JoinedPosts by aquafrenta
Does the bible have a central theme? Does it prove inspiration?
by GreenhornChristian indoes the bible have a central theme?.
there seems to be a general consensus throughout christian religions that there is a consistent theme throughout the bible.
the seeming evidence of a theme coming from a collection of books written by over 40 different authors over a period of 1500 years is what givse credence to the claim that the bible is an inspired literary work.
The Fossil Record: vs God Allowing Pain & Suffering
by Shanagirl inwhat a man does with the fossil record tells a lot about his worldview.
is it the result of a world-covering deluge?
or did this sorry chronicle of pain, suffering, and death precede humans (and the reign of death) by millions of years?
Thanks cantleave, do you know of an article or book explaining the mechanics of chromosomes breaking and remaining viable?
The Fossil Record: vs God Allowing Pain & Suffering
by Shanagirl inwhat a man does with the fossil record tells a lot about his worldview.
is it the result of a world-covering deluge?
or did this sorry chronicle of pain, suffering, and death precede humans (and the reign of death) by millions of years?
Theories can be true or false. What makes it a theory is that it can be tested.
Evolution has not tested false, and many of it's predictive results have been found true.
The real missing link in evolution is not in the fossil record but in genetics.
How does the # of gene pairs change. Horses and donkeys have a common ancester but have different gene pair counts.
They can breed, but the resulting mule is sterile.
I would really like to see where science has tried to tackle the question of gene pairs, I have searched and not found.
I do accept evolution as likely true but can't accept it as fact without the math.
In all sincerity if you know of research in manipulating gene pairs, or know of a plausable explanation please respond.
What is the main "idea" of the bible?
by KateWild inas jws we were often told what the theme of the bible is, we were taught that it was the promised seed.. i was recently asked the question.... what is the main "idea" of the bible?.
for me the whole purpose of the bible is about control.
it features a god that punishes and rewards.
The overiding theme of the bible is Repentance and Redemption.
God is willing to redeem us even though we are sinful (natural, from out of the forest) so long as we are aware of our failings and desire to improve our station. Most of christendum focuses on John 3:16 and neglects the stronger 3:17.
God sent not his son to into the world to condem the world, but that the world through him might be saved. (ie redeemed)
Those who try to condem you with the bible have "swallowed the camel while straining the gnat", and are wanting you to try some camel for yourself.
Bible is inspired of God??????
by Crazyguy inis there anything in the bible that makes you believe that some or all the writings in the bible are inspired from god?.
Round about they do.
Esther theme is the kinsman redeemer, Romans theme is Christ as redeemer.
Where does the need to worship god come from?
by Socrateswannabe inwhere does the need to worship god come from?.
this is a question that i asked myself repeatedly when i used to believe that god exists.
i struggled with this because i have never had the urge, and i imagined myself an ingrate because of it.
Just read your post Apo, we are thinking along the same lines.
I also have misgivings with secular humanism, for different reasons I am sure. I do fear a reversal of culture without the glue of an independant moral compass offered by belief in a higher power.
That religion has caused mayhem historically and is blamed for alot of the divisions today doesn't mean it has no usefull purpose. People will mistreat others and even kill them with or without religion. Blaming religion is like blaming knives or money. There are usually multiple underlying circumstances which can include the aformentioned and more.
I see religion as applied philosophy. If philosophy contradicts science, philosopholy is trumped but still usefull.
Where does the need to worship god come from?
by Socrateswannabe inwhere does the need to worship god come from?.
this is a question that i asked myself repeatedly when i used to believe that god exists.
i struggled with this because i have never had the urge, and i imagined myself an ingrate because of it.
I think religion gave an evolutionary competetive advantage over those without spiritual inclinations.
Belief in an afterlife predates homo sapiens. When self awareness became stronger in our ancestors, the question "why?" needed answering.
It allowed the family to become the tribe, and then the village.
Most sapiens and mammals in general push young males out of the family unit. Early religious belief caused a change in this dynamic allowing for a larger group of productive individuals. The tribe gains physical strength to ward off attack, and once large enough can become the aggressor and illiminate competition from less religiously inclined.
I think of spirituality as the mortar of civilization, homo sapiens are the bricks.
Bible is inspired of God??????
by Crazyguy inis there anything in the bible that makes you believe that some or all the writings in the bible are inspired from god?.
I believe most of the bible to be the inspired word of God.
In all seriousness I believe Shakespeare to also be an inspired by God work, difference is Shakespeare is not about God. Shakespeare also gives psuedo history lessons with moral implications.
To think the bible innerrant I find completely eroneous. I do believe what is teaches, chiefly mans sinful nature and Gods desire to redeem us through his affirmative action. Not ours lest we become boastful. It is not an instruction manual in perfect behaviour, quite the opposite, it is a treatice on the futility of perfection.
I do not need the bible to be perfect in its histories or science to appreciate the point it is making.
Like wise when I read Macbeth I can glean the moral lessons without believing in ghosts.
The St Crispins soliloquy inspires me and makes me feel exhilirated even though I know it is fictional interpretation of historical events.
I have known many who grumble over the innaccuracies of Shakespeare and who challenge the authorship. Reminds me of the endless challenges to the bible. Both are great literature either way.
I understand I am in the minority of christians who are willing to tell others what they believe. Doesn't mean I am in the minority of christians as to this belief.
I will go on record also in stating I do not believe the book of revelations to be in any way inspired. It should not be included with the other books. I would rather the book of Enoch, at least it makes a decent story line.
JW. org: "No, we are not a cult. We do not look to any human as our leader."
by Faithful Witness ini know this has been rehashed, time and again, but i saw this interesting blip on last night, and did a little thinking about it.... jw.
org answers the important question that so many have... are jehovah's witnesses a cult?.
jehovah's witnesses do not look to any human as their leader.
This thread needs to be a sticky.
wbts is so much more than a "Cult"
I personally believe wbts to be the second most evil org the world has known, surpassed only by the 3rd reich. Once 13 million have died refusing blood it will have passed Hitlers evil org.
"Babies don't go to heaven? They are just dead!! Anyone telling you otherwise is being cruel." said a JW nieghbor to my sister,
only 2 days after her infant had died.
WTF? Ironic doesn't touch the surface!!
Theism Makes Science Impossible
by cofty init is not impossible to be a great scientist and a theist - kenneth miller and francis collins are good examples.. however, science depends on methodological naturalism - a working assumption that there are natural causes for observed effects.
please note that methodological naturalism is not the same as ontological naturalism.
in other words scientists may believe in a spirit world or not as long as god is never invoked as an answer.. contrast this with theism which, unlike deism, declares god to be immanent and active in the world.. consider a scientist who is also a theist doing research into the efficacy of a new drug that cures heart disease.
What do you get when you cross an athiest with a JW?
Someone who knocks on your door for no reason.