To Besty: East-Central Canada
JoinedPosts by baldeagle
The Total Embracing Of The Internet - How Will It All End?
by baldeagle ini havent been to a meeting in four years.
during that time i completed a successful fade from the organization after almost 40 years being baptized.
it seems nothing anymore will surprise or shock me with these latest bunch of brooklyn leaders.
The Total Embracing Of The Internet - How Will It All End?
by baldeagle ini havent been to a meeting in four years.
during that time i completed a successful fade from the organization after almost 40 years being baptized.
it seems nothing anymore will surprise or shock me with these latest bunch of brooklyn leaders.
I haven’t been to a meeting in four years. During that time I completed a successful fade from the organization after almost 40 years being baptized. It seems nothing anymore will surprise or shock me with these latest bunch of Brooklyn leaders. I was told that it was announced at our recent mid-week meeting that the Kingdom Hall is now Wi-Fi capable and all are encouraged to use it during the meeting. The brother said that any who forgot meeting materials at home, like a magazine or other references for a meeting part can now log on with their devices to and follow along etc. No official WTS letter was read at the hall on this subject. I’m assuming it must be left up to individual congregations to decide. The person who called me about this said that some tested their connection at the hall and were able to update their Facebook accounts. (Hilarious) Maybe in time these sites will be blocked.
I am totally perplexed at this complete embracing of the evil internet. Over the years when we had our elders meetings on Thursday nights with the C.O. the internet almost always came up for discussion. The CO would tell us that scores of MS’s and Elders were being removed across the circuit because of easily available porn that these men, from all walks of life were viewing. He also appealed to those currently serving as a MS or Elder who had viewed porn, or violent videos, or listened to debasing music, to come forward for spiritual help, since they no longer qualified to serve. This is a huge problem worldwide.
I understand the WTS having to adapt to the digital age that we’ve all accepted as part of everyday life. I understand the cost savings in printing, shipping and inventory. All major companies have had to adjust and change in order to stay in business, I get it.
But what I’ve learned in my forty years on the inside is that JW’s can be “obedient to a fault” in many things; (shunning family, no blood, no higher education, don’t call the police first re: pedophiles etc.). However they can also be overly curious, devious, and disobedient due to their repressed and frustrated upbringing. So the internet should be the last thing to tell JW’s to embrace and welcome at every level. Curiosity and basic human imperfectionwill cause thousands more worldwide to view, read, and listen to what the WTS clearly forbids!! Do the Brooklyn 8 really and truly think this will end well? Will this really produce better, stronger and more mature JW’s?
We all remember this announcement at every district convention year after year, “Brothers, please refrain from taking flash photos during the drama since they provide no benefit, and only serve to distract others, so please be loving and cooperative in this matter.” Seems easy enough to comply with.
After that announcement I would automatically look at my watch and within less than 10 seconds, dozens of flashes would start going off throughout the auditorium. Simple instructions instantly disobeyed!
So now does the GB really expect millions of repressed, micromanaged, exasperated people(young & old) with a computer in the privacy of their own home, to surf only where they command?? Some will definitely stick only to, but many won’t!!
Blood Transfusions First A Personal Matter Then Became A Disfellowshipping Offense
by baldeagle infor a number of years in jw history it was taught that having a blood transfusion was a matter of personal choice that an individual made between him/her and god.
it was not to be anybody elses business.
blood transfusions were frowned upon by the wts leadership (wt july 1, 1945 pages 199-200).
For a number of years in JW history it was taught that having a blood transfusion was a matter of personal choice that an individual made between him/her and God. It was not to be anybody else’s business. Blood transfusions were frowned upon by the WTS leadership (WT July 1, 1945 pages 199-200). The WTS leaders were hoping that by not condoning the use of human blood in any way, and at the same time seemingly allowing freedom of choice for the brothers, the brothers would make the right decision.
Evidently (ha-ha) the WT leaders guessed wrong. Evidently too many JW’s were choosing to accept blood transfusions. The rank and file were clearly making the wrong choices or decisions in regards to blood. If the WT can’t influence or persuade one’s thinking, then it’s time to ramp up the consequences for these “stiff-necked people.” In other words we’ll say that it’s a personal choice, but you must choose our way, or else!
