I think you made a good argument, in a loving but logical way. I hope one day the blinkers will come off. Thank god for the internet and that info is available to ones who need to research all the WT bs.
Take care of you & yours, QCF
we and our unbaptised children have now been cut off by our last jw family members.
cowardly email at the bottom and my response just below.
sorry it's rambling and probably not the best thing to send, but we are upset and angry.
I think you made a good argument, in a loving but logical way. I hope one day the blinkers will come off. Thank god for the internet and that info is available to ones who need to research all the WT bs.
Take care of you & yours, QCF
have you seen the jw child who grows up to be the ideal product of the cult from its point of view, and presumably from its indoctrinated parent's point of view?.
that young person is a weirdo !!!.
i can think of a number like this, still a minority fortunately, in that most of the ones i watched grow up either left or did not embrace the thing anywhere near 100%.. but those one-hundred-percenter kids are something to behold !.
Tell you what I like Phizzy, is that I no longer have to converse with these "weirdo's". I mean, do you strike up a conversation with the nutter on the bus? Exactly.....
I have peeled my pants.again.
my friend who was a nurse came across quite a lot deaths in the uk.how many go unreported?
My friend who was a nurse came across quite a lot deaths in the UK.How many go unreported??
my friend was slagging off one of my other friends saying they have been known to say apotate things.
she does apostate things herself without realising it.
she meant well because she fears the word apostate as i once did, but she openly says to me my jc was lacking in holy spirit.. she doesn't have a clue what apostacy really is she just wants me not to mix with ones who have been known said "apostate things".
My hubs input is; if you got an average couple of j dub elders on the ministry and they met with a real theologian, the dubs would be mincemeat.something worth seeing one day.window cleaning little know jack Sh=t about f()k all. Sorry x
my friend was slagging off one of my other friends saying they have been known to say apotate things.
she does apostate things herself without realising it.
she meant well because she fears the word apostate as i once did, but she openly says to me my jc was lacking in holy spirit.. she doesn't have a clue what apostacy really is she just wants me not to mix with ones who have been known said "apostate things".
Thanks Kate. If the GB really believe they are God's organization, why don't they challenge these apostates on a level playing field??oh, I know.it's because it's not the bloody truth.the truth hurts, eh boys??
i skipped 26 in the "bible (not)" study but heres the rest:.
27 how to use the kingdom hall library.
if you are enrolled in the school, you may be able to make good use of the kingdom hall library when preparing your assignments.
I can almost smell it.the unique smell of regurgitated b##lshit.
my friend was slagging off one of my other friends saying they have been known to say apotate things.
she does apostate things herself without realising it.
she meant well because she fears the word apostate as i once did, but she openly says to me my jc was lacking in holy spirit.. she doesn't have a clue what apostacy really is she just wants me not to mix with ones who have been known said "apostate things".
I hate that "dog & vomit" thing, it's totally uncalled for.
I think maybe most JW's just bandy the word about because it's said so much (drilled into more like) at the KH's and Arssemblies!!! It's a kind of bogey man type of word. I agree with Kate, it makes it scary. That's what they want. It took me a lot of balls to finally log on to this site after Googling it for months and it did'nt take long for me to realise what a stooooopid word it actually is.
It's like a word maybe like, spider....,some people who have aracnaphobia are freaked out JUST by the word. The GB have made an excellent job of "demonizing" (no pun intended) this word. The GB have very good spin doctors, if you want to put it in a political sense.
The snakes.
i am going to have a moan, sorry chaps!!!
there was this sister who works in a local store.
before i da'd, she always used to chat to me at the store when she was working.
Hey Sam! I've been accused of many things but never a *ss kisser!!! I should be free that day. It's pretty simple for me to get into the city. I will PM my mobile number, not on FB sorry.
You looked great on New Year's Eve btw. You look great when you smile!!!! Don't do much of that when you're in the KH, eh??? Looked like a lovely evening. Glad you had a nice evening.
p.s; I'm not trying to chat you up!!! Or lurk.... HA HA.
Have a great weekend, love
Too many bowls of loud mouth soup and 5 pints of noggin.