If he likes young ADULT females that is nobody's business. Not yours. Not mine. Not the worlds. It is not illegal, nor immoral. Get over it. Or not. Your ignorance helps my case.
The age difference isn't the point. The age difference isn't the point. The age difference isn't the point.
Did it sink in yet? Because the AGE DIFFERENCE ISN'T THE POINT.
It's the fact that their (Woody Allen and Soon-Yi) roles were unequal (hence why the example of teacher-student; cop-criminal; and prison guard -inmates was used in a previous reply of mine) BEFORE their "romantic" (i.e.sexual) relationship started that is the problem. And that goes to precedent: He's done it before.
And by saying that, I am not pronouncing him as guilty. But who would trust him around their own kids? Dylan popping up in the early 1990s, making her claims against him seem pretty credible when viewed thru the lens of what he's already done to her sister.