Data-Dog and Island Man you're both bang on! Good observations and comments made by all.
JoinedPosts by baldeagle
Why is it so hard to deconvert the JDubs?
by alonein321 ini was watching this q & a by peter boghossian (autor of the book a manual for creating atheists) on youtube:. .
around 17:15 min, he explains that there are difficulty levels when it comes to religions in aplying these techniques.
What was the "logical straw" that broke your camel's back?
by Pacopoolio ini had a bunch of tiny little nags that always bothered me about the bible/god/etc.
that eventually led to me drifting away, but this was my personal, singular issue that no one could address.
i think i mentioned it before here, but, for summation again:.
Everything already mentioned so far. Also this subject.
According to COC by Ray Franz the GB was asked by many branch overseers in 1978 to reconsider their stand and allow our young brothers to participate in civilian service (non-military) and avoid going to jail. The GB read these letters and voted NO civilian or alternative service would be allowed. (Jesus Had Spoken)
Fast forward 18 years later in the WT May 1, 1996 pp. 19-20, the Lord apparently had a change of heart and directed the GB to make “civilian service” a personal choice.
Two years later in 1998 the ever so clever and self-righteous GB actually blamed the brothers themselves for having “suffered needlessly.”
WT August 15, 1998 p. 17 Feelings of Having Suffered Needlessly
6 In the past, some Witnesses have suffered for refusing to share in an activity that their conscience now might permit. For example, this might have been their choice years ago as to certain types of civilian service. A brother might now feel that he could conscientiously perform such without overstepping his Christian neutrality regarding the present system of things.
7 Was it unrighteous on Jehovah’s part to allow him to suffer for rejecting what he now might do without consequences? Most who have had that experience would not think so. Rather, they rejoice that they had the opportunity of demonstrating publicly and clearly that they were determined to be firm on the issue of universal sovereignty. (Compare Job 27:5.) What reason could anyone have to regret having followed his conscience in taking a firm stand for Jehovah? By loyally upholding Christian principles as they understood them or by responding to the proddings of conscience, they proved worthy of Jehovah’s friendship. Certainly, it is wise to avoid a course that would disturb one’s conscience or that would likely cause others to be stumbled. We can think in this regard of the example that the apostle Paul set. 1 Corinthians 8:12, 13; 10:31-33.
What a crock of........
Israel National News reports a most amazing story about JWs
by AndersonsInfo in
court rejects missionary lawsuit against netanya schools for voiding leasethe tel aviv magistrates court has rejected a claim by a missionary group, saying that the school they had been renting space in unlawfully voided their contract , and asking the court to instruct the school to pay nis 108,000 in compensation and mental anguish, as well as legal expenses.. it began when a missionary group, via a non-profit organization called "mitzpe l'yisrael", rented space at the raziel school in netanya to conduct daily afternoon activities.
shortly after signing the rental agreement , the school authorities discovered that the group was, in reality, the notorious missionary sect of "jehovah's witnesses".
Thanks for posting this. Barbara.
CO's & DO's age 70+ to be laid off on 9/1/14
by williamhconley inin a private conversation with a c.o.
friend from north carolina, he told me yesterday that they just got a letter that all traveling overseers (do's & co's) age 70 & up are going to be laid off on 09/01/2014.
they will be asssigned to local congregations and further details are pending.. .
JustVisting - “That will be a bitter pill to swallow for these older ones and their wives. There will no doubt be some collateral damage in the form of awakened legacy members.”
I’m wondering if anyone can eventually get a copy of this letter and the information and post it here for verification. I’m thinking this will “ruffle some feathers” even among your die hard brothers and sisters in the congregation. Many are still not happy about the cutbacks that happened at Brooklyn, with the Bethel family years ago. I personally know of couples let go at the Canadian branch approximately 7-8 years ago.
One couple had been there 25+ years; they were highly regarded and exemplary examples in the Bethel family. They were quietly nudged out and “returned to the field” in their late 40’s. The common denominator for many Bethel layoffs was approximately 25 or more years of service, meaning you were close to 50 years of age. That’s around the time most of us experience negative changes in our bodies and personal health.
Whether you love them or not CO’s have a pretty hard lifestyle overall, changing congregations each week is not easy. They also have to participate in the FS taking and arranging groups. They have to listen to all the grumbling and other crap from BOE’s etc. They also have to constantly please their “masters” the WTS or else. I never envied their jobs. That’s why I think it will not sit well with the “true believers” in the KH.
We all have a natural fear of losing our jobs and being out of work whether a JW or not. This fear increases the older we are. Now to cut a man loose based on his age is just wrong, especially in this supposed religion chosen by the Lord. I still know many CO’s & DO’s over 70 that are active, bright, and do the best they can. To dump a person (who has not committed a wrongdoing, or become rebellious) while giving up their young productive years to serve an organization, will resonate poorly among JW’s.
It will really start to focus on the GB as being heartless and mean-spirited. The brothers “still-in” are already shaking their heads over the crazy changes recently!
Hardcore JW Friend Predicts the End of the Organization within 10 years.
by kneehighmiah inhad a conversation with an aspiring elder.
he said the end must be close because people are so discouraged that the organization can't last more than 10 years.
this is before we received the please come to the international convention letter.
