The WT Society pointed to 1975 as the date for the end of the world. When the date came and went they changed their publications to remove themselves from the fiasco. Need proof? Check out the 1968 Truth book and compare it with the 1981 revised edition (take special note of paragraph 11):
1975 coverup! Compare the '68 and '81 Truth book scans
by JimmyPage 100 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Nice find!
Sneaky bastards!
And THAT'S why they tell you NOT to look at older publications!!!!
Homerovah the Almighty
The book entitled Famine ...1975, was that one of their books ?
Ye the full title was 'Spiritual Famine Amongst Jehovah's Witnesses - Before, During and After 1975!'
This must have been a very popular book among The Watchtower writers at the time, they certainly must have loved the book's message, and probably were disappointed when the book's predictions did not come to be realized. ("Darn it! Now we have to re-write the Truth book! Do you know how hard it is to rewrite a passage and make it fit in the same space as before?")
Famine - 1975! America's Decision: Who Will Survive?
Publisher: Little Brown & Co, Boston, MA] First Edition 276 ppTaken from front flap of DJ: By 1975 a disaster of unprecedented magnitude will face the world. Famines, greater than any in history, will ravage the undeveloped nations. A swelling population is blotting up the earth's food. United States surpluses are virtually exhausted. Birth control programs are failing. Our technology will be unable to increase food production in time to avert the death of tens of millions of people by starvation. This is the greatest problem facing mankind."
CONTENTS : Written in 1968, according to the authors by 1975 famine conditions will be worldwide and America, the only country with the capacity for substantial food aid, will have to apply the classical medical "triage" system to determine which countries to save.
My Struggle
Another cover up....great!
Taken from front flap of DJ: By 1975 a disaster of unprecedented magnitude will face the world. Famines, greater than any in history, will ravage the undeveloped nations. A swelling population is blotting up the earth's food. United States surpluses are virtually exhausted. Birth control programs are failing. Our technology will be unable to increase food production in time to avert the death of tens of millions of people by starvation. This is the greatest problem facing mankind."
Wasn't that pretty much the plot of "Soylent Green"?
Great find!
Take a look at the difference in the question for paragraph 11, part B. Although its partially illegable, you get the gist!