JoinedPosts by baldeagle
Can anyone disprove 607 BCE date using only the NWT and WT literature?
by Bart Belteshassur ini haven't come across any arguement that does not involve secular history and external references.
in fact the wt can not get to 607 bce without using external sources as in knowing that they need to get back from 1914 ce to 607 bce, and botching an argument using an external date as reference to create their start point at 537 bce.. i realize that to get the final date we must provide a fixed figure from somewhere which can only be a historical source, but the objective would be to disprove the wt flim flam.
once that is achieve we can use which ever fixed historical point they wish to chose.
Thoughts on the new 'God's Kingdom Rules!' book
by sd-7 ini was feeling a little melancholy earlier this week and i decided to start reading wt literature again, just to see what was new and improved.
and it seems that, as has consistently been the case, the more i read of the literature, the more i see that i made the right choice to leave.. the first chapter goes into explaining what the kingdom is, then it looks like they must've essentially cut and pasted from the recent wt study articles about the 'harvest' illustration and about the two groups of anointed = one generation, but there's a third group of anointed who aren't part of 'this generation' (but, i imagine, probably will be someday, i mean, if two groups decades apart in age can be part of one generation, why not three?).
it's interesting, looking at it again after all this time.
1874, 1914 and 1943
by TD ina persistent meme that floats around on jw related internet forums holds that christ's second coming was moved forward 40 years (i.e.
from 1874 to 1914) in the year 1943.
(this appears to be based primarily on a statment in the book god's kingdom of a thousand years has approached on page 209 and to a lesser degree, a footnote at the bottom of page 133 of the publication jehovah's witnesses - proclaimers of god's kingdom.).
convinced 95% of all active jw's don't have a clue as to where 1914 originates
by goingthruthemotions inso talking with my wife last night...i was explaining to her about a conversation i had with a person at work about end times.
he has a strange belief that some scriptures in isaiah perdict something huge is going to happen in september of 2015. she then states that no one can predict the future only the father knows and he is in a cult.
lol on the inside.. i then stated "what about 1914 and the dubs perdiction and what it means today" she said no there was never any predictions.
BOE 2014-07-13 Appointment and deletion of elders and ministerial servants
by WatchTower87 in2014-07-13 appointment and deletion of elders and ministerial servantsto all bodies of elders.
the link removed by request is also available at the forms link.
the congregation secretary should arrange for this letter to be retained in the congregation permanent file of policy letters.
Thanks Watchtower87 for that link. I’ve known many CO’s over the last 40+ years. Some were pompous “company men” while others were genuine, friendly, amiable and down to earth. Many of them as we know started “pioneering” while in their late teens right out of high school. I can’t imagine any reasonable intelligent man allowing himself and his reputation to be put in jeopardy. These CO’s I’m sure realize that this is the WTS obvious intent. Namely, to distance themselves from financial harm while yet maintaining a positive, righteous image for themselves, as being a religion of high moral integrity.
All of us would not allow our good reputation or our family name to be maligned, in the newspaper, on TV, or on the internet etc. But a CO is a perfect scapegoat for all of this. It’s brilliant in fact since these men and their wives have given their whole life to this religious institution. The WTS through donations pays for their cars, gas, meals, apt, medical expenses etc. These men have become wholly dependent and are trapped with very few marketable skills in the real world. Even if they disagree with this new loving arrangement they must be thinking…….. ”Whom shall we go away to?”
They must feel completely euchred. Praise Jah.
Special Campaign In August Any Observations So Far
by baldeagle inkm part this week (july 14) get ready for the special campaign in august the brother tried his best to hype it up.
he raised his voice in enthusiasm and three times over ten minutes boomed out these same questions, are you ready brothers?
are we all really, really ready for this special campaign in august?
KM part this week (July 14) “Get Ready For The Special Campaign In August” the brother tried his best to hype it up. He raised his voice in enthusiasm and three times over ten minutes boomed out these same questions, “Are You Ready Brothers? Are We All Really, Really Ready For This Special Campaign In August?”
Here we are past the half way mark in July there should be lots of names to be read out to encourage the masses that are sitting on the fence. After all this is touted as being the most historical preaching campaign of all time. Handing out a folded piece of paper to advertise a website. What an innovative idea!
At the end of his part, with only a couple of weeks to go, there were only 5 people announced that were really, really ready. Three elders, an elder’s wife and one MS. Maybe the floodgates of applications will occur in the next two weeks. What’s happening in your area?
"New Book" God's Kingdom Rules
by booker-t ini heard that on sat the jws released a new book at the convention god's kingdom rules.
is it a verse by verse of ezekiel or daniel?
does it mention the "overlapping generation"?
Thanks, wannabefree, much appreciated.