WT July 1, 1951 p. 416 Questions From Readers
● Then are we to conclude that Jehovah’s witnesses oppose the people’s use of transfusions?
That would be a wrong conclusion. Jehovah’s witnesses do not oppose the people’s use of transfusions, but allow each one the right to decide for himself what he can conscientiously do. The Israelites felt bound to abide by God’s law forbidding the eating of meat with the blood congealed in it, but still they had no objection whatever to those outside God’s organization doing it, and even supplied unbled carcasses to outsiders who regularly ate such things anyway. (Deut. 14:21) Each one decides for himself, and bears the responsibility for his course. Jehovah’s witnesses consecrate their lives to God and feel bound by his Word, and with these things in view they individually decide their personal course and bear their personal responsibility therefor before God.
WT August 1, 1958 p. 478 Questions From Readers
● One of Jehovah’s witnesses who claims to be of the anointed remnant recently went to the hospital and took a blood transfusion, voluntarily. Should she be allowed to partake of the emblems of bread and wine at Memorial time? R. J., United States.
We, of course, regret with you that this sister who professes to be one of the anointed remnant took a blood transfusion voluntarily during her stay in the hospital. We believe that she did the wrong thing contrary to the will of God. However, congregations have never been instructed to disfellowship those who voluntarily take blood transfusions or approve them.We let the judgment of such violators of God’s law concerning the sacredness of blood remain with Jehovah, the Supreme Judge.
Since an individual is not disfellowshiped because of having voluntarily taken a blood transfusion or having approved of a dear one’s accepting a blood transfusion, you have no right to bar this sister from the celebration of the Lord’s Evening Meal. As an anointed member of Christ’s body she is under orders and command by Christ Jesus to partake. Whether she is unfaithful as to what she professes to be by virtue of taking the emblems of the Lord’s Evening Meal is something for Jehovah God to determine himself.
*Let Us Now Help You Make The Right Choice!(From Now On You Can Be Disfellowshipped)*
WT January 15, 1961 pp. 63-64 Questions From Readers
● In view of the seriousness of taking blood into the human system by a transfusion, would violation of the Holy Scriptures in this regard subject the dedicated, baptized receiver of blood transfusion to being disfellowshipped from the Christian congregation?
The inspired Holy Scriptures answer yes. About the middle of the first “Christian” century the twelve apostles of Christ met with the other mature representatives of the congregation at Jerusalem to determine what should be the Scriptural requirement for the admission of non-Jews into the Christian congregation. The twelve apostles and other representative men of the Jerusalem congregation as met together on this occasion to decide this vital question were Jews or circumcised proselytes, and, as such, they had been up until Pentecost of A.D. 33 under the prohibition contained in the Mosaic law against eating or drinking the blood of animal creatures.
Those Jewish Christians had now come under the new covenant that had been validated by the pouring out in death of the blood of Jesus Christ, the Mediator between God and men. What, then, was their decision as to the requirements to lie imposed upon Gentile believers for admission into the Christian congregation? The decree setting forth their decision replies: “The apostles and the older brothers to those brothers in Antioch and Syria and Cilicia who are from the nations: Greetings! . . . For the holy spirit and we ourselves have favoured adding no further burden to you, except these necessary things, to keep yourselves free from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things killed without draining their blood and from fornication. If you carefully keep yourselves from these things, you will prosper. Good health to you!” (Acts 15:23-29)
Thus for all Christian believers the apostolic decree under the guidance of God’s holy spirit declared that among the things necessary for them was the keeping of themselves free from blood and from things killed without draining their blood. Years later that decision was still in force upon Christians according to Acts 21:25. That decision has never been revoked, because it is God-given and still applies to Christians today who are dedicated, baptized believers, faithfully following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, who was born a Jew over 1900 years ago.
Hence a Christian who deliberately receives a blood transfusion and thus does not keep himself from blood will not prosper spiritually. According to the law of Moses, which set forth shadows of things to come, the receiver of a blood transfusion must be cut off from God’s people by excommunication or disfellowshipping.
