Hey Baldeagle:
I agree, this religion is CHEAP and PETTY. I am not surprised in the least. I recognized (even in my youth), that the money always flowed one way in the WTBTS, out of the sheeple's wallets and into the WT bank accounts. When does the average member ever see a dime from the Org? NEVER. It never happens. They just dump more and more responsability, liability, and expense onto the sheeple's shoulders. Soon, the Sheeple will be printing their own literature out from the JW.org website, on a congregation printer, at their OWN expense. It's coming......mark my words. We are already seeing the baby steps towards it. The pushing of iPads in door-to-door use to view publications, etc. Printed literature from Headquarters will be a thing of the past in the next 5 years. Maybe booklets or a bible only for study, but WatchTower & Awake! for sure are on the way out.
The Org takes responsability for NOTHING, and expects credit and praise for EVERYTHING. They are manipulative, money-grubbing, self-centered narcassists, and it is really beginning to show thru. I am so glad to be out of this freakin' Cult that I could do cart-wheels. My parents are probably spinning in their graves if they could see the farce this "truth" has become. It's an incredible site to behold, the de-evolution of this cult to a pitance.
- Wing Commander