hell bro ......... i got a damn letter in the mail with a tract in it.......... wtf...... i should post that bastard for all to see lol....... dude even gave me his own address to correspond back to him........... hey a bunch of us should start bombarding his mailbox with GASP apostamail lol
JoinedPosts by primitivegenius
I Just Got Jehovah's Witnessed!!! Sort of.
by Priest73 inholy crap batman!
this is the first time a dub has knocked on my door since i quit attending in 1999!.
i so wanted to ask for the private study addition, but i didn't want draw attention to myself (i.e.
My Personal Proof That Elders Are Not Appointed by Holy Spirit
by TMS inthis topic is not about men living sinfully at the time of their appointment as elders.
it is not about pedophile elders, although i've personally known three, two who were pedophiles at the time of their appointment by the governing body of jehovah's witnesses.. first of all a quick summary of what jehovah's witnesses are taught about the appointment of elders and ministerial servants:.
before the visit of the circuit overseer, the local elders meet to consider who, if any, among the local congregation they will recommend as elders or .
So many wannabe elderesses drag their hubbies out into field service because of their ambitions, write their talks out, study with the kids. But that's another thread. LOL!
oh ive seen that particular scenario played out more times than id like.......... had this one elder who wasnt very smart book wise..... got appointed......... did pretty much NOTHING........ well he would be a yes man and when they had elder meetings to make decisions he would always go with the majority...... but then when that decision (blessed by holy spirit?) was the wrong one.... he would complain that he never felt it was right but he just went along with the other brothers...........
his talks were attrocious........ not because the information wasnt written out well.......... cause his wife worked them up for him.............. but rather because he had no teaching ability...
fact is she wanted to be an elderette....... and when all the other elders did better naturally than her husband did.......... she wanted to start some sort of trouble with them or their wives.
and of course husband elder was lead around by a leash......... so he did EXACTLY what she asked him to. revealing all sorts of confidential elder secrets...........
so yeah of course they are all blessed with holy spirit............ in everything they do lol YEAH RIGHT
Do you let your dub relatives watch your kids?
by avishai inthis was mentioned on another topic but it needs it's own thread.
ok, i'm gonna say it again.
if your relatives will not speak to you.... do not let them have any contact with your children, period.
gotta agree here............ they use that scripture........... would you give your son a loaf of bread or a serpent..... well ALL KNOW that jws teachings are posion........... so no there will NOT be any babysitting by jws, and no the only way that my parents or my wifes as far as that goes will EVER get their hands on my son is if they can pry my cold dead fingers off of him..........
we are even working out who to make his god parents so that they will have parental rights over my own jw relatives should something happen to me or the wife.
my son will NEVER be alone with those people.........
Warning to GPS owners-incorrect travel info-car destroyed
by worldtraveller ingood tool gone bad.
there was a lawsuit in Indiana a few years back. Seems a class A motor home owner went to the galley to get food. She was driving at the time. I guess the coach tore up a few miles of Arizona highways but no one was hurt.
She won the suit against the coach builder. The manual was not specific in that the cruise control still needed somebody up front to steer the bus.
not only did this person win their court case............ they got MILLIONS in damages. won a rassy award or something for the most ignorant lawsuit that paid off for a person........... but i heard it was an elderly man not a woman........
Concrete Reasons for Being a JW (or member of any religion)
by Mrs. Witness inhere is a question i've been wanting to ask hubby: "why do you want to be a jw?
" and i don't want ethereal answers like "they have the truth" "everlasting life" and other such nonsensical ramblings.
i am not a member of any organized religion and i don't see the appeal.. can anyone answer the question with a concrete reason?.
in the jw cult..........(i just like phraseing it that way lol) you get this wonderfull thing called self righteousness........... the cult leaders(governing body) tell you EXACTLY how to behave, think, dress, act........... and you BELIVE that will get you the reward your searching for. makes you so much better than ANYONE else in the world. who wouldnt love that........... to not have to think just read the publications and turn in that field circus report showing your 10 hours of service a month............ drive that 4 door sedan............ and make all 5 of those weekly meetings........ and god loves you...........
now if you dont do those things....... omg your gonna be bird food.............
now if you add on top of all that......... the lie that they have the "truth" or that they are the only ones that show love or any of their other propaganda(bulls***) you get the perfect religion for the weak minded who dont wanna think for themselves, and it makes those who are prehaps poor and uneducated feel SUPERIOR to EVERYONE they encounter.......... why? because they have the secrets to everlasting life and you dont wanna listen to their tripe so................. your gonna die and they are not.
also what if your a natural social reject........ or youve moved and have no friends where your at........ you can get love bombed into the cult and you think that now you have this intense loving brotherhood that will welcome you no matter what.......... with open arms......... at least untill you get baptised and then start to not measure up........ fact is most christian religions will welcome you with open arms............ and some of them will actually be good for you...... and NOT require you to give vast amounts of money to be a member.
