I got judged for having "long hair", long by JW standards, longer than the average JW. I would be told to go get a haircut, or sometimes made fun of. One time in field service, the Elder's wife started questioning my hair and my brother's, telling is it was long. She started to make fun of us cause of that, cause we didn't get it cut once a month and didn't want to get it cut at that moment when a kid in our group went to get get his in the middle of field service. Then a few other congregation membera joined her. Not the first time I had my "long hair" caused an issue. Nowadays I keep it shorter for my own reasons, not because of them. But it was still embarrassing and not fun when that happened.
Ironically, I wore a stubble for a few months and no one said anything, except my mother who kept nagging me about it. I still got to do the microphones a few times too. The new congregation I go to didn't say anything about it, at least to me.