Thanks for all this information about being a CO and your personal experiences.
JoinedPosts by baldeagle
interesting EX-CO AMA ( Ask Me Anything) over on exjwreddit
by Diogenesister inex-circuit overseer here, ama.
2017 Sunday RC Final Talk & Comments About 1975
by baldeagle inmany of us here have commented on the deceitful friday afternoon video shown at the 2017 rc that discussed 1975.. the video attempted to shift the blame onto congregation members for the fiasco saying, "some were looking to a certain date as signifying the end of this old system of things.".
this same video mentions how, “a few even went so far as selling their homes and quitting their jobs.”.
we all know that the wt leadership created this teaching and endorsed it right up to its abject failure.. now below is the concluding talk given on sunday at the rc.
Many of us here have commented on the deceitful Friday afternoon video shown at the 2017 RC that discussed 1975.
The video attempted to shift the blame onto congregation members for the fiasco saying, "Some were looking to a certain date as signifying the end of this old system of things."
This same video mentions how, “A few even went so far as selling their homes and quitting their jobs.”
We all know that the WT leadership created this teaching and endorsed it right up to its abject failure.
Now below is the concluding talk given on Sunday at the RC. In the talk, the speaker refers to the late 1960’s and early 70’s saying that, “Back then many of us believed that the end was going to come in 1975.” The speaker admits that he and his family “thought the end could come by 1975.”
He further adds that these expectations caused his mother and brother to start pioneering in 1971, himself in 1972 and his father sold their house in 1973 etc.
Watch From: 1.00 (1 hour mark) until around the 1.05 (1 hour 5 min mark).
by bs_since_1870s ini just updated my website, any feedback is welcome!.
A religion ruling through the constant use of fear and a promise of a false hope for the future that never arrives. -
2017 Convention Video To Be Shown Regarding The 1975 Failure
by pale.emperor in
no mention whatsoever that it was watchtower themselves that strongly hinted towards this date.
instead they blame those who "put their trust in a date, not jehovah".. let's recap... .
This video re-enactment of the 1975 debacle is troubling on several levels, as many have stated here in this discussion. It seems the most disturbing, offensive area we all agree on is the blatant dishonesty, in view of all the recorded articles proving that the WT leadership created this teaching and endorsed it right up to its abject failure.
Of the 7 GB members, Mark Sanderson being the youngest would have made him about 10 years old in 1975; therefore, it had no real impact on him a young kid at the time. However, the other six men range in age from Samuel Herd around 82...down to Geoffrey Jackson about age 62 and various ages in between. These men would all have full knowledge of the teachings from GB 1.0 and lived through the feelings and reactions in the congregations.
What I find disturbing is how galling it is that they can try to distort the facts that are irrefutable as to the origin of this teaching. Are these men that claim a special spiritual enlightenment and a future “brother” of Christ so far fallen in their decency? Seriously, can they look themselves in the mirror each morning and really feel no shame for these fabricated and fraudulent videos?
On another note depending on where you lived and how much a “true believer” you were, 1975 did receive a variety of responses. Some continued living their lives as usual working, raising families, waiting to see what would actually happen.
I remember a brother, a friend of mine telling me when he was a kid, his father bought a new house in early 1974. The response from the congregation including his PO was scathing, along the lines, “Are you crazy? Aren’t you listening to the talks and counsel coming from the organization? You will never live in that house it’s only going to be a distraction, where’s your faith? A few short years later that chastised so-called “faithless” brother became the new Presiding Overseer, raising his kids in that nice new home. The original PO who was involved in the ridiculing fell away due to the 1975 fiasco.
Also, I personally know of two family men each with young children at the time (11-14 yrs. old) who felt compelled due to their faith and interpretation of things to sell their houses in 1973. The end never came. Over the years, they both exhausted their savings by renting and day-to-day expenses and were unable to re-enter the housing market. One is deceased the other is 87 years old still paying rent from a measly government pension.
The GB leadership whether today or 80 years ago has a lot to answer for; they have indeed ruined a countless number of lives of people who were mostly sincere and believed they were doing God’s will.
