Yes TopHat, I really do not know why the links failed. However if you type into your google browser General Allenby and 1917 you will find the sites easily. One of the sites has an early WW1 biplane in the article.
JoinedPosts by reaper
What is a Born Again Christian??
by TopHat inno, i am not a born again....just wanted to get some idea of what their belief is as i have always heard of them.
do they believe in "hellfire"
Dictator Rutherford or Franz?
by greendawn inso after rutherford dies despite his conviction about the millions living back then that would never die, knorr becomes the new wts leader.
some have to say that the real power behind the throne was franz and knorr was just his puppet.
at a time when the wts was to expand globally franz who loathed long distance travelling got knorr to fly around the world to organise that expansion.
They were all as bad as each other. Rutherfraud was a nasty operator, and used his knowledge of legalism to tie the 'lemings' in to his theocracy.
Franze was obviously another ruthless operator and just loved using big words to confuse everyone.
Whenever I heard him give a talk at Twickenham, I was bored stiff. I don't think any one knew what he was on about, but they would all say what a wonderful brother he was. They thought he was so knowledgeable, that he had to be Giods spokesman here on Earth.
When I was at a 2 week Elders School in 1976, we were told that many of the JWs thought that Franze went into a room to consult the Oracle.
The Instructor dispelled that myth, but said he often went into a room by himself for hours.
I think he was consulting Old Nick.
Defd, why do witnesses practice infant baptism?
by in a new york bethel minute ininstead of highjacking an earlier thread on young ones getting baptized, i thought i'd just start a new one and ask our favourite dub lurker why his faith practices infant baptism.
and defd, if you feel that a 7 or 8 or even 12 year old isn't an infant with regards to making major decisions, i would like to hear your explanation.
I was baptised as a JW when I was 7 years old, way back in 1954. I grew up in the Cult, got married in 1967 to my JW wife who had got baptised at 12 years of age and was born into the religion.
I was appointed an Elder in 1975 when I was only 28 years old, and resigned when I was 40. Unfortunately I stayed with the Cult for another few years and finally we both got out in June 2001.
When they found out that we had become Born Again Christians, they wanted to punish us. I wrote a letter to the Gestapo Boys in the Penn Congregation Wolverhampton and said that because I was only 7 years old when I was baptised, I did not really know what I was doing and nor did Christine.
For a while that shut them up, but a year later they still wanted their pound of flesh. But by then my wife had become rooted in Jesus and spoke to the 'ring leader' Elder over the phone for an hour, telling him what a false religion he was in and how they did not know the meaning of LOVE. He kept asking if she accepted the F&DS class was the appointed channel of God on Earth, to which she replied definately NOT as Jesus is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE.
When we got baptised properly in 2003 it was of our OWN understanding and realisation of what we were doing.
What is a Born Again Christian??
by TopHat inno, i am not a born again....just wanted to get some idea of what their belief is as i have always heard of them.
do they believe in "hellfire"
Just something else Top Hat. Two Sundays ago, when we felt the Holy Spirit very strongly in our Church, and Iranian exArmy General heard a voice say to him, YOU ARE WELCOME IN THIS PLACE in his own language. When the service had finished, I was led to him sitting at the back, and he had tears in his eyes. I asked him if he wanted to accept Jesus into his life and he said he did, so within a short time this man had repented of his sins and asked Jesus into his life.
Nothing on this Earth can match that. A man who had served the Ayatollah and fought against Saddam Hussain, came to our Church and was shown LOVE by the Holy Spirit, and then by us. That is the power of praying in tongues and asking the Holy Spirit to do a work in our lives.
What is a Born Again Christian??
by TopHat inno, i am not a born again....just wanted to get some idea of what their belief is as i have always heard of them.
do they believe in "hellfire"
I am sorry that you feel that we go into a trance or something like that TopHat, but you could not be further from the truth. We are completely aware of everything that is going on, and feel at one with God at the time.
Obviously if a person is not walking in the Spirit, then it is very hard to explain what happens. I was a doubter, and thought that it had all been done away with, but thats not what the Bible says.
The gifts of the Spirit will only be done away with, when all things have come to completion in Christ.
