Firstly, Thank you Atlantis. Really appreciate your work. PIMO I am and find these 'secret' things
most interesting.
@JW GoneBad.
That is what I thought also, however the jws see their big fella as 'IT'.
Evangelizer (10 occurrences)
The Greek eu·ag·ge·li·stesʹ (evangelizer) is closely related to the word eu·ag·geʹli·on, “good news” or “gospel.” (See GOOD NEWS; also Na 1:15, ftn; Mt 4:23, ftn.) ... Jehovah is the Great Evangelizer, or Bringer of good news.
it-1 pp. 770-771 - Insight, Volume 1
10 If there was no creation of man and woman in the garden of Eden and the Great God of the universe, Jehovah, had nothing to do with putting man here, then there was no sin to be taken away by the second Adam, Jesus Christ. ... He was a great Christian evangelizer, a man of faith who said: “For, indeed, Christ, while we were yet weak, died for ungodly men at the appointed time.” (Rom. 5:6)
w67 1/1 pp. 13-21 - The Watchtower—1967
(Bold highlight by me)
So, as i read it jesus is the great christian evangelizer. Mmm Notice the 'interesting use of high and lower case letters?