In my wanderings around the net I have discovered some very interesting things. This particular piece is based on a training session for colporteurs during the Believers in the Atonement Sacrifice of Christ Convention held in Ashbury Park New Jersey July 22-29, 1906.
I will bold some of their comments that I found interesting and will add my comments in red
Those Intending to Enter the Work
Do not think it is a flowery bed of ease; the Lord is not going to carry us to heaven that way. And of course the more active you become in the Lord’s service, the more will the adversary persecute you. We will also require to take the "two bears" along with us, that Bro. Russell spoke about. Before I ever knew anything about the truth, I said that before you see me selling books, you will see me stealing. I do not have any pleasure in going up to houses to sell books and it is not because I have a liking for selling books that I am in the service. If it was not for the truth I would sell my books to the paper man and go into some other business. The Lord’s promise is that He will be with those that serve Him, and they will be among those that will reign with Him.
Yup sell books. They were a little more honest about what they were doing - at least with each other
One of the most important things for the colporteur to remember is to put feeling into his work, put your whole soul into it. You must not forget that part of it, for you cannot make others believe something you tell them if you do not act, as though you believed it.
That term "whole-souled" come to mind
A great many have thought—well, I cannot use anyone else’s method, I must use my own. But you have learned something along other lines and none of us are too old to learn something more. It may be a little hard, but we would not expect you to copy one’s demeanor. We must be as natural as possible, but that does not hinder us from learning a new method that has proven successful.
This struck me as odd. Basically do it our way even though it might not feel comfortable. Nothing like conformity. I thought this didn't start until after Rutherford took over but the seeds during Russell's presidency is very clear.
A certain set of rules or principles are always carried out in every sale of books, whether we realize it at the time or not. My thought in presenting the work is to bring up thoughts in their minds and I usually do it by suggesting two questions, arousing their curiosity, but leaving the questions unanswered. I suggest the question as to why God permits evil, after explaining it some, and say, you know this is a large subject and you would not expect me to tell all about it, and I would only make a botch of it in comparison with this book. The thought is to magnify the question, as Jesus magnified the law. Everyone knows that evil is in the world. Build on that thought as much as possible. God has power to prevent such things and why is it that he does not? Make that point just as clear and strong as possible. The other question is in regard to God’s provision for the heathen.
Well nothing like calling your "audience" a heathen. So even at this time, way before Rutherford showed up, there is a clear "us vs. them" thinking
One of the first things in canvassing is to hide your book. I never let it appear to people that I am a book agent. I carry my book in a little bag pinned to my shoulder, under my coat. (There is a sister who will supply these bags for the colporteurs if you write to the Bible House.) Set yourself right in the eyes of the people to begin with. If they see your book they will have a bad impression right away. It is unjust to ourselves to make a bad impression at the start. Do not feel that you are bothering the people, for we take only about four minutes of their time, and we are bringing what should be a great blessing to them. If you can not sell a book quickly you are not likely to sell it at all. There are certain things that must be done in every case before you can sell to a person, namely: arouse curiosity, you will thus gain attention, and then arouse interest, which in turn will create a desire, if properly handled. These points are dwelt upon at length in the "Hints to Colporteurs," which can be had from the Bible House, and which I would recommend that you all study carefully. Be smiling, kind, etc. Be over polite, or more than etiquette would demand. If you get half a chance to thank a person for something, do it. Make it a matter of principle and the people will realize that there is something back of it, that you are a Christian.
Yup sell those books. I haven't found a link to "Hints to Colporteurs" but one of the lists titles them as "Suggestive Hints to Colporteurs"
Q. About the bags?
A. A sister in Allegheny will make these bags—write the Bible House about the matter. Some of the sisters fasten the book on the back of their purse or shopping bag.
Q. Do you try to get the names of the people in advance?
A. I have never cared to do so. One thing I do however, is to find out if they are Protestant or Catholic. For three years I made no distinction, but after working in some places where Catholics were very thick, I soon got tired of it. If we do not put the book into people’s hands, we do not reap the wheat, so I believe in working and spending my time where the most can be accomplished in the same length of time. I find that Catholics who get into the truth, usually get out of that church first and then get the truth. Since I left them alone, I have doubled my sales, for I could spend my time where it would do more good and I feel justified in doing so. I inquired three or four doors ahead, so that if the people at the next door should not be at home, the others would be. I ask them if they are Protestants, even if I know they are.
So who they are isn't important. Whether you can make the sale is the important thing. Forget that there might actually be Catholics who will listen. Go where the quick sale is easiest.
Q. Is it best to remain or go into the room if they invite you?
A. In the summer-time, especially, I do not go in. I tell them I do not want to be in their way, etc., or sometimes step just inside the vestibule. If it were a tony neighborhood I might go inside. Perhaps with sisters it would be better for them to go in.
