Howdy Avi-
Yes, I plan to go this year. Been wanting to go for years, this is the year.
cheap tickets go on sale in early jan., the event is'nt 'til august, i've tried to arrange meetups, but always at the 11th hour.
here's the site,
also, you can get low income "scholarships".
Howdy Avi-
Yes, I plan to go this year. Been wanting to go for years, this is the year.
from andrew at ward g2 hamilton.
it's so nice to know i've got supportive friends out there i haven't met yet.
you may be inspiration for my next motorcycle trip.
Abandoned - Ditto!
1139 - Regards to Andrew.
now, there are so many from which to choose...where is one to start?.
well, since i'm an old-timer, i must by default cast my vote for clayton j. woodworth, that inspired author and editor of the golden age who single-handedly warned the world about the dangers of aluminum cookware and vaccinations, among so many other things.. only once in a generation comes along a man with such inspired insights as to baffle the minds of mere ordinary humans..
I would have voted for da judge, but after having interviewed on multiple occasions Fred Franz's former secretary at Bethel (for a play in progress - way down on the stack) I give my vote to Freddy Franz. One crazy coot! This man spun so much, one could mistake him for a whirling dervish Sufi master. The mouthpiece of Jehovah had gone mad long before he died.
we often hear about a so-called 'world wide brotherhood'.
is this possibly true?.
if i were to make a trip somewhere going near where you live and contacted you, would you invite me for a meal or a nights stay without really knowing me except for my internet postings?.
if you have firefox browser, you may have to relax some noscript settings to watch this 4 minute video.
len miller .
Excellent video! People would laugh when I told them I wore baseball cleats in hotel rooms. Not so funny any longer. The cure for city hotel infested bed bugs - sleep with the lights on. Summer time in Atlanta, and even a room in the Hyatt or Hilton, is not a guarantee that one will leave unscathed.
one of the ot laws is to not boil a young goat in it's mother's milk, and eat it.
would that be the same as eating egg noodles in chicken soup?
just wondering.
It was a Canaanite fertility rite; they would smear the fields with the substance in hopes of an excellent crop.
police attack protesters with mace, tazers to keep them out of city hall: .
council to vote on demolishing 5000 affordable homes .
thursday december 19, 2007 .
Obviously America - Babylon the Great, has problems. It's wonderful to see its citizens (like mkr) so understanding. Obviously a merciful and contrite bunch.
from about 10 am (south african time) tomorrow - i won't be on the forum....for 2 weeks, i am going to miss this place!!!!
there have been some fantastic topics, getting to know a few on here a little better.
if i get to me mums' laptop i may pop in for a post or two.. i don't have a pee cee at home (i have refused to buy one because i'd sit on it 24/7).. so to all who do the vigil - i will be with you each tuesday praying for strength and wellness for each of you.. i wish you all an excellent christmas and new year - have an absolute blast..
Merry Xmas! Peace, health, and happiness.
looseend - PBR? A good choice. It was either that, or Pickwick Ale. Sucker had been fermenting the entire time of the building project. Little Colt 45 here, some Carling there, and a big batch of Strohs by the stern. "I don't need the pagan Bass Ale, I have a good stash of Pickwick. Better stay by the ark and avoid the pagans and town elders. Good thing one of the Nephilim's kids can do plant genetics, they can brew anything downtown."
it's amazing what you can do on the internet:
To think ... I sent J.R. letters (C.O. then) when I was having a problem with prophecy (false). A donkey suit would be a second to the elf attire. The Hitler elf probably is the making of a "hate crime" charge somewhere. In actuality, espousing WTS literature should demand a "hate crime" penalty.