Good idea in my opinion, don’t remind me, I already know what they say about opinions. Produce here a compilation of all branches that close. As they continue to occur in the future we add the names to this post. The subject will be easy to search for; “Branch Closings.”
JoinedPosts by baldeagle
by Black Man inhey all - i was wondering if we can use this thread as an ongoing one to detail branch closings of the last 5 years or so and any moving forward?
i had a discussion with some members of my family, who are still dyed in the wool jws, and they didn't believe me about numerous branch closures in recent years.
i was trying to look up some threads that talked about it here (on my phone), but couldn't find a thread quickly.. thanks in advance!.
Something to pay attention to, if you go to the Memorial...
by undercover ini'm cutting and pasting from one of my own posts from some timem ago.
if you're having to go to this thing tonight, pay attention to how the speaker explains the timing of events at the passover meal, and then compare that to what the bible actually says.... an oldie, but one of my better goodies, i think.... .
yes, it's time for that annual, no...not the ritual of nibbling on crackers and sipping cheap wine, but the ritual of comparing wt teachings of how jesus instituted the memorial versus what the bible actually says.. current wt theology.... as cut and pasted from their own website:.
Good points undercover. Thanks
2014-03-29 BOE CONFIDENTIALS PDF Adjustment to financing Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide
by WatchTower87 in2014-03-29 adjustment to financing kingdom hall and assembly hall construction worldwide.
pdf version:
instruction: press the 'skip ad' button top right, you should then see the download screen more easily.
Interesting to see how this will play out. Thanks
This generation and a key weasel word
by Socrateswannabe inin this past sunday's watchtower lesson, which has been discussed at length on this board, the gb/writing committee used a key weasal word that we will probably see again.
the exact quote is: "we understand that in mentioning 'this generation,' jesus was referring to two groups of anointed christians.".
this goofy teaching is merely a patch until they can devise something more plausible, or until some event occurs that they can latch onto that will make this teaching more acceptable to the r&f.
Truly these are WTS weasel words.
Weasel words are words and phrases aimed at creating an impression that something specific and meaningful has been said, when in fact only a vague or ambiguous claim has been communicated. A common form of weasel wording is through vague attribution, where a statement is dressed with authority with no substantial basis.
Is this new donation arrangement for real?
by nugget injust read a post on jwsurvey about the new donation arrangement.
congregations are to pledge a monthly amount to be sent to the society to fund the building of assembly halls and kingdom halls.
congregations who already have a loan from the society will no longer have to pay back the loan but the amount pledged should not be less than the current monthly repayments to the society.
I haven’t been to any meeting in almost five years. During that time I completed a successful fade from the organization after almost 40 years being baptized. The “Household Financial Survey” form as already stated here is not something new. While an elder over 25 years ago we used it to “survey” several circuits. This was done to see how much money would be donated in order to add a second auditorium to our existing Assembly Hall. The elders were invited to attend and participate in this discussion, at the Assembly Hall. We later went back and pitched this idea to our respective congregations.
Another time about 10 years ago we used a similar form distributed to 3 congregations sharing my hall (approx. 325 publishers). A major remodeling was being pushed by the KH “maintenance committee” (just a few strong-willed men). Bear in mind this hall was not that old, those living downtown in older rundown halls, would have loved to have ours. Nevertheless after several convincing “local needs” parts the survey forms were handed out.
These were filled out with no pressure or compulsion. No names were recorded and they were returned anonymously. The three congregations raised over $100K for a complete overhaul top to bottom with no financing required. Since I didn’t agree with the remodeling, I tossed my survey form in the garbage, and other families told me they did as well.
Recently we along with many other congregations in a wide perimeter were invited to raise money to buy an existing property to be converted into a KH well outside our territory. Again “survey” forms were handed out to be “anonymously” filled out and see if we had “Jehovah’s blessing” on this project. By this time I was “fading” I put my form in the shredder.
My point being if you don’t want to give money, toss out the form. The letter states, “The elders in congregations…..should take a confidential survey of all publishers to determine the amount of the new resolution. This can be done by passing out slips of paper to be filled out anonymously by the publishers indicating how much they are able to contribute monthly toward local congregation expenses, including the resolution to support Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide.”