The dumbed down members will have their turn to "reach out" and carry this broken religion forward. It will become the "new normal."
It will be around for quite a while. There is more money stored up that has not even been touched!! Also many still want some organizational title,
even if it's not the same quality individuals as decades gone by. The WTS will take and work with what they can get, in order to survive!!
Atlanta International Convention Hotels Not Being Filled Up!
by James Jackson inthis week our kh devoted the whole service meeting to the upcoming international convention in atlanta.
they read a 5 page letter from the branch which stated basically that we should feel priviledged to be invited to this convention.. however, many are not using the "recomended lodging list", "many hotels still have plenty of rooms available", "we must be loyal to this arrangement", (or the organization will not get their comp rooms)..
Looks good on them!
CO's & DO's age 70+ to be laid off on 9/1/14
by williamhconley inin a private conversation with a c.o.
friend from north carolina, he told me yesterday that they just got a letter that all traveling overseers (do's & co's) age 70 & up are going to be laid off on 09/01/2014.
they will be asssigned to local congregations and further details are pending.. .
In my personal experience of 40 years of “being in” I worked with and met a variety of different CO’s. The minority were hard working men who along with their wives were self-sacrificing and giving. I met some really sincere, genuine, down to earth CO’s who truly displayed a “Christ like” spirit, disposition and personality.
Having said that, my involvement first as a Ministerial Servant and then as an Elder for many years was thoroughly disappointing. I discovered that the vast majority of these CO’s were pompous, arrogant, self-serving men.
I never had a problem that they were “Company Men” because that was their ultimate employer, if you will. They had to uphold and enforce the principles and ideals that the Branch demanded, if they wanted to retain their position. They were doing what they were told “or else.”
Many thought that they were demi-gods when they walked in to the congregation. I remember many BOE’s that actually became anxious and nervous when some of these characters were scheduled for a visit. At the elders meeting, the CO would sit at the front, at a small table and pull out their all-important binders with all the spirit-directed WTS rules and regulations. Most evident was the fact that they hated anyone that would try to challenge them on procedure or decisions. Most CO’s also offered up far too many personal opinions on most subjects, such as, that person, those young ones, his or her job, this couple, etc.
They liked to judge an individual’s “motives.” Why are they buying a house and not pioneering? Why is this brother not an MS yet? Why is the congregation average so low? Etc. Etc. on and on!
Over the years they spent hundreds of hours promoting Bethel service, Gilead school, regular pioneering, working with the RBC, or going to MTS. They even encouraged young brothers to reach out for the unique privilege of becoming a travelling overseer in imitation of the Apostle Paul. There was no greater career in this “dying wicked system of things.” Use your youth and vigor to serve your Creator fulltime. After all here was God’s inspired promise:
(Psalm 37:25) A young man I used to be, I have also grown old, And yet I have not seen anyone righteous left entirely, Nor his offspring looking for bread.
(Matthew 6:33) “Keep on, then, seeking first the Kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you.
Their continued teaching for decades was not to worry about your future, or getting an education, or a good job, or even getting old. If you were serving wholeheartedly in Jehovah’s organization its loving arms of support and appreciation would be guaranteed to be there for you.
I can’t imagine the Apostle Paul being put out to pasture at any time, and retired, at a specific age by the so-called 1 st century Governing Body!! This has all become a sick joke!!
If this letter or information is legit the good and honest hearted CO’s we all fondly remember and were touched by, are truly being shafted. The other pompous, pieces of trash deserve whatever they get!! A good rule to follow over recent and future WTS changes no matter what “spin” they put on it is, “Follow The Money.” That is the real reason all of this is happening!!
What is the deal with the "this is the last memorial" comments from my JW?
by jambon1 inthe guy i know was saying this the other day.. "it's been suggested this may be the last one", or words to that effect.. where & by whom?.
is this doing the rounds?.
Same old, same old.
Active JW's, can you defend "THE TRUTH?"
by DATA-DOG inas of yet, no member of the jehovah's witness faith can defend their unique beliefs.
when the dust settles, it all comes down to blind faith in men's ever-changing ideas.
this "unique belief" was not a "true teaching of the bible.
Bullet list of major (recent) changes
by RN init is with great interest that i recently read ceders article on the decline of the wts.
his article along with many of the comments really drives home just how many major changes there have been in a fairly short peroid of time.. somewhere in the recent past i could swear that someone had posted a bullet list of major changes with the corresponding year.
when i saw this (or something like it) my first thought was that this simple list made it all the more shocking; and since i have searched and cannot find anything like it.. so i dug around and started one of my own, please feel free to add/corrects events.
Gilead members are to be hand selected under the new arrangement for selection. Only by invitation. As of 2011 I think?
In a letter dated November 6, 2013, it was announced that a new school will replace the Bible School for Single Brothers (formerly known as the Ministerial Training School, or MTS) as well as the recently formed Bible School for Christian Couples. Single sisters are now welcome at this new training school called, “School for Kingdom Evangelizers.”
In addition to accepting single sisters for the first time, Watchtower is now welcoming older Witnesses after raising its age limit for applicants to 65. Those applying between the ages of 50 and 65 have been told that they must be self-sufficient (meaning they can provide for themselves) and in no need of financial or medical assistance from the organization.
Students of the new school must be prepared to be reassigned to new congregations after graduating.