Young "elder" is an oxymoron.
JoinedPosts by Gentledawn
Where are the Young Elders?
by James Jack ini was appointed as an elder when i turned 30, 25 years ago.
which was the norm back then.. now, i very rarely here of a young man becoming an elder.
in our town we have 2 english congregations.
"We Already Forgive Him" - What Does That Mean?
by cofty inthe children of one of yesterday's shooting have told the media that they have already forgiven the killer for what he did.. dylaan roof has not apologised for what he did.
he hates black people and probably regrets not killing even more.. what does it really mean to forgive?.
if the legal system asked the victims relatives what they want done next would they ask for dylaan to go free and unpunished?.
They're in shock.
Guns. Well said Mr President, if only your countrymen had the same courage to consider changing course.
by nicolaou inive had to make statements like this too many times.
communities like this have had to endure tragedies like this too many times.
once again, communities [were harmed] because someone who wanted to inflict harm had no problem getting their hands on a gun.. lets be clear: at some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries.
The problem is that people (murderer) are not made liable in all these debates. Personal responsibility and all that comes with it.
Insurance? The last thing we need is to pay yet another mandated tax that goes directly to private corporations.
All life is valuable. The same people "tsk tsk"-ing at a civilian murderer for using a gun--- and then only blaming the GUN--- should also have to explain:
- drone usage, murders
- random police violence, including acquttals for outrageous wrongdoing (ex. flashbang grenade tossed into a child's crib? Good call, no charges for the cops)
- "civil forfeiture", when cash is grabbed and "accused" of committing a crime, even when its owner (aka the person being robbed outright by police officers) is not.
- citizens united, which gave corporations human rights. Now they can pour money into any campaign, effectively buying all politicians who accept it.From what I've read in the news today, the recent shooter was looping on drugs. True or false? And how much did that effect his judgment?
"Suboxone is a drug used to treat opioid dependence. According to the US Food and Drug Administration, one side effect of the medicine is mood swings. It has been connected with sudden outbursts of aggression"
And what about the NSA spy program? If it's there to "keep us safe", then why don't these shooters and bombers (Boston) ever get caught ahead of time?
A lot of questions out there. Gun usage (and how the murderer came to be in possession of one) is only one of them.
Guns. Well said Mr President, if only your countrymen had the same courage to consider changing course.
by nicolaou inive had to make statements like this too many times.
communities like this have had to endure tragedies like this too many times.
once again, communities [were harmed] because someone who wanted to inflict harm had no problem getting their hands on a gun.. lets be clear: at some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries.
The original video I used to share got pulled down, but found another copy uploaded on to youtube.
This is what it took to create a rifled barrel long gun way back in colonial times. The video is an hour long, but shows how much effort and resources it took to create a single rifle.
Colonial Gunsmith: "Gunsmith of Williamsburg, with Wallace Gusler, Master Gunsmith"
rifle = cut spirals inside the barrel, spins the projectile, giving better accuracy especially at long distances.
smooth-bore = not rifling, not as accurate at long distances. -
Guns. Well said Mr President, if only your countrymen had the same courage to consider changing course.
by nicolaou inive had to make statements like this too many times.
communities like this have had to endure tragedies like this too many times.
once again, communities [were harmed] because someone who wanted to inflict harm had no problem getting their hands on a gun.. lets be clear: at some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries.
Didn't read through every page, so here goes:
Why is it always about guns? What about the medications/drugs he was on?
Much existential fear existed during that era.
England ruled the Americas with an iron fist. "Taxation without representation", etc, etc. They wanted the colonies to cough up all of their guns... in a fucking country (North America) comprised almost entirely of wilderness. The British required the colonists to house their soldiers in people's homes, effectively displacing the families. They ate their respective larders and did not replace in any way whatsoever, saying it was their 'duty' to put up and feed the British men they involuntarily were housing.