Watching my 4 year old JW nephew today.....
by whyamihere ini have come to realize and thank whomever(maybe god...lol) for not raising my children into such a cult.. i'm sorry, he is a horrible, rotten brat from the dark pits of hell!
annoyingly screams all the time, his usual punishment is spanking(or beat as my sister calls it) - i avoid this because, 1) it's not my child.
2) spanking isn't the answer.
4 years old and he is worried about satan coming for him??!!!! at 4??! Disgraceful! jw's shouldn't be allowed to have kids. The mental abuse is torture.
well its true the wt discourages their people from having children.............. but thats just so they can spend more time slaveing away in the ministry and give all their money that woulda been spent raising said child.......... by donateing it
Affectionate Men vs Macho Men
by Thinking of Leaving ini was watching a 2004 (re-run) episode of average joe hawaii and larissa picked the handsome, muscular man over the loving, patient, understanding not so cute man.
i'm not sure if you're familiar with the show but in it this beautiful model/actress has to choose between an average joe and a good looking guy.
they started her off with 16 average looking men and eventually threw in 8 good looking ones to heat things up a bit.
yeah i saw this show........ wife loved it so i was forced to look at it.........
in the end she had one HOT guy and one nerdy guy........... who supposedly had a job with homeland security.......aka TSA........... you KNOW he was an airport screener............... ill bet you money.
the good lookin guy.......... she refered to as............ being so mysterious..... and quite.............. ITS BECAUSE HE DIDNT HAVE A SINGLE SOLITARY THOUGHT IN HIS HEAD............ that much was obvious..........
the reason she kept the nerdy guy...... who was nice........ was so she wouldnt APPEAR superficial.
one of the hot guys she let go ....... dont remember his name but he was blonde.......... she hooked back up with in the end. he was a contractor from fort lauderdale and a few months after their last show i saw them together down there.
this chick dated fabio........ and kept the nerdy guy cause she knew that was AUTOMATICLY GONNA make her look superfical. in the end she chose a guy who couldnt add up 2+2...... and who was trying to become a pilot............ WTF im gonna drive everywhere from now on.
but back to the question........... affectionate vs macho........... comes down to chemistry and personality.
i know guys who arent very good looking but who always have attractive girlfriends..... why...... cause they arnt afraid to say anything and there is something about them that catches a womans eye. but dosent matter how nice a guy is......... if there isnt any chemestry then its over.
Something that bugged me the other day.
by tnangel73 ini live in a very small town.
i hadn't been to the local mexican restaurant in quite awhile until the other day.
my mom, my son and me were .
alas i to spent my time in the janatorial trenches.............. and i ALWAYS left a tip.... now how much that tip was varied by the service i got. if my drink was kept full and they checked on my periodicly and made sure i got good food then they at least deserve a 20% and if they went above and beyond well it always depended on what i had with me but i would go beyond 25% if i could.
i guess that alot of the dubs figure why give a lowley non jw waitress any money since they are apparently gonna be eatten by birds at armageddon..................
Recovery of an Adult Convert (Excluded from Christmas)
by lonelysheep inon my previous thread, i wrote about reconnecting with my family:.
too little, too late, i sadly admit.. holidays, specifically christmas, were always special for us since we were able to all be together.
ive heard it said before.......... there are people who you will consider family.......... the ones that really matter to you.............. all the rest are just relatives............ you share dna and thats about the best thing that can be said about them.....
i think the advice about sending birthday cards out and christmas cards would be a worthwile thing to do......... but i wouldnt only buy presents for the important people. who knows what they were thinking but maybe it will make them get their heads out of their a$$es....... if not then screw em and ink them in the relative column
Time for Jokes.....Tell Us Your Favorite JW Joke!
by new boy ini like rodney dangerfielsd's .
"so i hear a knock at the door.
i open the door and there are two jehovah's witness, they look at me and both say 'they are not interested' ....i get no respect.. and .
why do jehovahs witnesses build kingdom halls without any windows?
they are trying to keep jesus out
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