I concur with many here
like OnTheWayOut, Sunworshipper805,
and Magnum. For me it was cumulative and produced nagging doubts it was like, “What in blazes
am I hearing from this WT study, public talk, assembly program etc.”
The retooling of the “generation” teaching in 1995, 81
years after 1914 was a red flag. This was a benchmark teaching that many Witnesses used to make crucial life-altering
decisions. It was simply torpedoed out of existence and replaced. My lingering
doubts were now crystalized that the leaders of this religion were clearly
fabricating their doctrines. As the years and decades marched on with no end in
sight, they were using a piecemeal approach to make modifications.
Regrettably, I remained
active until the nonsensical teaching in 2010 that two groups of anointed from
1914, overlap to make up a continuous generation. I knew it was all a falsehood
15 years earlier, what was I thinking? Aside from the obvious fear of losing your entire family
and social network in a heartbeat, something else is at play in the JW mindset.
It’s what is called herd
mentality. This is defined as, “The inability or refusal to
listen to one's own instinct or 'gut feeling' but to instead follow the
majority for fear of being wrong, ostracized or ridiculed.”
While we
are nurturing doubts, we feel guilty when we observe our fellow congregants and
their apparent faithful lifestyle. We are surrounded by pioneers, elders,
servants, CO’s and Bethelites etc. We go to large conventions and see literally
thousands of people, many that we respect and admire that tirelessly soldier on
in their JW activities. We wonder could all these families be duped and I’m right.
On the other hand, could I be the one that is seeing things incorrectly?
the direct anxiety of being shunned along with the “herd mentality” literally
causes many years or even decades to go by, before we can break free from the
grip this religion has on people.
The GB leadership whether today
or 80 years ago has a lot to answer for; they have indeed ruined a countless
number of lives of people who were mostly sincere and believed they were doing
God’s will.
Sorry for the double post.