No one is policing these forms, no one asked me over the years if I donated or why not? Can they figure out who donated? Of course they could? Here in Canada, those that donate towards a Charitable Organization, would receive a “Tax Receipt” and get a tax deduction. When I was the accounts servant I would write these up and hand them out. So it’s very easy to see who’s supporting the congregation financially. But no one took any action towards any congregation members. I can’t see this being any different, but I have been wrong in the past.
"This Generation" at the meeting today
by Batman89 init was really quite amusing 2day at the meeting when we got to the "this generation will not pass away" subheading in the wt.
the conductor spent very little time on the section and the comments that were given didnt at all make sense really.
you can tell its not understood by the majority of the friendsand will go over there heads, i was trying not to laugh lol.
I thought this conversation was worth repeating on this WT subject especially. On another post regarding this subject a member here, OwnAccord referred to a discussion someone had over a phone call to Bethel in NY regarding the “overlapping generation.” The brother at Bethel provided the following information as an explanation. I think this is noteworthy since this question must be phoned in often, and the brothers likely are prepared with a scripted answer.
Bethel Representative Reply:
He said there are actually 3 GROUPS of anointed ones. Two groups make up "this generation." They are the 1914 older anointed ones, and the contemporaries that OVERLAP the 1914 anointed older group. The 3rd anointed group, are TRUELY ANOINTED ONES, but, they are NOT included in the "this generation'' group.
Bethel brother continues, what determines an anointed one being of the OLDER 1914 ANOINTED GROUP, is they were ANOINTED at the MOMENT of "THEIR BAPTISM" – NO LATER THAN OCTOBER 1, 1914. The brother said, “A perfect example would be Brother Fred Franz of the Governing Body.”
Fred Franz (1st group) was born in 1893. He was baptized in 1913 one year before 1914 and therefore anointed at the age of 20. He lived to be 99 and died in 1992. The Bethel representative said, “If a brother was born, in say, 1890, but later got baptized in 1915, 1916, or 1917, THAT ANOINTED brother would be part of the 2nd contemporary anointed group.
He also said Brother John Barr, was OF “this generation” BUT, he was part of the 2nd anointed contemporary overlapping group. Bro. Barr (2nd group) was born in 1913. At the age of 21 in 1934, he too was baptized, and also one of the anointed. Bro. Barr now overlaps with Bro. Franz. Bro. Barr lives to be 97 and he dies in 2010.
There is still one more “Overlap” he said. Now the (3rd group) of anointed is Not Part of the "this generation" anointed ones. He said, “All the 1914 Anointed Older Group has since died between 10 to 20 years ago.” The brother concluded with, “That this Great Tribulation is about to get started any day soon.”
I better make sure my “bug-out” bag is stocked and ready to go. I’ll be needing it soon.
Oh come on!!! seriously?? This weeks wt study!
by stuckinarut2 ini'm sitting here at the mtg, and i can't believe the mind numbing stupidity of this weeks wt "study"...( i use the word study loosely too by the way...).
how many dumb repeated questions can be posed to try and make a point?.
the opening paragraph illustration re blindness is classic!
The GB have conditioned their members to remain passive. Don't try to figure things out, or think too deeply on it! Don't look for flaws!
Is this new donation arrangement for real?
by nugget injust read a post on jwsurvey about the new donation arrangement.
congregations are to pledge a monthly amount to be sent to the society to fund the building of assembly halls and kingdom halls.
congregations who already have a loan from the society will no longer have to pay back the loan but the amount pledged should not be less than the current monthly repayments to the society.
They are just following the counsel and divine direction found in their new Bible. (Silver Sword Edition)
"Bread is made for laughter, and wine makes life enjoyable; but money answers every need." (Ecclesiastes 10:19)
Nauseating section for small children - CUTOUTS? Really?
by BluePill2 ini am not hot linking to jw borg, but they have a whole section for obviously very small children (become j's friend, with a whole array of caleb-related stuff).
i have actually never visited the site, today was the first time, because i wanted to check a technical information about their websites architecture and came across this sh*t!.
the way they are targeting small kids is nauseating me (i have a 5 year old, still in with her mother).
You just can't make this stuff up. I had to see it for myself!!
The best explanation of Matthew 24 and 'This Generation', that I've read so far
by Island Man in
Interesting comments.