The Bible says that tongues are for our edification and building up 1Corinthians 14:5. However if someone speaks out a tongue to the Congregation, then an interpretation will need to be given.
What is a Born Again Christian??
by TopHat inno, i am not a born again....just wanted to get some idea of what their belief is as i have always heard of them.
do they believe in "hellfire"
I cant seem to get these links to work. Can anyone tell me how to cut and paste onto this forum? I right click into this panel and nothing happens.
Also I cannot get the quotes to work either. On another forum I do [Quote]............................[/Quote] and thats it, the quote comes out on the page.
What is a Born Again Christian??
by TopHat inno, i am not a born again....just wanted to get some idea of what their belief is as i have always heard of them.
do they believe in "hellfire"
What is a Born Again Christian??
by TopHat inno, i am not a born again....just wanted to get some idea of what their belief is as i have always heard of them.
do they believe in "hellfire"
The prophecies concerning Jerusalem were published in the late 1800s by a Dr Gratten Guiness ( I think he was tall and dark with a creamy froth on his head) Seriously though, he gleaned from Bible Chronology that the Gentile Times would end in 1917 or 1335 Islamic Calender (Daniel 12 spaeks about 1335 days).
General Allenby means 'Prophet Of Allah' in Turkish, and they were ordered to only surrender the City if a prophet of Allah came.
All of the years since fit the prophecy exactly, even 1948 when the modern state was set up and even the 1967 war.
The Britsh liberated Jerusalem and were instramental in getting Modern Israel set up.
These sites give a lot of info about these prophecies.
Enjoy your read. God Bless
What is a Born Again Christian??
by TopHat inno, i am not a born again....just wanted to get some idea of what their belief is as i have always heard of them.
do they believe in "hellfire"
Sometimes I pray in tongues, and sometimes I sing in tongues when worshipping at Church. Sometimes we ALL speak in tongues when we are in fellowship, and it is difficult to explain why and when this happens.
Sometimes a person will speak out a tongue when the service is proceeding, and then we wait for an interpretation of that particular tongue.
I personally do not feel that it is an issue. I do not think it makes one Christian any more spiritual than another, but when I speak or sing in tongues I feel far more in contact with the Holy Spirit. These are personal feelings, from a person who only 3.5 years ago would have regarded tongues as MADNESS.
But I have seen amazing things happen when we all speak or sing in tongues.
This is how I see it, and I know its a very contentious subject.
What is a Born Again Christian??
by TopHat inno, i am not a born again....just wanted to get some idea of what their belief is as i have always heard of them.
do they believe in "hellfire"
You made a good point Barry. My wife and I now speak in tounges, but it was not a requirement of being Born Again. It was after we got saved, that we got filled with the Holy Spirit and then started feeling totally different. In fact we both said we would not be drawn into all of that stuff. How wrong we were. The Holy Spirit is so loving, so gentle and so kind that he does not force himself on anyone. He is our comforter, so that is why we love him so much. This year we have had a few pressures in our lives, such as our youngest daughter 'kicked out' her husband in May and was suing for divorce. Then about 5 months later our oldest daughter of 37 was diagnosed with Lung Lymphoma.
But God is Good, and he sustained us all. When our youngest daughter heard about her sister, she texted her husband who phoned her to say, 'Oh not Naomi, it should have been me' NOT HER. Soon after that Lisa our youngest got back together with her husband, and her 2 little boys have got their Dad back, and they are all BA Christians and last night we heard that Lisa is having another baby. Our oldest daughter Naomi did not want to know about 'religion' as she put it. She and her husband had got our of the CULT, and they did not want to know about our 'new religion' as they put it. But the Lord is great, he put my Son In Law into the path of a BA Christain who is his drinking buddy, and has taken the place of his Father.
The great news is, that both Naomi and her husband have now accepted Jesus into their lives. What makes all of tis amazing, is that the Holy Spirit did it HIS WAY, which was gentle and kind. Naomi is getting plenty of healing prayer and is also on chemo, plus my wife being an 'alternative practitioner' is using many natural products to help her. Thankfully the Lymphoma has not gone anywhere else, and we have a knowing that she will make a complete recovery.
By the way, her husbands WHOLE family are JWs, and his Dad is an Elder. We are now praying that they ALL be released from Satanic captivity.