It wasn't all quaint between the colonists and their rulers, and all "oh pardon us, but we'd rather have this place as our own country, thanks anyway". The colonies were a resource and a cash cow, with little regard as to what it actually took to survive. Let alone housing scads of extra people in your home, who broke your shit, ate all your stores, and walked away whilst effectively flipping you the bird as to how you and yours were to survive the dreadful winters here. It's not like walmart and mega-sized grocery/hardware stores existed back then.
(in regard to cops shooting a family dog)
"It's high time an insurgency did spring up in the U.S."
Funny how violence from cops, drone bombs constantly dropping in places like Yemen, executions without trials (drones again), and all manner of shit is A-okay if the government and police are the ones doing it.
But some kid whose mind is twirling from being overly medicated/drugged, and looping on thoughts that only make sense when completely removed from human empathy? Yeah, guns. That's the answer. The only answer. Always.
No no No No NO! Jehovah's Witnesses are NOT COOL NOW!
by TerryWalstrom inthey obviously know it.. in the last few years, a more modern, hip, and cool image for their brand has been foisted on the public at large..
(sidebar: a group of us witnesses, when i was a teen, were sternly lectured by a circuit servant about how wrong it was to refer to ourselves as jw's.want to know why?
he said, "reducing jehovah's name to mere letters of an alphabet is blasphemy!
No no No No NO! Jehovah's Witnesses are NOT COOL NOW!
Oh, yeah?
"Published on July 10, 2014
RMC - Conyers Assembly Hall Tour for the 2014 International Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses in Atlanta. Our Russian Brothers and Sisters were having a great time dancing but it was not in the frame of the stationary camera." -
TERRY EXPLAINS JAZZ (to those who hate jazz)
by TerryWalstrom interry explains jazz (to those who hate jazz)_______________________________.
there are too many reasons to cite.
suffice to say, we all know annoying people.. we don't become a hermit because of a few annoying people.
There are jazz elements in Doors music, Pink Floyd too
Agreed. Check out "same old song and dance" by Aerosmith with that thought in mind
Why are demons so easy to make friends with?
by GodZoo inone thing i have been wondering lately regarding a teaching of the org (and other christians) regarding demons... why is it they so easy to contact, make friends with and have them full on involved in your life on an almost immediate and daily basis?.
why is it you can pray to god, jesus, angels, whoever, during an entire lifetime of offering them loyal devoted and unswerving service yet not one time in say 50 years of this lifestyle will you ever get a response, hear a peep, see even a wisp of a vision or even get the faintest hint of unquestionable interaction from god..?.
yet on the other hand demons are ready and willing to engage and befriend you in a heartbeat, touch you, talk to you, even molest you in your bed at night, give you gifts, talents, charm and worldly success simply after buying an old mirror, a bit of tatty furniture or a dishevelled book from some dusty old second hand goods store, or simply watching a scary movie or listening to a sexy rock song... .
Ouija boards, too. Every damned one of 'em is allegedly infested with at least one demon.
And yet "God" can't be arsed to save people from tsunami flooding?or anything else for that matter?
Stephen Fry on God:
TERRY EXPLAINS JAZZ (to those who hate jazz)
by TerryWalstrom interry explains jazz (to those who hate jazz)_______________________________.
there are too many reasons to cite.
suffice to say, we all know annoying people.. we don't become a hermit because of a few annoying people.
George Cables - Helen's song (My Muse)
Might be hard to believe, but the Charlie Brown Christmas special will turn 50 years old this year (December 9th, 1965). Mentioning this because I linked the holiday sound track in a previous reply in this thread.
"Great Pumpkin Waltz" ("It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" c. 1966)
TERRY EXPLAINS JAZZ (to those who hate jazz)
by TerryWalstrom interry explains jazz (to those who hate jazz)_______________________________.
there are too many reasons to cite.
suffice to say, we all know annoying people.. we don't become a hermit because of a few annoying people.
A few of mu faves:
Dave Brubeck - Take Five (Live performance. Song is originally off the "Time Out" LP, c. 1959)
Vince Guaraldi Trio - A Charlie Brown Christmas (Full Album)
Tank! Cowboy Bebop (Full version)