does anyone know where to find a copy of mj's DA letter?
JoinedPosts by primitivegenius
...Happy Birthday "Purple Sofa"..
by OUTLAW in.
purple sofa... .
...................... ...outlaw.
happy birthday leslie, and many more....... hope you got some CAKE lol
Standing Room Only at Tulsa District Convention
by darthfader inmy parents were to attend the dc in tulsa, when they arrived, there was no parking and no seats available.
is this because there are more people in the area or fewer locations and times?.
any ideas?.
its always about control isnt it. i was forced to take my mother to see a brother from my old cong who was getting medical treatment near where i was living. lovely brother, but he had retired from onejob and had to takewhat he couldget. so what does this mean inthe jw world? the world of mostly uneducated beyond highschool and at retirement ages......... means night work and weekend work.
new district overseer comes into the picture.... bastard meets with any ms who is working any shift that cuts into their nights or weekends. tells them they are to quit that job immediately or else they will be removed.
now his bullsh*t reason for that was to see the persons attitude, if they had an aggressive attitude.... mind you who wouldnt have that sort of attitude when told that the way they put food on the table is unacceptable and that they have to quit their job......... then they need to be removed. if they respond with the kitten attitude and say that theywill try to find another job but untill theydo theycant quit this one....... then they have shown the proper godly attitude so cut them some slack.
now this being said........ the brother that was getting medical treatment....... had cancer and was likely at that moment to be TERMINAL cancer. and these MFers are trying to add to his burdens and make him quit his job.
mind you the cong had meetings on different nights and during some mornings to accomidate people who worked second shift during the week.......... all about control.
the best thing about OKC districts or Tulsa districts was when the power went out lol. at least that part of it was entertaining lol
My mothers wedding
by finding my way indear jehovah',.
thanks for letting me vent.
it's been quite sometime... i've had a baby and been moving around for months because of my husbands job (14 flights since the baby was born) and now that i have time to breathe, i need you again.. my mother and i have been on the rocks for years!
i completely understand where your coming from. i have decided that as long as my parents and sister are jws then we have nothing to say to on another and my son will be kept from them. i came over 4500 miles to visit my family and my father knew about the trip for a couple months yet he couldnt be bothered to drive 2 or 3 hours to visit. my mom says he is doing the right thing......... so although she visited that statement got her condemned to be in the same boat with him. its now all or nothing with me.
jws only want to use you, your better off without them. sucks and it hurts but that is "the truth"
its always about appearances with them, not about what jesus would have done in a situation. I was forced to endure a witness funeral once since i left and i will NOT ever do anything like it again. there is no rightousness there, no fairness or goodness. its all bout how things look and how they can pretend they are holier than thou.
best wishes in coming to terms with all this rubbish as it is a long process but i hope for the best for you and your situation. at least you have your husband and his family and they sound like they got your back. i have worldly family that is more than happy to fill my parents place.
Unbelievable!! Family member at my leasing office!
by IronHill inok...i need to vent.
i just finished writing a letter to my leasing office in regards to my own cousin.
she is a jw of course, and has lately been less than courteous with us because we are d'ad and i have honestly had enough!
in real estate....... by law you cannot be discriminated against based on sex, race, nationality, creed or RELIGION. i was speaking with a client who happened to be jewish. she wanted me to find her homes near other jews and temples. i told her that i couldnt show her houses based upon the race or relgion or nationality of her neighbors because that could be deemed as descrimination. but i did tell her i could send her some statistic websites and then she could narrow down where she wanted to be by town or neighborhood and then i could find her what she was looking for from there.
so if your cousin is descriminating against you based upon your relgion or her relgion and she is in real estate.......... she is SCREWED.
Things in the past that show you that your doubts started earlier than you thought
by sabastious ini was just talking to my wife this morning about underlining or highlighting the wt paragraphs.. when i was 13 years old i would fight with my dad because i refused to highlight the answers.. the reason was because i wanted my comment to be genuine.
i felt that highlighting the "answer" made me lean on just using that as a crutch and not truly putting it in my own words.. i still hold that argument now, and i am 26. the only reason you would ever have to highlight something in a study book would be if you needed to remember it, maybe it is fairly complicated or subtle information that could be easily forgotten.. so many times in the wt the "question" has the same phrase that's in the paragraph!
it's literally like playing connect the dots.. so what i would do is not highlight during the family study.
good point. i felt the same way in that although i did highlight i tried to give every comment in my own words, thats actually NOT what they want you to do. they want it by rote with no personality.
