Breakfast Table at Bethel.

by Blueblades 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    Anyone know of any exciting inside talk going on at the breakfast table at Bethel. Any Governing Body members doing any griping, or is the facade still going on?

    You know , the text for the day is: The application is: and now the New Light for the day is:? Anyone from Bethel lurking here want to share the Breakfast Table with us?


  • VM44

    What is served for breakfast at Bethel anyway? --VM44

  • SadElder

    Of course all discussions at the morning table are to be kept as "family business" as they are fond of saying.

    Recently Jack Barr castigated the "family" over an e-mail that had been distributed on the Bethel intranet. Supposedly a note was sent out listing changes that have been made in the Daniel Book. The "family" was told that if "they" (whoever "they" are) wanted such a thing published it would be done through appropriate channels.

    I believe Ted (the Boss) Jaracz, head of the Bethel CIA - Service Department, said that they have been investigating property purchases somewhere between Patterson and Wallkil. No details or decsions announced.

    Control, Control, Control.

  • frankiespeakin

    Sad Elder,

    That interesting that some would email the changes, sounds like some at bethel are running ahead of the organization.

    Keep them comming I'm all ears.

    You Bethelites take advantage of this to keep the GB on thier toes. I think it would really irritate the GB to find thier comments on this board.

  • Mary
    What is served for breakfast at Bethel anyway?

    Miracle Wheaties---the Breakfast of Champions Pioneers!

  • VM44

    Recently Jack Barr castigated the "family" over an e-mail that had been distributed on the Bethel intranet. Supposedly a note was sent out listing changes that have been made in the Daniel Book.

    Really? Could that email be posted here at JWD? I think a lot of us would like to read what was changed


  • jeanniebeanz

    Yes, now brother Old as Dust will provide you all with the mornings beating.

    Ahem, yes…

    It has been brought to my attention that someone here has emailed details of our recent Star Chamber orgy to Playboy magazine. Brothers, this is running ahead of the organization and will not be tolerated!

    Further, because the pictures that were sent to Playboy had not been properly screened, one of them caught my bad side, and the "666" tattoo on my left butt cheek was overexposed and out of focus.

    Plans had been made to reveal the new light of the Sacred Orgy in the upcoming new release. However, since this has happened, we have lost control of the process and Playboy is refusing to now pay for the prints and story that we offered to sell them.

    Let this be a lesson to all of you. Do not run ahead of the organization. All will be revealed in the due time.

    Now, you may resume eating your Miracle Wheaties. Beatings will immediately follow breakfast, and then you may begin your day of slave labor.

  • blondie

    I suppose someone could have noted the changes if someone was in the book study with the original book and someone with a newer book. That would throw the conductor. I wonder why they felt the need to make the changes? Rewriting history?

    Explains why the push for getting a new book when it is re-studied.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    Recently Jack Barr castigated the "family" over an e-mail that had been distributed on the Bethel intranet. Supposedly a note was sent out listing changes that have been made in the Daniel Book. The "family" was told that if "they" (whoever "they" are) wanted such a thing published it would be done through appropriate channels.

    Veeeery interesting! They don't want side by side comparisons. I don't know what changes have been made, but most likely they 'cover up' failed prognostications.

    Prophectic guesswork rarely holds water!


  • jeanniebeanz
    most likely they 'cover up' failed prognostications.

    No kidding... yes, I'm wondering just how much cover-up the 'brothers' at bethel see. What really boggles the mind, though, is how they can stay knowing what they do.

    On the other hand, not one person who I knew who went to bethel all gung-ho ever came back the same way. They mostly just faded into oblivion after that... maybe the hypocrisy gets to them after all.


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