Proclaimers Book Chapter 13 pp. 183-184 Why Blood Transfusions Are Refused
The respect for life shown by Jehovah’s Witnesses has also affected their attitude toward blood transfusions. When transfusions of blood became an issue confronting them, The Watchtower of July 1, 1945, explained at length the Christian view regarding the sanctity of blood. It showed that both animal blood and that of humans were included in the divine prohibition that was made binding on Noah and all his descendants. (Gen. 9:3-6) It pointed out that this requirement was emphasized again in the first century in the command that Christians ‘abstain from blood.’ (Acts 15:28, 29) Consistent with that understanding of matters, beginning in 1961 any who ignored the divine requirement, accepted blood transfusions, and manifested an unrepentant attitude were disfellowshipped from the congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
MS for 4 years. Then was an elder for 6 years. I declined an elder appointment next time around. Waited a couple of years and foolishly accepted to serve as a MS again. I discovered within the first six months of going to all the elder’s meetings after many mid-week meetings that lasted till 10 pm, that the subjects we discussed were mostly lame and petty.
I was embarrassed and naive to have imagined all through the years that the elders in the congregation library were making all these world renowned decisions. They would all emerge at times looking like they had just split the atom or solved life’s greatest mystery. The truth is I soon learned from experience most of what we discussed was not vital, earth shattering or very intellectual. I felt awkward being there.
I did not feel that God’s spirit guided any decisions. Just a bunch of guys, some very genuine and sincere, believing they were making a difference.
But most were backstabbing, power hungry men that day-to-day had no position of authority in the community or at work. At work they were often puny men doing menial jobs that provided little personal satisfaction or reward. But once they walked into that KH they were somebody special carrying their little folders and secret silly WT letters. At the KH they were looked up to, they had a title and authority.
The politics, hypocrisy and hidden agendas clearly showed me that this was a big sham. It reminds me now of the show “Survivor.” I quickly learned you have to make “Alliances” with other players or you’re toast.
Most directives & decisions made, were already established before the meeting even began by alliances made by “one tribe” against another “tribe” or “individual.” The meeting often was a mere formality.
Today I’m convinced that the Governing Body meetings are absolutely the same. They are simply glorified “elders meetings” with no more insight or special gifts being brought to the table. The GB fumble, blunder & trip along the way like the rest of the imperfect elders worldwide.
Only they have the absolute say & power in everything. Unfortunately millions of people look at them all star struck. They forget the horrible track record these GB men (simply imperfect elders) have in the WT history!!
Instructions To Elders Re: Pursuing Higher Education
by baldeagle inunderlining is mine.. march 6, 2012 letter.
pursue divine education:some of our brothers are pursuing higher education, feeling that they can acquire a measure of financial security.
as you are aware, the educational system varies from country to country.
Underlining is mine.
March 6, 2012 Letter
Pursue divine education: Some of our brothers are pursuing higher education, feeling that they can acquire a measure of financial security. As you are aware, the educational system varies from country to country. In the United States, for example, public schools offer 12 years of basic education. Thereafter, students may choose to attend university for four or more years, leading to a bachelor's degree or to postgraduate studies for careers in medicine, law, engineering, and so forth. Such university education is what we mean when the term "higher education" is used.—w05 10/1 pp. 26-31.
Of course, education is an essential part of Christian life, and we highly value it. Education equips us to care for our responsibilities, both material and spiritual. (1 Tim. 5:8) However, Satan, the master of deception, has made the pursuit of higher education dangerous for a Christian. (2 Cor. 11:14) Many of our young people have been misled from the faith or have become involved in immorality as a result of pursuing higher education. The "fight for the faith" is especially challenging when one leaves the good influence of his home and congregation and places himself in the university environment. (Jude 3) Besides involving bad associations, higher education often erodes faith in Jehovah God and in the Bible. All must weigh carefully the disadvantages and any perceived advantages of pursuing higher education before determining what they will do. Christians must remember that the purpose of any supplementary education should be to praise Jehovah and serve him as much and as effectively as possible, while providing for material needs.—Eccl. 12:13.
Appointed men must be exemplary in heeding the warnings given by the faithful slave and its Governing Body when it comes to education. (Matt. 24:4547) Would an elder, a ministerial servant, or a pioneer continue to qualify to serve as such if he, his wife, or his children pursue higher education? Much depends on the circumstances and how he is viewed. When such a situation arises, the body of elders should consider the following questions and scriptures:
Does he show that he puts Kingdom interests first? (Matt. 6:33)
Does he teach his family to put Kingdom interests first?
