Well now we really don’t know that this has happened in Mexico now, do we?.... and "we" are not GOING to know, unless "we" are willing to do some investigation OUTSIDE of what the elders deem as "permitted".
Hi Fairy,
First off, if you are going to have an effect on this guy, you will have to get him to think for himself. Using statements like..."oh, well you are not allowed to investigate that topic for yourself, so we cannot really discuss it intelligently". Don't "try too hard".... give him just enough to get curious about.
Secondly... I find that BLONDIE does a lot of hard-core research. If you go through her Post history, and read here "comments you will not hear" posts... you will find MUCH useful information. (thanx Blondie).
Best of luck.... but I hope you are doing some thorough research, before tangling with this peck. Remember... he BELIEVES in what he is saying. It is usually a waste of time to argue with them though... they have to sort of reach the point of doubt on their own.... otherwise, they are just Borg.