It seems everyone in government is only out for what they can get and the public be damned. Pork barrel politics, back door deals and downright fraud. This postal thing is just a tip of the mess. Thanks for assembling all the details.
JoinedPosts by SadElder
What is REALLY behind the destruction of the Postal Service? I decided to research it ...
by Terry ini don't know about you - but i never know when i'm being lied to or told the truth any longer.
partisans are tribes warring on truth.
i decided to see what i could find out historically and this is what i've come up with.
The mormon church(The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
by asp59 inanyone here thats a former mormon?
a person in the internet wrote abouth them.
that community could not be more impressive in its cohesion, sincerity, benevolence, decency, patriotism, and faith.. i seen mormons go from house to house before the convid virus.they always seem cheerful.
LDS, another high control group I have no interest in being part of whatsoever. I fled one cult and surely don't need another. -
Do You Think All These Organized Demonstrations Are Productive?
by minimus infrom washington state to new york city to atlanta and california and so on, you see thousands of demonstrators trying to get rid of police, statues, monuments and anything they consider racially biased.. do you think this type of activity and destruction is working well for the country and it’s law abiding citizens?
I look back at the history of the USA. The Boston Tea Party was a protest, but was followed by the Battles of Lexington and Concord, the success of which depends on which side you're on. How about Rosa Parks and the bus boycott? It worked, but again the opinion depends on which side of the issue you're on. How about the Vietnam era protests? Remember the shootings at Kent Sate and the outrage that followed? The Stonewall riots? The US has had a torrid history of protests, marches and insurrection. Did it help or hurt? Again the opinions of success or failure are as varied as the Florida weather.
The demonstrations of today appear to me to be like excuses to cause trouble, but again that's my opinion. Some of these folks are genuinely disturbed over things like the killing of George Floyd, but others are sent in to stir up unrest. It seems foolish to me to tear down historical relics. For sure there are relics, monuments, statues, and so around the globe to fit every variety of hate and dislike. For certain things will be changed, but will it be for the better? A seer I'm not.
I'm reminded of a statement I've seen around for a while, "just because you are offended or irritated by something doesn't mean you're right."
Watchtower Greek where the mumbo meets the jumbo
by Terry intake a look at this photo of a now long extinct publication!ain't she a beauty?.
around 1976 i got the wild idea i'd like to learn greek.
gosh - just look at the gorgeous purple book up there!
Didn't you just love those old WT studies where they had Greek and Hebrew words? Most of the readers at the meeting never bothered to make any effort to find out the proper pronunciation. At one point I wrote the teaching and writing committees and suggested that if we were to continue to put such words in the Watchtower, why couldn't they at least put in the phonetic pronunciations as well. Of course they never bothered to respond.
Unique Words and Expressions Of Jehovah’s Witnesses
by minimus insystem of things comes to mind.
what does that mean to anyone not a jw?.
how long have you been in the truth?
slimboy: thanks for posting the Glossary. I've been looking for that. I had a printed copy that went by the wayside somewhere. I'd like to have it in a PDF file
Oh my... i had to go see where mine is as it's time to get it out, I use it as a go bag during hurricane season for all our important documents and such. I've never been able to bring myself to pitch it mostly because I love good leather stuff and I paid a lot for it 20 or so years ago. It was the last of several generations (not overlapping) of bags that got worn out.
Thanks for the walk down memory lane.
Kingdom Hall Scheduler
by Thetruthhurts ini'm sure there's already topics on this but i couldn't find one so i'm starting my own.
is the kingdom hall scheduling program new?
is this where they are entering all of the members data now?
If I send a message to a phone via email not by cell phone I generally need the carrier's URL behind the phone number. I can't, at least with my email program, just input a phone number and have the email go through to the cell as a text. i.e. to message from my email program to 212-555-1212 I would need to input the address as [email protected]
Memories of Maryland Conventions!
by Atlantis inposting for brother x. petra!.
if you were a child during the years of 1960 to 1970, the question isn't; do you remember these conventions?
the question is; how could you forget?
John Redwood check your pm's
Memories of Maryland Conventions!
by Atlantis inposting for brother x. petra!.
if you were a child during the years of 1960 to 1970, the question isn't; do you remember these conventions?
the question is; how could you forget?
Maryland is hot and muggy in the summer, just in time for those famed conventions. I was baptized in 1962 at the Timonium convention. Baltimore in 1966, Washington D.C. in 1968 they were big events. I miss the camaraderie of my friends back then, but conventions and assemblies became a bore and a chore in later years. Everything about conventions is just business now with every movement scripted by Crooklyn right down to exactly how to position a contribution box. Gotta be sure you get that last bit of ice cream money.
I would have been at that Laurel Circuit Assembly it brings back some great memories of people I knew.
DO Pete D'Mura used to say when knocking on doors in service "twice during the week and only once on Sunday... let them sleep in a bit"
I think Norman Swift was still a CO then, he later moved to Florida. I think he faded out. Son Mark was one of the writers of the Freddy Vs Jason movie.
Chuck Leibensperger of Mighty Distributing fame was at Patterson or one those places involved in Watchtower financial business. He was at a planned giving event I attended some years ago.
I'm surprised Dick Wallace wasn't on the program.
Wayne Schafer is the father of David Schafer of GB Helper fame.
Dick Brandenburg and Wayne Schafer were both from the Glen Burnie Congregation one of the early days age old congregations. Their first Hall was an old quonset hut building.
Thanks for the walk down memory lane.
May 2020 Watchtower They Admit, they don't know
by Listener inthey'll write pages and pages of stuff and yet they don't have any idea.. here's a paragraph from their latest speculations on future events, bolding is mine.. a prophecy recorded by ezekiel gives some insight into what may happen during the last days of the king of the north and the king of the south.
if we view the prophecies of ezekiel 38:10-23; daniel 2:43-45; 11:44–12:1; and revelation 16:13-16, 21 as speaking about the same time period and events, it appears that we can expect the following developments.. that's an awful lot of assumptions to make.
what they've done is picked out various scriptures from different parts of the bible and now state that they may or may not be talking about the same events.
Evidently they haven't a clue, likely they are speculating again. Seems to me they have counseled again and again about wild speculations. Surely a judicial meeting is in order here.