As long as the wider society, including the courts, has it's head up its backside, the WTS will continue to get away with their despicable acts, in the full knowledge that nobody gives a rat's whisker what they do to their members and just how destructive they can be. This charade of hair-splitting between what's legal and moral, hosted and encouraged by the US legal system without due regards to the measurable damages that the WTS inflicts, is simply ludicrous and clearly highlights an area where the government has failed in its primary duty of protecting the citizenry. Please let no one take this as an attack on the US or its legal system as I am sure the US has uncountable things to boast and about, and rightly so. Unfortunately, this apparent lapse in the Conti case is not one that the US can boast about.
Is this the government's way of saying that anyone joining any religious group is basically out there on their own and does so at their own peril ?! Of course, that was a dumb a question since the government has zero interest in religion and cares even less what happens to anyone involved in religion especially those fringe ones such as the WTS.
The American law, as I understand it, allows the creepy WTS to snake its way under the bar on the grounds that spiritual matters are not justiciable in American courts...even when the effects of membership are evident and quantifiable ?! I am begging any law expert to help me out on this !
I live in the UK and would agree with anyone that it is far from being a perfect society, but this Conti case is one that could have left the WTS wondering what hit it if the case had been heard in a UK court !