Local Needs 07/08/2014
by piztjw ini don't know whether i should laugh, or run screaming into the night.. tonights "local needs" was titled "are you following 'the slave' "?.
the theme scripture was 1 peter 2: 21. it was applied that by following jesus steps closely we would then be able to keep up with 'the slave'.
now i don't know about others, but if i were to follow one person and that meant to keep up with someone else, it would mean that the person i was following was following the other person.
How totally naïve this GB has become. Their obsession with their website has taken me truly by surprise. Years ago the CO’s were telling us (elders/ms) of the incredible immeasurable damage the internet was having on congregation members. He would remind us of the many faithful longtime elders that had abandoned their families by simply stumbling upon chatrooms and hooking up with someone else. Every visit he would tell us of the huge number of elders and servants deleted by viewing internet pornography. He even told a room of approx. 20 men that if we were viewing pornography, we should do the right & honorable thing confess and step down. Really how do these guys think this will play out?
Get millions of JW’s and their teenage children all surfing the Web and this will not have a happy ending for the WTS. All the information and incredibly foolish statements made over the last 100+ years is so readily available 24 hours a day. You can access it in the privacy of your own home, car, park, coffee shop, anywhere!! The flow of information has always been tightly guarded, locked down and essentially unavailable. Not anymore!!!
The internet is the electronic; “Wild Wild West” and JW’s are a curious bunch.
We’ve come a long way since this August 15, 2011 Watchtower.
The WTS has gone “all in” regarding the “evil” Internet.
BOE * 2014-05-01 Witnessing in public places
by WatchTower87 into all bodies of elders.
the public witnessing supplies form (s-80) is also available at the forms link.
the congregation secretary should arrange for this letter to be retained in the congregation permanent file of policy letters.
“If a small administrative fee is needed in order to acquire space in a public area, it is to be paid by the individual publisher, not the congregation. Publishers should carefully review any such applications to see what responsibility they are taking upon themselves with respect to liability.”
So a pioneer or publisher who generally have menial or low end paying jobs have to in addition to losing a day’s work, and gas up their cars, also pay the “small administrative fee” if required from their own income. How can this religion even get anyone interested anymore, in making all these sacrifices still? What the heck was I thinking over the last 40 years? What an embarrassing, petty, cheap religion this has become!!!
Your final WTF? Moment!
by restrangled init was a long time coming for me.....when i read about the extened generations, after being raised on1914 being the be all end all, and millions would never die....that was the end.
i was part of the 1975 fiasco, the 6 month only truth book studies, suffered through a disifellowshipping and their version of a rewind.
i finally am free and hope others can eventually look in instead of inside looking out!
All of you have so eloquently listed so many of my personal feelings and WTF moments that I experienced or meditated on throughout the years. One of mine was when I became an elder back in the early 1990’s. I soon discovered after going to all the many elder’s meetings during the mid-week meetings that lasted till 10 pm, that the subjects we discussed were mostly lame and petty.
I was embarrassed and naive to have imagined all through the years (before I became an elder) that those men in the congregation library were making all these world renowned decisions. The truth is I soon learned from experience, most of what we discussed was not vital, earth shattering or very intellectual. I quickly learned there was no guidance from God’s spirit. Just a bunch of guys, some very genuine and sincere, guessing at things and using their own imperfect reasoning’s and biases.
But as many have already said the “generation” teaching change in 1995 was a biggie. Then 13 years later in 2008 we went from the worst, “wicked and crooked” people to the very best the “anointed.” That “anointed” idea only lasted a mere two years when it suddenly changed again in 2010 to the “overlapping” new light.
I’ve said to my staunch JW wife & others, “Why wouldn’t Jesus just tell his chosen elite F&DS, in 2008 about the “overlapping” teaching right away, and be done with it. Why would he tell them something incorrect first, and then decide to send down the right understanding only two years later. Doesn’t the Son of God know or have the power to get it right sooner and not embarrass his chosen ones?”
The constant garbage about old light, changing to new light is all nonsense. Many of us followed Chris Hadfield the Canadian astronaut who served as the commander of the International Space Station. I was fascinated by all the incredible pictures he Tweeted and the real time interviews and videos that were “beamed down” to earth for millions/billions to watch. I thought to myself how marvelous it is that imperfect humans can understand the laws of the universe, radio waves, satellites, internet protocols etc. to be able to accomplish such a monumental feat.
On the other hand, the Creator of these very laws, is using instead His Son, along with His mighty and powerful Holy Spirit. Why then can’t God “beam down” accurate timely “theocratic light” right the first time to His illustrious F&DS? The WTS leaders better get a better high speed connection to God when they move to Warwick. It seems NASA can communicate more effectively and efficiently with imperfect humans on earth.