hey that's cooler than mine! now you cut that out! LOL
JoinedPosts by badolputtytat
Create an apostate logo...
by Princess inok all you computer geeks um, geniuses.
next weekend, steve and i along with another apostate from arizona, will be riding our bikes in a two day, two hundred mile ride from seattle to portland, oregon.
i thought it would be kind of fun to have an apostate logo we could print on sticker paper and attach to our helmets and/or rider numbers to bug any dubbies who may be riding too.
Create an apostate logo...
by Princess inok all you computer geeks um, geniuses.
next weekend, steve and i along with another apostate from arizona, will be riding our bikes in a two day, two hundred mile ride from seattle to portland, oregon.
i thought it would be kind of fun to have an apostate logo we could print on sticker paper and attach to our helmets and/or rider numbers to bug any dubbies who may be riding too.
'sin the mail princess. Have a good BIRTHDAY party... hope nobody gets beheaded and all. lol... I can work on some more tonight...
I have not figured this whole picture hosting bit out.. and kinda scared to go to the strike 9... if I use it are they going to keep my picture and info there? While I would LOVE to take the credit for it... my situation calls for ... good judgement.
but I can send this stuff to anybody and you can put the picture up... MONK? anybody else who posts pictures?
Create an apostate logo...
by Princess inok all you computer geeks um, geniuses.
next weekend, steve and i along with another apostate from arizona, will be riding our bikes in a two day, two hundred mile ride from seattle to portland, oregon.
i thought it would be kind of fun to have an apostate logo we could print on sticker paper and attach to our helmets and/or rider numbers to bug any dubbies who may be riding too.
Do you have any of the following programs on your pc... powerpoint, print shop, corel draw ?
I will gladly donate the service... I have come up with a pretty neat design in about ten minutes... the graphic IS NOT original art... I found it online... as long as you aren't selling it there wont be a problem...
However... as with my clients... give me three days and I will give you three designs, if you are interested. I WOULD NOT DREAM OF CHARGING YOU A DIME, I can give you more original stuff in less than 48 hours.
I can e-mail you the one I just did, as a j-peg to open in "paint" or your browser... it is quick, thoughtless, but an example. I cannot post my e-mail on here for other reasons.. but pm me and I will hook you right up with this.
I could possibly work something out with my ad-agent, on donating their services as well, to print on t-shirts, cups, bags... etc... but the time frame you ask is too short for that. I need at least 14 days to produce these things.
Getting Dateline or BBC programs?
by drwtsn32 in.
is there any way to get the dateline program "witness for the prosecution" or the bbc program "suffer the little children"?
nope sorry, I tried... I do subscribe to BBC, and I can get the thing sent to me via snail mail... but I am sure you can get it faster elsewhere.
woops... wait.. My wife (who is with the communications industry(cable Company) thinks she may have access to it.. but it may take a day or two, they are out of the office for the holiday.... however she is from Culchester, Maybe her mom can rush it to us)
Getting Dateline or BBC programs?
by drwtsn32 in.
is there any way to get the dateline program "witness for the prosecution" or the bbc program "suffer the little children"?
Mada'am you have my respect.
Childhood Sexuality
by JH innow be honest, at what age does a person start to masturbate?
read the link and you will be surprised.
answer that question in your mind first and after, read this link below.. .
ok ya bunch o chickens... if nobody else will answer. then I will...
When I started... I was a hundred and four years old. It took me that long to convince myself that it was REALLY ok.
by Gordy ini have recently received this letter.. can anyone give any help or advice to this lady.. i have left off her address as i have not got permission to from her whether or not to pass it on.
she uses a "btopenworld" address so i presume she is in britain.. if any of you do have advice to give please write to me at: [email protected].
letter is a follows:.
From experience.... Do whatever it takes! Lie... cheat... steal... kidnapp the child and dissappear. While I would normally never suggest separating a child from a natural birth parent... in these cases it is proven that NO GOOD can come of it.
I am not familliar with the laws of your country and the age and mental health of the child is definitely a factor.... BUT you dont have a choice I am afraid... If your finances at all permit you to gain legal custody and fight this father to the end, then please do so... NOTHING good can come of this. The safety and stability of the person this child will become are now in YOUR hands.
If the child has at all reached an "age of understanding" then you MUST convince the child that the father has been mis-lead... is ill.... is dangerous. Hide the mother. Hide the child.
I was taken from the birth mother at a very young age by the father who is now an elder.... TRUST ME.... take this child and RUN. Please. Forget the law. Forget what is "right"... Think only of the safety of this child. and yes... I AM trying to frighten you... in the hopes that you will take the proper action.
JWD Cookbook - Info wanted - SIMON and others
by Lady Lee ini now have enough recipes to start putting this cookbook together.
129 recipes.
since we will be putting this on the internet with the hopes that other people besides us will buy it what do we want to say.
The last supper
So! Charles Russell (from So! Graham Norton -british television)
ooh ooh... call it: Changing Spoons, A recipe book to keep up with our rapidly changing beliefs.
Meals on wheels, for that House to House approach to fine dining
Armageddon on a stick and other Hard to Swallow Tid-Bits
Frozen Juice... and the meals we missed at the Assemblies (ok not original)
A Pasta Fest
ps. If you need a logo let me know... it is what I do
Awake! Publishes (amazing) rights of children.. as dictated by UN
by badolputtytat inwhile researching the whole political involvement thing.
i have stumbled onto an interesting little "post" in the awake!
it seems that according to the un.... jehovah's witnesses violate some basic constitutional rights of children.
While researching the whole political involvement thing. I have stumbled onto an interesting little "post" in the Awake! It seems that according to the UN.... Jehovah's Witnesses violate some basic constitutional rights of children. (I suppose depending on you look at it) Have I just been away too long... Do they now fully support this "beast"? Do they actually claim that their children have the rights that are listed below? I know as a child I certainly had some rights violated by this organization according to their own words.... How about YOU?From some of the posts I have come across (without naming names) I would say this about the most two-faced thing I have yet to find.
Direct quote(ninth paragraph, page 11, (dec. 8, 2000) " Gods kingdom will restore humans to a state of perfection, enabling them to rear children in perfect balance. (Job 33:24-26) Children will be reared in the spirit of peace and universal brotherhood, the ideal set forth in the UN Declaration of the Rights of the Child. (psalms 46:8&9) Never again will there be the need for an International Year of the Child or for a Convention on the Rights of a child."
(page 5 same magazine)
The UN Declaration of the Rights of the Child:
1. The Right to Name and Nationality
2. The right to affection, love and understanding and to the material security.
3. The right to adequate nutrition, housing, and medical services.
4. The right to special care if disabled, be physically, mentally or socially.
5.The right to be among the first to receive protection and relief in all circumstances.
6.The right to be protected against all forms of neglect, cruelty, and exploitation.
7. The right to full opportunity for play and recreation and equal opportunity to free and compulsory education, to enable the child to develop his individual abilities and to become a useful member of society.
8. The right to develop his full potential in conditions of freedom and dignity.
9. The right to be brought up in a spirit of understanding, tolerance, friendship, among peoples, peace, and universal brotherhood.
10. The right to enjoy these rights regaurdless of race, color, sex, religion, politica or other opinion, national or social origin, and property, birth, or other status.
UMMM... I want a refund on my child-hood.