Clearly you haven't read a damn thing. Or you have and your ability to make congitive, rational decisions is broken.
Gentle Dawn illustrates my point. Don't bother to do a bit of research, just make hysterical statements and accusations. An hour of research on this topic would or should have stopped most of these types of comments. Geesh. Enough already. Try not to enter any debate, team, unless you know what you are talking about. And if you don't know what you are talking about (i.e., The Rev), stay out of it. And when you do enter a debate, stick to one thing: the facts.
I wouldn't have done what he did. I believe child mostesters are horrific people and should be dealt with accordingly. But I would like the legal process to decide. Not jaundiced closed minded judgmental idiots.
Attacking other commenters in this thread does nothing to advance discussion (see: ad hominem fallacy -
My points in the previous reply are valid, noted and researched. That whole stanford "prison guards, inmates" experiment all those decades ago backs up my premise: people in power will rule over the ones underneath them, and will abuse it.
It's a known FACT.
DJS, you're acting belligerent and verbally abusive. And quite frankly, I don't appreciate it at all.