All of you have so eloquently listed so many of my personal feelings and WTF moments that I experienced or meditated on throughout the years. One of mine was when I became an elder back in the early 1990’s. I soon discovered after going to all the many elder’s meetings during the mid-week meetings that lasted till 10 pm, that the subjects we discussed were mostly lame and petty.
I was embarrassed and naive to have imagined all through the years (before I became an elder) that those men in the congregation library were making all these world renowned decisions. The truth is I soon learned from experience, most of what we discussed was not vital, earth shattering or very intellectual. I quickly learned there was no guidance from God’s spirit. Just a bunch of guys, some very genuine and sincere, guessing at things and using their own imperfect reasoning’s and biases.
But as many have already said the “generation” teaching change in 1995 was a biggie. Then 13 years later in 2008 we went from the worst, “wicked and crooked” people to the very best the “anointed.” That “anointed” idea only lasted a mere two years when it suddenly changed again in 2010 to the “overlapping” new light.
I’ve said to my staunch JW wife & others, “Why wouldn’t Jesus just tell his chosen elite F&DS, in 2008 about the “overlapping” teaching right away, and be done with it. Why would he tell them something incorrect first, and then decide to send down the right understanding only two years later. Doesn’t the Son of God know or have the power to get it right sooner and not embarrass his chosen ones?”
The constant garbage about old light, changing to new light is all nonsense. Many of us followed Chris Hadfield the Canadian astronaut who served as the commander of the International Space Station. I was fascinated by all the incredible pictures he Tweeted and the real time interviews and videos that were “beamed down” to earth for millions/billions to watch. I thought to myself how marvelous it is that imperfect humans can understand the laws of the universe, radio waves, satellites, internet protocols etc. to be able to accomplish such a monumental feat.
On the other hand, the Creator of these very laws, is using instead His Son, along with His mighty and powerful Holy Spirit. Why then can’t God “beam down” accurate timely “theocratic light” right the first time to His illustrious F&DS? The WTS leaders better get a better high speed connection to God when they move to Warwick. It seems NASA can communicate more effectively and efficiently with imperfect humans on earth.