The problem is that people (murderer) are not made liable in all these debates. Personal responsibility and all that comes with it.
Insurance? The last thing we need is to pay yet another mandated tax that goes directly to private corporations.
All life is valuable. The same people "tsk tsk"-ing at a civilian murderer for using a gun--- and then only blaming the GUN--- should also have to explain:
- drone usage, murders
- random police violence, including acquttals for outrageous wrongdoing (ex. flashbang grenade tossed into a child's crib? Good call, no charges for the cops)
- "civil forfeiture", when cash is grabbed and "accused" of committing a crime, even when its owner (aka the person being robbed outright by police officers) is not.
- citizens united, which gave corporations human rights. Now they can pour money into any campaign, effectively buying all politicians who accept it.
From what I've read in the news today, the recent shooter was looping on drugs. True or false? And how much did that effect his judgment?
"Suboxone is a drug used to treat opioid dependence. According to the US Food and Drug Administration, one side effect of the medicine is mood swings. It has been connected with sudden outbursts of aggression"
And what about the NSA spy program? If it's there to "keep us safe", then why don't these shooters and bombers (Boston) ever get caught ahead of time?
A lot of questions out there. Gun usage (and how the murderer came to be in possession of one) is only one of them.