i have had many doubts over the years and these persisted long before i finally realized with certainty that it was all nonsense. unfortunately i did what i was programed to do..... i ignored what was in front of me and prayed and firmly decided i was supposed to WAIT ON JEHOVAH........... this added a good 10 or 15 years of slavery to my life before i was able to break out and smell the roses
Newly Exiting JW's ( Last 5 years ) How are you Doing in Life? Let Us Know
by flipper inconsidering the fact we've had so many newbies here i thought it would be good to just open it up to you folks to see how life is going for you since you exited the witnesses ?
it's hard many times to move on- however with lots of ex-witnesses on the board here who have been through similar experiences - perhaps those of us who have been out awhile can give you someideas on how to move on in your post jw life to make it a little easier .
so fire away newbies and recently exited jw 's.
like many other people life has definately been a roller coaster. I have been pretty much fully out for 5 or 6 years and you can add several years, well to be honest decades of doubt previous to that. The funny thing is jws will be quick to say that if you leave you will be like the dog returning to its vomit but i am trying to wash that vomit off me now that im not rolling in it 5 meetings a week plus conventions and field service ect ect.
the big thing for me is the fact that EVERYTHING they shoved down my throat for all of those years is a bunch of horse s***. it takes along time to sort out what lies you were told from the basic facts that are actually in the bible. I am still a christian, leaving that cult didnt scar me as far as god is concerned because i dont think god EVER hand ANYTHING to do with the wbts.
i dont know how i could be with anyone who wasnt a former jw tho because no one will ever get where you are coming from who hasnt waded knee deep in that bull. im fortunately married to someone who did what i did, who gave their all and pioneered for several years as did i. Most importantly they saw the bs for what it was and couldnt abide it regardless of how jw family reacted to their leaving. we both left, following the watchtowers advice....... get out of her lest you share in her sins.
now all i see is BS first tho. what i mean is if i go to a church i fully expect to be disapointed and am very sarcastic in my opinions about what they say or do. i try to work on it but when they say something i automaticly look at it with derision and make fun of it but then when i think about it i find that most of what they say has merit. the pastor at the church i am currently attending will go up to people in the um..... audience if you will and say that god told them to speak to them and will spout off some sort of nonsense....... see im doing it again lol and they will leave them with some sort of encouragement. instead of taking the pastor at his word im waiting for him to come and try that crap with me cause if he ever did i would know that he was full of crap cause god would know i wouldnt respond to that sort of thing lol.
it takes a while to loosen up and i have been to churches where i felt at peace and didnt do that so much. this pastor has the big hair and likes to scream..... he takes the sermon to 11 when it would have reached me better at 7 or 8. no biggie i still get good points from his sermons regardless of my skepticism.
the funny thing is my parents have (shocked look) cut me out of their lives and i though i had dealt with it pretty well. thats some bull right there lol cause you may decide what you want to happen but when it comes to a head you never have really accepted that crap.
i moved away from my folks and the jws i knew when i got married so i had it easy. i mean really with no life to speak of outside the cult its pretty easy to pick up and relocate. i moved like 24 hours away by car, then after a few years i moved about 12 hours by car. i made a trip to visit my wonderful WORLDLY family who got my back, and to introduce them to my lovely son. during this time i did come in contact with the cult members that made up my immediate family and got treated like shit so my response was to move further away again lol not on account of them mind you. i went probably 20 hours away by car.
now my father is the presiding overseer of his cong. he had no problems driving 10 to 15 hours to lousianna after katrina to help his jws...... no one who wasnt a jw mind u. or to drive 6 hours in my direction when i was only 12 hours from him to work on an assembly hall. never once saying...... hey prim want to drive half way and meet us or better yet...... screw the assembly hall i am going to drive on down to visit you. as far as he is concerned when we did visit he was forced to be around us as we drove through his town towards family that lived about 2 or 3 hours past him. we stopped and said hi for about half an hour or so and then moved on..... stayed with worldly family for 2 weeks. guess what, he never drove up us only being 3 hours away.
so what happens next......... opportunities to move abroad. now i am about 4500 miles from them. had to come back to visit my worldly family and to get my work visa. did i bother to come visit him......... what would be the point of that. again right on two weeks only 3 hours from him..... some of which we were only 2 hours from him.......... no response. now my mom and sister came around and i was giving them credit...... that is untill they justified his actions and said he was doing the right thing.
so what would u do in that situation............. i came there and let them be all fake, pretending to be grandparent of the year in front of worldly family, that happend to know EXACTLY what kind of parents mine were being. i wouldnt have made an issue of any contact they had because my son is worth more than that and he deserved the chance to be made over. when my mom said my dad was doing the right thing by not once coming to visit us the words just started rolling around in my head.
now she is a cowardly bitch....... the reason i say that is because she waited untill she was going to leave to tell me my dad was doing the right thing. i respect honesty, and conviction. if my parents came to me and said they were sorry but they couldnt have anything to do with me because they firmly belived that what they were doing was from god...... I CAN HANDLE THAT. wont like it but i would even respect that.
