly checks and other such donations. We have always been there for dubs or others who need help. That money we used to give to the hall goes elsewhere.
A pock on all their houses.
Warning my dog eats JW's
by DannyHaszard indon't try to convert me, please
macon area online - macon,ga,usa .
"we're jehovah's witnesses," one of the women said.
What a funny line. I can appreciate his sentiments. But he now makes himself liable for lawsuits, should any unsuspecting dub get injured by his dog.... some years ago we had a fellow sick a dog on us while we were in service. Not only did I beat the hell out of the dog with my briefcase (I always had a metal bar in the bottom of my briefcase) I had my attorney make a living hell for the fellow for a while. I thought it great fun. We had the guy hiding in his house for months afraid we were going to take his house in a lawsuit. The other dubs in the congregation were mortified that I would bring such reproach. Oh well that was another life, now we have peace in our house.
BTW Richie we are not interested in pictures of any of your other appendages, this is a family site after all (hee hee)
JC Coincidence
by stillajwexelder injc = jesus christ but also judicial committee - any other unfortunate coincidences of this nature you can think of
WTF= Watchtower Farm ... of course it does
DA used to be used for unbaptized DFing
by rebel8 indoes anyone remember this, or was it just a local thing?
all the time i've spent on these boards, i've never heard anyone mention it.
just curious.. when an unbaptized publisher was in a situation "warranting" dfing, they would announce from the platform that the person had been dad.
Isn't that how they got Michael Jackson out? I don't beieve he was ever baptized .....
letter from congregation
by by grace inhi all, i've been gone for a little while, but i'm back and i wanted to get some opinions.
back in april i told you guys that i sent out my da letter to the congregation, our family, and some of our witness friends.
well, we got a letter in response from two elders by certified mail.
Take note of the contents of this letter and ask yourself if the local elders actually produced it!
Metatron, I echo your sentiment. The wording of that letter sounds all too legal, much like other letters from the WT. However I am not aware of any recent instructions or letters to the BOE that incude this type of letter. Will have to make some inquiries.
Perhaps this is an attempt to stop the mass exodus that appears to be taking place.