How did we fall for all this? JW’s have an almost childlike sense of trust and naiveté that they bestow upon their imperfect leaders. And millions today are still doing that. A small child eventually learns and matures through life experiences, and can distinguish right from wrong. But many JW’s seem to just continue to have this “hope” that they have somehow managed to land in the only one “true religion.”
JoinedPosts by baldeagle
1975 coverup! Compare the '68 and '81 Truth book scans
by JimmyPage inthe wt society pointed to 1975 as the date for the end of the world.
when the date came and went they changed their publications to remove themselves from the fiasco.
need proof?
2014 Convention Audio available?
by gbrn ini was wondering if anyone is aware of any recordings of the convention as of yet?
i know its relatively early, so i may just have to wait.
just curious if anyone had a copy yet.. thanks!.
Donation of blood fractions
by why144000 inthis may be the wrong area for this but here goes.. if you went to a bank and told them " i don't have an account with you, i never will have an account with you and i will tell people you are a terrible bank" then ask not for a loan from them, but a gift of a lot of money, how do you think they would respond?.
yet, witnesses now have the the ability to take blood fractions from the blood bank without ever contributing to the blood bank.
there is a process that the blood bank takes just the plasma from a donor to be used for fractions only.
Thanks TD. Much appreciated.
1975 AWAKE!!! Predictions
by iamwhoiam inover at the archives..enjoy!.
*click on pdf at the left side of the page.
New Tract for August 2014 - Scan
by BluesBrother inif someone has done this before , i apologise but this was new to me.....struck me as strange that nowadays, the answers to life's problems are found on the internet .
We’ve come a long way since this August 15, 2011 Watchtower.
The WTS has gone “all in” regarding the “evil” Internet.
Detroit Style Ballroom Dancing
by KateWild intrying to make rcs less of a snorefest.
not exactly award winning either, but worth a laugh.
kate xx.
I find this dancing to a worldly song in the KH unbelievable. We used to have a Congregation Family Night every so often in our hall. Everyone brought food; we would eat it in the basement. We would later go upstairs to the auditorium and be entertained. Some played musical instruments, sang a song, or re-enacted a funny field service experience, etc. I was impressed at how talented some of our brothers & sisters were. This was stopped because we can’t have any entertainment in a house of worship!!
In the next congregation I was in, we would plan a night for the regular pioneers at the end of the year to show our appreciation for their hard work. Meals were prepared all were invited to associate together and later go upstairs for some entertainment in the main auditorium. The pioneers were given a gift, a congregation picture was taken. Harmless and encouraging right? Nope, this was stopped because too much time and planning was being used arranging the entertainment, using the stage and sound equipment for recreation!!
Everything had to be like Magnum said, “Every available minute was supposed to be spent in the ministry, studying, meditating, etc.”
Young JW’s couldn’t go to clubs, bars even with their peers because of the worldly atmosphere, music, and alcohol etc. So instead some brothers (16-21 yrs. old) arranged to play basketball in a gymnasium at a high school in our territory. Get some exercise, have a few laughs, blow off some steam. Harmless right? No a sanctimonious CO got that information and questioned us about it, at the Elders/MS meeting. You guessed it, it was stopped, use that time for studying instead, no fun allowed.
On another occasion two sisters attempted to plan a picnic for the congregation during the week of the CO’s visit. They told the PO at the time, who thought it, was a fabulous idea. This was deliberately timed (during the visit) in order to include the CO and his wife to free food, good association, and fresh air in the park. Harmless right? No this CO, the biggest egomaniac I ever had the misfortune of serving under, ordered the picnic cancelled. His attitude was that during HIS visit nothing should detract from the focus and purpose of HIS visit. I was present during all these events.
The above mentioned pompous, smug, “pieces of work” are now over 70 years old. I’ve heard that they have told their fellow JW’s that their “services are no longer required.” (Sept 1, 2014) As far as I’m concerned, “It’s been nice knowing you, don’t let the door hit you on the way out.”
As someone already mentioned, The Temptations are an American vocal group known for their success with Motown Records during the 1960s and 1970s. With all the nonsensical crap I’ve heard in decades while in this religion, I’m amazed that this short video occurred in a KH.
COBE cannot be 80 or more
by fader77 ina new letter no longer allows an elder to be cobe if hes 80 or more.
fader77 - Thank you for that very recent information. It seems this 100 year anniversary since 1914 is proving to be a year that just keeps on giving. The fast and quick adjustments are causing many old-timers to wonder what this religion is up to. I had one long time JW an octogenarian (an elder forever) mention he has never witnessed such a “flurry of changes.”
I’m wondering what is up with all these “age discrimination” related adjustments. These are the brothers that were the work horses for the WTS. I know many 80+ brothers and sisters that gave everything to the WTS and were adversely influenced by the craziness and insanity of the 1960’s & 70’s. The numbers that hurt themselves in believing they were never going to get old or have to worry about retirement are innumerable.
These trusting aged loyal ones are still the first at the meeting regardless of the weather and their aches and pains. They are the first to financially support resolutions even with their meagre old age pension income. The 2014 insanity marches on!!
Many "All within the 20th century" quotes
by ILoveTTATT in
this person made a list of many "within the 20th century" quotes... wow did they ever put their foot in their mouths!
Punkofnice, great references. Thanks.
Survey---who is inactive, disfellowshipped/disassociated or active?
by minimus ini am inactive for about 10 years now..
Baptized in 1974. Faded and inactive almost five years, with no interference from the BOE’s.
Unfortunately my wife is an active JW and chooses to attend all on her own.