CO's & DO's age 70+ to be laid off on 9/1/14

by williamhconley 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • williamhconley

    In a private conversation with a C.O. friend from North Carolina, he told me yesterday that they just got a letter that all traveling overseers (DO's & CO's) age 70 & up are going to be laid off on 09/01/2014. They will be asssigned to local Congregations and further details are pending.


  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Good job. But if they did this with the GB there'd be hardly any GB left. Even the frikken last Pope retired, but never the old farts on the GB.


    Will the ones 'laid off' get any financial help from the Watchtower once they are assigned to local congregations??

  • fulltimestudent

    I thought that Christians never retire from being Christians.

    Ummm! Wrong Again.

  • prologos

    they do, but many retired, older ones still do weekly (weakly) substitute CO visit stints.

  • fulltimestudent

    Yoh! Prologos. I meant in witness Biblical theology

  • blondie

    If they are special pioneers, they will have some compensation. A KH with an apartment may be "encouraged" to make room for them or a congregation might build an addition like a KH in this area. Or they will have to depend on the kindness of family and friends. I have known brothers with businesses to hire them.

    It's just another sign of the WTS make budget cuts trying to stem the cash flow. I doubt they will be replaced and I can see the WTS using substitute COs more. There was a post on JWN recently too about circuits being recombined and eliminated.

  • RottenRiley

    I don't know about the policy in your area but the Watchtower has been pushing hard to turn ever Kingdom Hall with extra land to turn it in to a Kingdom Hall Senior Resthome, sisters with Nursing experienced are being called to work at Bethel to wipe the asses of the Men of Fame! Soon, in the United States if or if not the local ordinances allow it, they will have a Kingdom Hall Apartment (Resthome) on each lot! The Organization has placed a great burden on their sheep to fund the company men. The Allowance given to the Brothers is around $700 USD, what a large amount to live off! I guess it's more than what the Republicans are allowing for Food Stamps, they want to cut the poor down to $250 a month. Weird World we live in!

  • sir82

    On the one hand, that is a good thing. I've had more than my share of borderline senile and/or crabby-old-man COs who were pushing, or were over, age 80.

    On the other hand, it seems rather heartless. Many of these guys have probably been in "full time service" for 30, 40, or even 50 years. They'll have little or no pension, a miniscule amount from Social Security, and I'm not even sure if they will be covered by Medicare if they haven't paid into it. And they certainly can't be hired for anything more strenuous than Wal-Mart greeter.

    Overall, I'd put this in the "heartless bastards" category. Most or all of those COs were probably counting on continuing until death - now they are faced with the prospect of 10, 15, 20 or more years, dependent on the mercy and charity of whatever podunk congregation they are assigned to.

  • Splash

    At least those who still have time (ie are not in their 60's already) can start to make some proper plans, knowing they will be retired at 70.


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