One of the scenarios for discussion below.
“Situation: A brother who has pioneered for a number of years faces financial difficulties and becomes discouraged. He begins to wonder what his life could have been if he had pursued higher education and obtained a well-paying job?”
It would appear that worldwide there must be numerous troubled and disgruntled pioneers. Many must be quietly reviewing their lives and not liking what they see. In recent years, WT study articles have regularly addressed whether JW’s are experiencing feelings of regret over the sacrifices they have made and getting old in this system etc.
2013 January 15 p. 26, Serving Without Regrets
15 What about those of you who have made sacrifices to serve Jehovah full-time? Perhaps you gave up a promising career or a successful business to simplify your life and have more time for Kingdom pursuits. Or perhaps you remained unmarried or if married, decided to forgo having children to make yourself available for an avenue of full-time service that otherwise would not have been possible for you—Bethel service, international construction work, circuit work, or missionary service. Should you regret those decisions now as you grow older in Jehovah’s service? Should you feel that the sacrifices you made were unnecessary or ill-timed? Not at all!
16 You made those decisions on the basis of your deep love for Jehovah and an earnest desire to help others who wanted to serve him. You need not think that you would have been better off had you lived your life differently. You can have the deep satisfaction of knowing that you did what you knew to be right in your case. You can rejoice in having done your very best to serve Jehovah. He will not forget your life of self-sacrifice. In the real life yet to come, he will reward you with blessings far better than any you can now imagine! Ps. 145:16; 1 Tim. 6:19.
Thanks to wifibandit for providing this talk, outline. My conclusions after reading this material...