Oh boy.... Mr Coffee.... he was a hoot. I may have a recording of him stashed somewhere. I'll have to search but I'm not hopeful.
I believe he was disfellowshiped from the 124 congregation but I can't recall for certain if that was the congo.
When I was there working on some special in the early 80's I remember his almost daily outrage at our "coffee on the Bethel table morning, noon and night" diatribes. He was especially vehement with Fred Franz. On my way down the hill to 25 occasionally I'd get shot at too, "another new suit this one has, hah, 14 dollars a month. Hypocrites, robots, .... blah blah." Then there was "on the Awake dated ??? there was a picture of a pregnant woman, a pregnant woman, and some blather about coffee again."
At some point he got beat up by some neighbors and later, not during my time there, he was backed over by a Bethelite driving a truck and sustained a broken leg, I think Bob Thaal (sp) was the driver.
I took a quick look through my files and didn't find the cassette that "Coffee" was on so I guess it's gone for good.
Thanks for the reminders, and bringing a smile at some old memories.