Does he respect what has been published by the faithful slave on the dangers of higher education? (3 John 9)
Do his speech and conduct reveal that he is a spiritual person? (Ps. 12,3; 1 Cor. 2:13-16)
How is he viewed by the congregation?
Why is he or his family pursuing higher education?
Does the family have theocratic goals? (Phil. 3:8)
Does the pursuit of higher education interfere with regular meeting attendance, meaningful participation in field service, or other theocratic activities?
The BOE's is told to review and consider the above factors. Also the brother and his family’s general overall attitude are evaluated. If however the brother fails this litmus test, the following occurs:
If an elder or ministerial servant is promoting higher education to others for the material advantages or the status it may bring, he is calling into question his qualifications to serve the congregation because of the effect on his and fellow appointed brothers’ freeness of speech. (1 Tim. 3:13; Titus 1:9) The body of elders may determine that the brother no longer qualifies to serve.
If a person is serving as a regular pioneer only and the body of elders determines that he no longer qualifies to serve because of decisions he has made with regard to higher education, the person, the congregation and the branch office should be informed in the usual manner.
My Observation:This has caused huge rifts and tension among BOE’s. You may not be the most liked elder in the hall and even have the worst kids. But still nothing may happen to your privileges. Your fellow buddies, and two brothers-in-law on the body will look after you & convince the rest, you’re still qualified.
Meanwhile two congregations over a genuine loving, hardworking elder has a kid going to university and keeps up with the meetings, etc. But because of petty jealousies, envy or whatever other human imperfection among some fellow elders, that brother gets deleted.
Many brothers are annoyed at having this decision placed upon them from up top. They feel it opens up a whole can of worms, resentment, judging, favoritism etc. Lots of vindictive brothers (elders) are just waiting for their chance to make a case against a fellow elder. Also the questions used to evaluate that brother and his family are totally subjective. The way elders answer them are just based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions. Elders I remember from the past who had kids go to 4 years or more university knew well, to keep their head down low & their yap shut!!!
this week's wt study
by thedog1 ini conducted the wt study tonight on higher education.
i wondered what the reaction of the bros and sis would be.
there was no deviation from the idea that a university education is not a good idea.
This Watchtower study was indeed a more heavy-handed, strict & clear attack on higher education.
It would appear the constant onslaught & demonizing of higher education at assemblies, weekly congregation book study, CO’s visits is not getting through to the rank-and-file. Everywhere reports are heard of young adults in the organization that are not buying into this crap anymore.
There appears to be a critical shortage of future pioneers and men reaching out in the congregation. In my area we have exhausted the list of qualified CO’s available and are left with using some bottom of the barrel substitutes out of desperation.
This WT study without any doubt clearly linked the pursuing of higher education as slaving not for God but for the Devil.
Par. 11: “Satan promotes the idea that a career in his world will satisfy a person, but Christians should take into account the importance of satisfying their spiritual need…Dedicated Christians live for God’s will, not Satan’s… However, many of today’s educational courses allow little time for a servant of Jehovah to meditate and to satisfy his spiritual need.
Par. 12: “Today, in many lands, schooling is mandatory up to a certain age. Then students are offered a choice. Continuing one’s education to promote a career in this world could curtail one’s freedom to pursue full-time service.”
Par. 17 We have the usual WTS poster boy experience. (Real or not??)
Consider the example of Michael. He did so well in school that his teachers invited him to a meeting to discuss his prospects of going to a university. To their surprise, Michael opted instead to take a short vocational course that soon enabled him to support himself as a regular pioneer. Does he feel that he has somehow missed out? “The theocratic education I have received as a pioneer—and now as an elder in the congregation—has been invaluable,” he relates. “The blessings and privileges I enjoy far outweigh any money I might have earned. I am really glad that I chose not to pursue higher education.” [Of course you are Michael]
Another snippet in this study going back to Par. 7: “The desire to be materially prosperous pervades the world. Satan encourages the belief that money equals happiness. Superstores abound. Advertising promotes a lifestyle focused on possessions and leisure. Travel agencies offer trips to exotic destinations, often in the company of people with a worldly outlook. Yes, all around us the appeal is to “better” ourselves—but always according to the world’s standards.
