Great compilation Vanderhoven7 of interesting “Old Light” beliefs, thanks.
JoinedPosts by baldeagle
Summary of WT Foundation Quotes
by Vanderhoven7 inthe watchtower, november 1, 1922, pp.332-337.
do you believe that the king of glory is present, and has been since 1874?… this is the day of all days.
behold, the king reigns!
Selling off their London Properties.
by Lost in the fog inhaving sold off their brooklyn properties for $$$$ the watchtower society is doing the same thing with their properties in london, england.
. .
I can see and hear it now from a GB member in a future broadcasting…
“So then brothers are we grateful for these timely and loving changes coming from Jehovah’s celestial chariot? We on the GB here at headquarters are asked, why are there so many changes and adjustments in such a short time? Many of you dear faithful brothers and sisters mention that you can barely keep up with it all.” (Pause for a phony smile)
GB member…
“Well brothers we are having a difficult time too, we are running after the celestial chariot as fast as we can, which is now travelling at warp speed. We too must keep up with the adjustments regarding branch sales and relocations coming from Jehovah. Let us all willingly make the sacrifices required in these momentous last days. Rest assured that we on the GB love every one of you dearly… and remember… God loves a cheerful giver.” (Cue thunderous applause)
R & B Soul on
by silentbuddha ini remember getting my ass beat .
in 1987 / 1988 for listening to atlantic star.
they had a song called always.. my mother sat me down anmd told me listening to music like that would just rile up my emotions and make me look for a girl to fornicate with.. like at the age of 10 i was going to take it to that level.. my mother later banned r and b from our home.... i find it all hilarious now, but a friend of mine actually sent me a link to the jw broadcast and said i had to watch this.. i told him there was no way, but he said just start at the 50:40 mark.. i do not believe that this is what the org is doing now???.
This religion is truly lame. In recent years, they are trying too hard to remain or appear relevant.
They have rebranded themselves in ways none of us here could have anticipated or predicted.
JWs are obsessed at receiving validation in order to convert someone.
W5 Investigation
by Christian Gutierrez inhey guys!
i just want you guys to know that today is a really great day.
there are so many jehovah's witnesses that saw this documentary and were disgusted by watchtowers policy.
Great work Christian and Katja. Your videos are always well presented. Hats off to the entire W5 crew.
I have been watching W5 for decades it’s a high quality show indeed.
Crisis of Conscience (Fifth Edition) is now available on Kindle:
by Brock Talon ini am not on this site much lately, so i apologize up front if someone has already posted this, but i thought this was big news and wanted to share with the group.. crisis of conscience (fifth edition) is now available on kindle.
Let us hope many more will wake up to the sham this religion has been since its inception.
March 2018 Broadcast - When quotes become rumors
by Listener inthis months broadcast is presented by losche and he discusses the need for trust in the fds.
the following is transcribed from the 12.30 mark.. satan also has the scheme to spread rumors about our brothers including the faithful slave.
the method of spreading rumors is not new.
It would appear that reports are getting back to HQ that some in the congregations are getting restless perhaps even agitated at some “so called” rumours they are hearing.
Many of us have commented at how the GB appear tired and stressed out looking in their video presentations.
The ARC inquiry of WTS policies indicated that WT leaders poorly handled child sexual abuse cases for decades. Likewise, with the abject failure the WTS had in Russia are no doubt contributing to all of this.
Recently, Gary Breaux spoke about how the apostates are challenging the scriptural position of the “two witness” rule as it pertains to establishing a judicial committee and that the media has discussed this as well. He conveniently did not mention that all the criticism over this “two witness” rule is in regards to child molestation.
He concluded after reading two scriptures showing the Biblical necessity of “two witnesses” as it applies to taking judicial action by saying “…we will never change our scriptural position on that subject.”
Letters and videos are being leaked at an unprecedented rate recently. The GB knows that they have in their very midst those willing to risk doing this. In addition, the activism in recent years has risen exponentially. There are innumerable convincing YouTube videos and websites that currently are produced at a much higher caliber and degree of professionalism.
The internet has become a logistical nightmare for this micromanaging and secretive religion, which has as its primary concern appearance over substance.
The WT leaders are keenly aware that the “genie is out of the bottle” forever.
Expect more spin and damage control from now on!
2 BOE's You might want!
by Atlantis inoclam-2018-april-2-30--answer sheet march announcements and reminders!.
Possibly the branch truck drivers will be shown the door. The celestial chariot is on the move.
Who can keep up with it?
This is great news for everyone.
Why I'm rejoining the JWs
by Fred Franztone indear brothers and sisters.
after many years outside of the truth, living as an atheist, i have come to realise that i have been on the wrong path.
the fool has said in his heart that there is no god, and i have been a fool.
I’m recommending you to be on the WT writing committee.
Cookthebooks--Here is your Leaked Elder Videos!
by Atlantis incookthebooks:.
there are several leaked elder videos in the zipped file.
use 7-zip or whatever program you use to unzip the folder..
Thanks Atlantis, much appreciated.
This religion is hemorrhaging young men and women. The millennials along with established older mature men in the congregation are not bothering to reach out to be a MS never mind an elder. Many brothers today do not want to sacrifice themselves to this religion. Most of these men do not qualify simply because they are low hour publishers and refuse to change their situation. They are contented to warm a seat at the KH.
When the workhorse publishers from yesteryear, those 75 and over pass away, this religion will feel the lack of leadership and willingness in the congregations. Many have predicted that eventually the GB will resort to even more videos to be shown on a fulltime basis to cover the weekly meeting parts.
I am relieved to know that Bro. Splane and his cronies LOVE ME so much; I’ll sleep better tonight knowing that.
Seriously, I cringe whenever they say with no sincerity whatsoever, “Rest assured brothers that the GB WUVS you very much”...blah, blah, blah. What total twaddle!!!