I can see and hear it now from a GB member in a future broadcasting…
“So then brothers are we grateful for these timely and loving changes coming from Jehovah’s celestial chariot? We on the GB here at headquarters are asked, why are there so many changes and adjustments in such a short time? Many of you dear faithful brothers and sisters mention that you can barely keep up with it all.” (Pause for a phony smile)
GB member…
“Well brothers we are having a difficult time too, we are running after the celestial chariot as fast as we can, which is now travelling at warp speed. We too must keep up with the adjustments regarding branch sales and relocations coming from Jehovah. Let us all willingly make the sacrifices required in these momentous last days. Rest assured that we on the GB love every one of you dearly… and remember… God loves a cheerful giver.” (Cue thunderous applause)