Am I missing something about the comment regarding, “trips to exotic destinations, often in the company of people with a worldly outlook.”
All the vacations I took around the world to exotic destinations was always in the company of “worldly people.” From the time I took a taxi to the airport till my exotic trip ended I was surrounded by non-JW’s. During this time I was an elder for all these very expensive holidays & my wife was a regular pioneer. But eventually I too learned TTATT. Thank God I was a public servant with a lucrative pension plan with benefits for life. You see I never put all my eggs in the WT basket!!
I'm curious, when you were asked to do a demo for a Service Meeting part, how did the request make you feel?
by Stand for Pure Worship indid you decline out of fear?
decline because you hated doing demos?
accept the request graciously?
I would say yes even though I didn't want to do it? It wasn’t that often though, since I was the one asking sisters to help me out during the Service Meeting parts. I always gave them lots of notice in advance as a common courtesy and respect for their time & family. When I was asked I just considered it extra work jammed into my already busy schedule. Especially with demos I noticed it was an assignment better handled by the sisters, since they are generally more conscientious and capable at it.
Unfortunately like most assignments on the platform all your hard work & effort is mostly under appreciated. Realistically over the years you soon realize that the audience just wants to go home.
Most brothers & sisters are so zoned out at meetings due to stress and worries they are not paying attention to your demos, talks, etc.
So you are basically putting out all that time & effort for very little actual appreciation or benefit to anyone.
Rutherford Says 1925 Was Just His Opinion
by baldeagle in1980 yearbook pp.
61-63 france 1925a critical year.
the year 1925 got off to a good enough start, with the french watch tower magazine being enlarged from 12 to 16 pages.
To Ultimate Axiom: Thanks for those 1922 WT references
From jwfacts: The 1980 yearbook also dishonestly misquotes what Rutherford said. The actual quote from the Watchtower 1926 p.196
"Question: Have the ancient worthies returned?
Answer: Certainly they have not returned. No one has seen them, and it would be foolish to make such an announcement. It was stated in the "Millions" book that we might reasonably expect them to return shortly after 1925, but this was merely an expressed opinion; besides it is still shortly after 1925."Thanks jwfacts: I looked up the entire quote in the Watchtower 1926 p.196. Rutherford’s complete answer to that question was:
"Question: Have the ancient worthies returned?
Answer: Certainly they have not returned. No one has seen them, and it would be foolish to make such an announcement. It was stated in the "Millions" book that we might reasonably expect them to return shortly after 1925, but this was merely an expressed opinion; besides it is still shortly after 1925. There is no good reason why we should expect the ancient worthies to return until the church is complete and the work of the church on earth is done. At this time the work is not complete, and it is quite evident that many of the members of the body of Christ are still here."
JWs So Gullible & Yet Hopeful Wanting To Believe They Are Right
by baldeagle in1959 jehovah's witnesses in the divine purpose pg.
252. for many years it had been the view of the watchtower that the faithful men of old who served god faithfully before jesus' time would be raised from the dead even before armageddon to join in organizing jehovah's modern-day people and to share in shouldering the remnant'sresponsibility of representing the lord jesus christ in the capacity of overseers of the flock of god on earth.
these men were variously referred to as "ancient worthies," "faithful men of old," and "the princes" in the light of psalm 45:16. .
1959 Jehovah's Witnesses In The Divine Purpose Pg. 252
For many years it had been the view of The Watchtower that the faithful men of old who served God faithfully before Jesus' time would be raised from the dead even before Armageddon to join in organizing Jehovah's modern-day people and to share in shouldering the remnant's responsibility of representing the Lord Jesus Christ in the capacity of overseers of the flock of God on earth. These men were variously referred to as "ancient worthies," "faithful men of old," and "the princes" in the light of Psalm 45:16.
Because of the understanding of this text that had prevailed for so long, many of Jehovah's witnesses expected at every convention to greet Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David and the others, welcoming them back from the dead. You can imagine, then, the electrifying effect on the audience this statement of the speaker made: Would this international assembly be happy to know that HERE, TONIGHT, in our midst, there are a number of prospective PRINCES OF THE NEW EARTH?
