These videos are strategically designed to invoke a response and create a strong personal emotional connection. Personally I think it’s brilliant, cultish yes, but still alluring and selling hope. Remember that many JW’s are forever optimistic……What if it all does happen in my lifetime? Do I want to give up now?
“bats in the belfry” mentioned: “The countless resolutions to whoever?”
Remember when conventions for years had several stirring and heart moving resolutions presented? I mention two below to refresh your memory.
April 1, 2002 WT p. 30 Stay Awake, Move Ahead Courageously!
“The hour is late for distressed mankind. Our present commission must be fulfilled before the final end comes. Therefore, we, as Jehovah’s Witnesses, resolve that:…… (A six-point resolution was presented) “All in attendance at this convention who favor the adoption of this resolution, please say AYE! When the concluding question of the resolution was put to the……a thunderous “Aye” was shouted in the many languages represented among the delegates.”
January 15, 2004 p. 25 Give God Glory Not Man
“The speaker presented a ten-point resolution for all in attendance to adopt. It centered on various ways that glory can be given to Jehovah, the Creator. A unanimous “Aye” traveled through all the conventions from one end of the earth to the other.”
Many of us remember all those bold and pompous resolutions that put the “wicked world” on notice and were adopted by the thousands gathered. The audience was in a trance like state as they feverishly applauded. On the drive home conversations indicated that the brothers/sisters were very much excited and enthusiastic about it…What could this all mean? And…We must be so close to the end now! etc.
But the next day was Monday and going to the same crappy unfulfilling low paying job. Or we were knocking on the same empty houses if pioneering. Midweek go to the same mind-numbing meeting. At the end of the month you had more bills than money. The assembly quickly slipped into the distant past and became irrelevant.
The WTS is so enamoured with this digital age and are cleverly using the latest methods available to them. Just saying the end is coming sooooon……or it’s just around the corner is so old, WELL OVER 100 years old!!
Video with faith strengthening music is the new hook and dangling carrot. The loyal ones will eat this up and then be disappointed like the generations that went before them.