now you ask why the hell would i respect that? because it meant that they had principles, and even tho they were full on out of whack and WRONG at least they were standing up for what they belived. I stood up for myself by leaving that cult when i realized what it was, and it wasnt easy. instead these punks wont come out and defend themselves before family or friends and 100% of the time take the cowards way out.
why is that..... its because deep down they know its a bunch of horse crap. jesus would never ask them to do any of it and they want to be perceived as being christian and doing the right thing. there is no way that what they are doing could be explained satisfactorily to normal reasonably intelligent people.
so at that point i lost all respect for my mom, i actually thought she might be thawing but she is still the ice queen and i made a decision at that point. i was no longer going to be their whipping boy, and due to their actions on numerous occasions i was no longer going to be giving them any sort of access to myself or my son. if i ever come in contact with them again, i will simply ask them if they were still jws and if they say yes then im out of there in a flash.
now i had the opportunity to destroy them in front of my mothers family, and i honestly thought about it but there are several family members who are in poor health that wouldnt react well to it. especially since they had lost a son to a car accident........ they wouldnt want to know that my parents threw one away. i was going to ask where my father was..... and then force them to explain to everyone there why my dad couldnt drive 2 hours to see me after i flew 4500 miles. to answer why they wouldnt eat with me and explain it in detail. all because of what? the fact that i no longer go to the same church they do. not due to the fact that i was selling drugs or was a pediaphile or any sort of bad thing like that, simply because i no longer belived in their bull and attended OTHER churches.
this was a long story and probably not quite what was intended lol but the fact is..... you can THINK you have dealt with shit and that its behind you, then one asshole can bring down those walls and leave you freshly scarred all over again. honestly im glad my dad didnt come to see us because after my mom justified it to me i cant say how i would have reacted. right now i want to beat the ever living crap out of him, but deep down i know its his loss. i keep thinking that in 10 or 20 years he will get his head out of his ass and then be full of regret cause this time cannot be made up. i also dont belive in bullcrap so my son will know EXACTLY why we have nothing to do with my parents.
now this was a big negative..........(understatement of the year) but i have had alot of positive on this roller coaster to offset this muck. i have the best son in all of creation past and present, who will not be raised in a cult. i love my wife and i have real family that loves me unconditionally and who are more than willing to take up my parents slack.
out of the mouth of babes...... when my mother came to see us she brought her mother and i was in my fathers mothers house. now my dads mom is technically a jw but she would NEVER reject any member of her family for any reason so she gets a jw exemption from me lol. i tell my son......... go hug grandma....... he ignores my mom and her mom and runs to hug my grandma lol. i was like............ truer words were never spoken. then he went to hug my other grandma and was FINISHED. i think he would have gone on to aunts if i would have asked him to keep on hugging lol.
to end it all on a positive note tho. if you are coming out of the cult depending upon who you are and your circumstances you have a widely varying road ahead of you. my first peice of advice is to pretend that any word that has ever come out of a cultmembers mouth was total bullshit. dont beleive a single solitary word untill you can prove its true on your own.
there is life outside of the cult, worldly people are not all evil....... sure some are...... guess what........ so are some elders and circuit, district overseers. god dosent require you to go to 5 meetings a week and try to earn salvation through 10 hours and 2 magazines with .5 bible studies a month. dont blame everything on god........... cause he never had anything to do with that cult. it takes time and understanding people to help you through it but life is good beyond the clutches of that cult.
Got a JW Tract on the Toilet Paper Holder at Wal-Mart- JW's Have No Shame
by flipper inunbelievable.
we don't even get peace in the inner sanctuary of a restroom anymore.
is it me - or are we seeing these crazed magazines just anywhere and everywhere these days ??
hey yall they dont call them "back issues"for nothing lol.
My brothers wedding...
by IronHill today.
he stated to me that he really wanted me to attend the ceremony, so me and lorijis will be attending the ceremony this evening.
i dont know if we'll be ready for all of the shunning that will occur, but i want to be there and so does he.. the funny thing is we never received an invitation or anything to let us know about the wedding.
tell him you will pay for the cake on one condition..... ITS DEVILSFOOD CAKE lol
Theocratic sleeping: have you seen anyone asleep at the KH? Or done it yourself?
by highdose ini must admit have done the whole nodding thing and even once at an assembly fell asleep on a brothers shoulder... shame he wasn't cute!.
EVERYONE falls asleep. its inevitable. they say that repetition drives the point home............. bull i say that they have nothing new to bring to the table untill someone suddenly invents (pulls out of their ass)''NEW LIGHT".
in fact i used to purposefully LOOK for seats that were against the wall at conventions just so WHEN i fell asleep i could lean back and maybe fake it. lol