The 1975 Yearbook below now relates this same convention event, but from a different viewpoint. The convention was back in 1950. Notice the sincere feelings & hope the people felt there. I was amazed at the mindset, of JW’s, asthey held their breath and looked around the stadium. Don't they ever learn from the past?
1975 Yearbook pp. 213-214 THE “PRINCES” ARE HERE
For years, Jehovah’s people thought that faithful men of old times, such as Abraham, Joseph and David, would be resurrected before the end of this wicked system of things.Those past servants of God were called “ancient worthies,” “faithful men of old” and “the princes.” So, when Jehovah’s people went to a convention years ago, there was a degree of expectation. Perhaps that gathering would be marked by the appearance of one or more of those resurrected princes or men of old!
With that in mind, mentally join the 82,601 conventioners as they listened intently to F. W. Franz on Saturday evening, August 5, 1950. At a climactic point in his absorbing Scriptural talk he asked: “Would this international assembly be happy to know that HERE, TONIGHT, in our midst, there are a number of prospective PRINCES OF THE NEW EARTH?” What reactions there were to that query!
Here are some vivid recollections: “I recall the gasp of amazement that swept the assembly, and we began looking around us expectantly . . . was David here, or Abraham, or Daniel, or Job? Many of us sisters had tears in our eyes!” (Grace A. Estep)
“I was so excited I sat on the edge of my seat with my eyes glued on the dugout. I was certain that one or more of these men of old would emerge at any moment.”(Sister Dwight T. Kenyon)
“People in the corridors rushed to the stadium entrances to view the speaker’s stand, perhaps expecting to see Abraham, David or maybe Moses.
The audience stood up—the atmosphere was charged. I am sure that if someone with a long beard had walked to the platform there would have been no containing the crowd.”— L. E. Reusch.
A profound silence next settled over the audience. Every ear seemed strained to lose none of the speaker’s words. He discussed the real meaning of the Hebrew word translated ‘prince.” He pointed out that today’s “other sheep” have suffered just as much for their faith as did Jehovah’s witnesses of old. Hence, nothing argues against Christ’s making these “other sheep” “princes in all the earth” as required. (Ps. 45:16; John 10:16)
Conclusion: It was just an adjustment to the understanding of the word ‘prince.’ Another letdown. Still I think, it would have been awesome just at the right moment, for a homeless guy with a long beard to crawl out of the dugout. There would have been pandemonium in the crowd!!
Rutherford Says 1925 Was Just His Opinion
by baldeagle in1980 yearbook pp.
61-63 france 1925a critical year.
the year 1925 got off to a good enough start, with the french watch tower magazine being enlarged from 12 to 16 pages.
Captain Blithering that 1980 Yearbook in on the WT CD library. So is the Yearbook for 1975.
I’ve always marveled at how Jesus spent several years surveying and scrutinizing the world’s religions to find one he could personally direct. In 1919 he decides to give the WTS the special title of being His F&DS classs. Immediately he uses his spirit to direct Rutherford to author the Millions Bk in 1920. Then this material was given as a talk in auditoriums and venues for years around the world. People were streaming to hear this momentous discourse of hope and happiness.
Why would Jesus if directing these special people of his, start them off right away with an embarrassing colossal failure of information?
It is counterproductive, bad publicity, and illogical! The answer is obvious to all.
Notice what the sign on the roof below says:
“The World Has Ended! The Golden Age Is Here! Millions Now Living Will Never Die!
This Means What It Says: It Is A Fact – Investigate”
Sadly, a lot of sincere, God loving individuals were completely deceived by it all.
1975 Year Book p. 146 Part 2—United States of America
The year 1925 came and went. Jesus’ anointed followers were still on earth as a class. The faithful men of old times—Abraham, David and others—had not been resurrected to become princes in the earth. (Ps. 45:16) So, as Anna MacDonald recalls:“1925 was a sad year for many brothers. Some of them were stumbled; their hopes were dashed. They had hoped to see some of the ‘ancient worthies’ [men of old like Abraham] resurrected. Instead of its being considered a ‘probability,’ they read into it that it was a ‘certainty,’ and some prepared for their own loved ones with expectancy of their resurrection.