Couldn't agree more with Joe. I'm also a never-in (a close relative converted some years back so I use this site to keep up with JW developments in the hope that I can one day persuade them of the errror of their ways).
The vast majority of people have no knowledge of Witnesses beyond the fact that they knock on your door about once every three years. They don't know their beliefs, history or governance and have zero interest in finding out. If they stop going door to door then their profile will drop even lower. Any idea that people might choose to look at of their own accord is ridiculous in the extreme.
While it's good to see some mainstream media having a laugh at AM3's tight trouser issues, it's ultimately an irrelevance what the external world says. This at most confirms their view that the JWs are part of a minor crackpot sect that they can safely ignore. (Pantsgate is far more valuable internally as it has the potential to sow seeds of doubt in Witnesses's minds about the quality of their supposedly divinely inspired leadership.)
I can never really get my mind around why Witnesses are so convinced that their beliefs are right - if it's all so compelling then why does almost everyone ignore the message? Still, that's cults for you I guess.