Q. Is it best to call on their pastor first or last?
A. In the cities I never call on them at all. The 5c Tower has been sent to every English speaking minister in the world, so they know about it. I keep clear of the preachers, you endanger your orders otherwise. You might call on them in the country towns if you felt so disposed.
No point in alerting anyone that you are selling in their area
Q. Do you canvas for the three books? (they are talking about selling the first three books of Studies in the Scriptures?)
A. Yes.
Q. How do you drop down to one book?
A. After I have presented the three books and do not get their order, I say something like this: (they may remark that they cannot afford to buy the book) well, now, we often do like this, this first volume is a complete work and all the subjects that I have mentioned are treated in this volume. We often bring just the one volume, and many say that just one of those subjects is worth 35c. After reading this, if you desire to get the others, you can send to the Bible Society and get them. Your neighbor, Mrs. So & So, is doing that way. Where they say they have books treating on those subjects, you know that that is pretty near not true. Usually they are not the ones you can sell to anyway.
So if they won't buy the 3 books try to get them on just one even if you tell them what other people have bought
Q.What would you do if you were presenting the Studies in Scripture and you saw they had the Millennial Dawn books?
A. I would try to sell the books anyway, because we know it is only prejudice they have.
Now this is bizzare. The Studies series is the same as the Millenial Dawn series. As far as I have seen it is the same book with a different title. To make matters worse, try to sell your books even if they have the other set
Q. How would you answer if they were to ask you—"Is this the same as Millennial Dawn?"
A. I would try to evade the question by asking them—"What does Millennial Dawn teach?" They would doubtless say it taught this and that, etc., which we would know it does not teach. You could then say: "this work does not teach anything like that."
WOW Evade the question and if asked directly LIE
Q. Do you ever refer to the Chart of the Ages?
A. I very seldom do and for this reason: —When you open up the chart, there is something like this running through their minds: There are so many marks, etc., that must be for a minister or student, I could never make much out of it. It depends upon how intelligent she is whether it is safe to show the chart. If you do show the chart you can say: You have often heard how the Bible contradicts itself; and, of course, they will agree with you. Then say, here is a little chart that clearly explains the Bible and shows that it does not contradict, but this is an illustration of God’s plan of salvation as found in the Scriptures. Give a little chart talk and show her how to rightly divide the word of truth.
Q. About how many volumes do you sell per day?
A. That depends upon the territory and how long I work each day. I usually work about 8 hours and I think my average would be 30 volumes.
Q. Do you ever try to sell the six books?
A. No, I very seldom do, it depends whether the person is hungering for the truth. You often spoil the sale of three books while trying to sell the six.
Don't overwhelm them with the books. Selling 3 is easier than trying to sell 6 so go for the smaller sale
Q. How about delivering three months after your order was taken?
A. That would depend upon the person and why it was. I try to get the orders as near as possible. I sometimes take an order for delivery two months later, but seldom more. I usually try to deliver on the following Monday. If I cannot get them on the three volumes or the first volume, I say: I see you are interested in the books anyway and our Society has published this same work in pamphlet form which we supply for only 10c. They often tell me to bring the good binding.
Well well well. This same tactic is still used. if you can't get them to buy one thing make sure to have something cheaper just so you sell something
Q. Do you take trades for books?
A. Yes, if I can take it out in groceries or furnishing goods.
Q. Do you loan books?
A. Yes.
Q. Do you ever sell on credit?
A. No.
Q. When working an aristocratic section, if the servant comes to the door and the lady of the house will not come down, what do you do?
A. My advice is to go where the books are desired.
Don't bother with trying to sell to a servant
Q. Do you always sell the set for 98c?
A. Yes, a dollar sounds pretty big.
a true marketing ploy
Q. What explanation for selling the books so cheap?
A. The books have been so much appreciated that the Bible Society has made a specialty of them and the work is not a money making scheme. The circulation is so large and so many have become interested in the Bible through reading the books that they voluntarily contribute to the Society’s expenses. We, too, have been so helped by the books that we are doing this work wholly from the deep interest we have in it as a Christian work. Talk in a low tone, as it is more reverential and more in keeping with your work. I emphasize what I am speaking about, as much as possible, and I put lots of earnestness into the work.
still the same song. And we can't appear to be fanatical so behanve in a proper manner
Q. What do you say if they ask you what church you belong to?
A. This is an undenominational work, we are connected with a Bible Society whose works are for all Christians. It does not matter much what church you belong to if your name is written in heaven.
I remember being taught to avoid saying I was a JW if at all possible
Q. If they say, I have always been a Presbyterian and do not read anything but Presbyterian books?
A. I tell them that I find Christians in all churches.
Q. How about entering saloons?
A. I do not think it advisable. It is apt to bring reproach upon the truth. We are looking for wheat and are not likely to find any in the saloons.
Of course no reproach can ever be brought upon the truth. And there could never ever be someone there that might need some spiritual support