Watchtower’s 53 Date Failures -- Prophetic Declarations Quietly Abandoned
by FatFreek 2005 inbelow is a paste of the front of my recent essay.
ask most jws today and they'll tell you that, yes, watchtower has made a few mistakes -- that there are a couple date failures -- 1925 -- and maybe another one they can't even remember.. lest they forget, the following should jog their collective memories as to how egregious watchtower has been in their obsession with date predictions (oh, but we don't make predictions, they may tell you) over the 138 years of watchtower history.. len miller.
Great document. Thanks so much for all your research.
2.16.2017 NJ Star-Ledger Ad: "Were you sexually abused by the Jehovahs Witnesses?"
by breakfast of champions inmy wife found this 1/4 page ad on page 2 of yesterday's nj star-ledger, probably the biggest newspaper in nj.
pretty telling.. .
It's about time let's hope this crime will finally get the full attention and exposure it needs. These WTS leaders are wishing the Internet was never invented. As the saying goes, “the genie is out of the bottle” for the WT.
"Just around the corner." The dumbest song that I have ever heard..
by DATA-DOG ini'm at my quasi-thanksgiving dinner with relatives.
i hear a haunting sound from another room.
"is that a children's song?
This religion has gone off the rails. Each month is getting more bizarre than the last!!!
Where in blazes is their PR department? Surely some near the top must be cringing at these productions!!
They are truly embarrassing themselves.
New Resolution?
by NikL inhad our midweek meeting last night.
they had a resolution to send an extra (i wanna say $1100 but i only remember it was at least $1000) per month to forward the kingdom preaching work etc.. you know how they work in the one votes against anything.
i abstained as i almost have always done.
The picture of hungry grandma is beyond belief. This Governing Body 2.0 has got to be the most self-absorbed collection of WT leaders ever. They present in videos and writings in the soon to be year 2017 some of the most ludicrous and insensitive advice or guidance.
It seems like they have “no filter” in the things they present to their audience. The GB is unmoved with no sense of taste, decorum, or empathy on how their information will affect the masses. Isn’t there anyone in their ivory tower that screens the lunacy that they spew out? Most large corporations have those that are specifically employed to read articles and review photos to make sure that it will not tarnish their brand or image. They might have several people that work only in the PR department to make the company appear professional, reasonable and credible.
This religion is truly lame and broken.
Blood Ban Not Going Away Anytime Soon
by baldeagle inat the recent circuit assembly in our area (nov 19/2016) a talk was given in the afternoon entitled “jehovah will resurrect the dead” it’s clear that the prohibition on blood is not going away anytime soon.
many of us here have expressed the hope that this death dealing policy would be softened or become a complete conscience matter.
not the case, jw’s are urged to not give in and to focus on the resurrection hope.
At the recent Circuit Assembly in our area (Nov 19/2016) a talk was given in the afternoon entitled “Jehovah Will Resurrect The Dead” it’s clear that the prohibition on blood is not going away anytime soon. Many of us here have expressed the hope that this death dealing policy would be softened or become a complete conscience matter. Not the case, JW’s are urged to not give in and to focus on the resurrection hope.
Recordings of these talks have been made available online. Start this video at about the 8 minute mark until around the 12 minute mark. The speaker makes the refusal of blood resoundingly clear and then offers a definition regarding the word “abstain” with an illustration.
All of the Circuit Assembly parts are available on this excellent website: think this GB is going to double down on many of their teachings.
141st Gilead Gradution Talks 1st Part
by Listener inthese grads.
are a special people indeed.
how on earth they put up with all this indoctrination is beyond me, months of intense brainwashing.
The talk about God’s “cloud” directing the Israelites is all about loyalty and total obedience in everything without delay. At approx. 22:00 the admission is made that in the US an ongoing effort to utilize KH’s is underway. This has resulted in many publishers being assigned to different congregations. Again he says we must learn obedience, submissiveness and follow directions.
At approx. 22:40 he says the “cloud” in Israel may have moved to a location that was “not logical from a human standpoint” (that famous line again). He then says the time is now to obey and not ask why they made that decision.
I’ll tell you personally things at the WT are getting stranger and creepier with this unwavering loyalty and obedience without question. It makes me wonder, "What absurd instructions are they considering for their devout followers?" "What craziness are they about to unleash?"