I conducted the WT study tonight on higher education. I wondered what the reaction of the bros and sis would be. There was no deviation from the idea that a university education is not a good idea. This was somewhat amusing to me as the qualifications I have include a university degree, although I did it through distance learning, through online courses etc. But I still have a degree which is useful for the educational work I do by which I make my living. I actually wanted to post a question after one of the final paragraphs of the study which relates the experience of a bright young man who chose to do a vocational course instead of university and feels that it has been worth it to him because of reaching his spiritual goals. The question I wanted to ask, but I ran out of time was, 'So, is it right under any circumstances to go to university?' But I didn't get to ask it!
this week's wt study
by thedog1 73 Replies latest watchtower bible
St George of England
That's something I have to 'look forward' to tomorrow!
I would really like to know what people think the 'theocratic' sister does for a living. (Pictures pp 14,15).
It's all very well going through life just getting by on minimal wages if you live in the UK because when you are too old or too worn out to work, Satan's wicked old system will take good care of you. Unlike the WTS who will not want to know.
OH CRAP !!! another education article. When will they stooooooooop
Thanks for the early WT review. Sadly (NOT), we have other plans for tomorrow. The weather forecast here made it seem like a good idea to jump on a flight to some 80 degree beach resort for a "long weekend", so we will be missing ANOTHER meeting.
Of course, I just may have to go to jw.org and download the article.
eduation internet porn being blind obedient. There you have all been to the latest convention.
Weren't they asking for free labour in the UK earlier this month, draughtsmen and other highly educated persons to help with the London bethel?
Even if that letter was read immediately after the 'no education' WT study, few if any in the congregation would see the hypocrisy or contradiction.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Ugh. I looked up the farticle... because I'm in university, after all. But I couldn't get past paragraph 2 and it's terrible deception...
2 From the Law that God gave to Israel, we learn about the sort of slavery that Jehovah requires of us. A Hebrew slave was to be granted his freedom in the seventh year of his servitude. (Ex. 21:2) However, for a slave who really loved his master and who wished to remain in his service, Jehovah made a remarkable provision. The master was to bring his slave up against the door or the doorpost and pierce his ear through with an awl. (Ex. 21:5, 6) It is of significance that this procedure involved the ear. In the Hebrew language, the basic idea of obedience is expressed by a word that relates to hearing and listening. The willing slave desired to continue giving obedient service to his master. This helps us appreciate what is involved in our dedication to Jehovah—willing obedience motivated by love of God.
When you actually read Ex. 21:2-6, it's clear that WT is making a terrible omission from the context. The actual scenario is that the master owns the slave's wife and children. This slave agrees to become a slave for life, saying, "I really love my master, my wife and my sons..."
And if you read the rest of the chapter, it's very clear that Jehovah's law was exploitative and abusive. Verse 7 begins the instructions on selling daughters as sex slaves. Clearly, Jehovah was just another Bronze Age god that put the ownership of slaves above the value of humans, family, and decency. So, I suppose that makes the first sentence true--"From the Law that God gave to Israel, we learn about the sort of slavery that Jehovah requires of us." Slave for Jah? Prepare to have your family split apart, your children sexually abused, and get beaten nearly to death at the whim of the master.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
I scanned down to paragraph 14 and saw this gem:
"Higher education, with its emphasis on academic study, often produces graduates who have few or no practical skills, leaving them unprepared to deal with the realities of life."
So the next time a dub gets sick, they shouldn't go to a doctor with few or no practical skills. Instead, go to the body of elders. Right?
Link to farticle... http://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/w20131015/slave-for-jehovah/
Like the reality of being able to pay your bills, take care of your family, and think for yourself. Riiiiiiight ... having an education really does leave you down in the dumps-- NOT!
I continue to test my hypothesis: There is no unforgiveable sin in the JWs except rocking the boat. This is a complex function. The major variables include rank, status, income, blood connections, social connections. It is, as far as I can tell, an equivalent in 2013, and soon-2014, and soon-2015, and soon-2016,,,, of medieval sumptuary law. If you are not pre-approved (or post-approved) by virtue of some complex tabulation of these metrics of status, it is morally wrong for you to engage in higher education. It is above your station. It is a pretense. It is a punitive offence. But it is not above the station of certain ones, a select few. It is not a pretense for those ones. The trick, I suppose, is in the lower estate individual somehow faking estate and right to that caste of sumpuary priviledge WITHOUT ROCKING THE BOAT. That's all that matters. It would take a clever prole, indeed, to do this.