They may not do away with meetings in favor of broadcasted content but I believe there will be a lot more broadcasted content at the meetings. Information control at its finest.
They may not do away with meetings in favor of broadcasted content but I believe there will be a lot more broadcasted content at the meetings. Information control at its finest.
nimrod and the tower of babel-is this history or biblical myth.
god confused their lauguges?.
sounds quite comical when you think about it.
this is my first post here.. i was raised in "the truth", and am an ex-bethelite who worked in brooklyn for several years back in the 90's.
a few years after i left bethel, i started to become disillusioned after doing research about the society and reading crisis of conscience (i know..i wasn't supposed to do that lol).
i eventually stopped attending meetings and going out in service.
this was posted by the searcher a few months ago in response to member sauvojr regarding topics to speek with his wife about in their bible only study some how i missed it before but excellent!!!.
suavojr, why not start with the big one - the gb!.
the circumcision issue.
is it really a "BODY" if one member is away on his own for 14 years?
this was posted by the searcher a few months ago in response to member sauvojr regarding topics to speek with his wife about in their bible only study some how i missed it before but excellent!!!.
suavojr, why not start with the big one - the gb!.
the circumcision issue.
This was posted by THE SEARCHER a few months ago in response to member SAUVOJR regarding topics to speek with his wife about in their BIBLE only study some how i missed it before but excellent!!!
Suavojr, why not start with the big one - the GB!
The Circumcision Issue
bt chap. 14 p. 113 par. 11 - "The governing body in Jerusalem had reached a unanimous decision on the issue of circumcision."
The given understanding of the Bible account at Acts 15 regarding the circumcision issue is that Peter and a Governing Body was used to resolved the issue. This assertion is not based on the Scriptural evidence.
While Jesus walked the earth, some of his Apostles were contentious with each other, regarding who would be superior to the others. Equality was clearly not on their minds.
Did this attitude persist after Christ returned to heaven? This question is answered when Paul's words at Galatians 2:1-9 are examined closely.
Verse 1:
Paul speaks about going up to Jerusalem "after fourteen years". Fourteen years is a long time to ignore a "leadership", if indeed there was such. (Jesus had told his disciples that they were all brothers)
What impelled Paul to go and see the elders in Jerusalem is fundamental to establishing the truth about the dispute.
Verse 2 tells us: It was because of a revelation by God's Holy Spirit! Why did Jehovah reveal something to Paul and not to Peter &"the Governing Body"?
Verse 4 sheds light: Because false brothers had been brought in by some in Jerusalem, apparently to cause problems to Paul's ministry of teaching the nations. Also, they were spying on Paul, trying to subvert him and bring him under control of men in Jerusalem. Exactly who brought these ones in is not known, but whoever it was, they must have had some authority and prominence within the Jerusalem congregation in order to do so. Clearly, there was corruption within the ranks of the men in Jerusalem, and Paul, along with Barnabas and Titus, were directed by the Holy Spirit to go up to Jerusalem and settle this situation forthwith.
Verses 5, 6 & 9 show exactly how Paul viewed some of the men in Jerusalem - not as a God - appointed "Governing Body", but rather, as self-seeking men. Note his words -" to these we did not yield by way of submission, no, not for an hour".............. but on the part of those who seemed to be something — whatever sort of men they formerly were makes no difference to me"
If this was a God appointed "Govering Body" in Jerusalem, Paul would have been resisting the Holy Spirit by not yielding to such men, but the Scriptures definitely show exactly who was being Spirit directed in the circumcision issue!
Paul describes them as men who seemed to be something - in other words, not what they appeared to be.
He also made it clear that he was not impressed by their past histories - perhaps their association with Christ - because he stated that they told him nothing new!
He refers to them as "influential" men in one translation, but it is evident that he did not consider them as such. He describes Peter, James and John as "ones who seemed to be pillars", perhaps indicating that he had reservations.
Galatians 2:11 reveals further evidence that Peter was not viewed by Paul as part of a "Governing Body". No one in Jerusalem could or did "govern" Paul's understanding.
Verse 9 says, "they gave me and Bar´na·bas the right hand of fellowship". This does not indicate that they were directed by a leader in Jerusalem as to their ministry. (the Spirit had already done that)
It simply highlights the fact that a mutual participation in a venture was signified by a handshake or grasping another’s hand.
By examining Galatians 2:1-9, it becomes very clear that Jehovah used Paul to resolve the dispute about circumcision, not Peter or a "Governing Body" in Jerusalem, whom Paul clearly had to stand up to when given divine direction.
and behold, an elder stood up to put him to the test, saying, teacher, what shall i do to inherit eternal life?.
he said to him, what is written in the bible?
how do you read?.
very interesting
for those that have entirely left, what was it that first got you seriously thinking that this really wasn't the truth?
for those that may be in just mentally, you can answer too....
one thing that i've learned within the last couple of years, is that there is power here.
the exposing of the united nations connection was huge.
the pedophile problem in the organization is known because certain people got out and did something about it.
honk honk
from an email i received of a conversation had with people from patterson:.
it seems that the wts legal dept.
has been working with the fb [facebook] legal dept for about a year and also with youtube whoever they are, to enforce transparency.
I hope it is true. It would be great if elders started looking at opposing view for a few hours a week.
long time lurker, first time poster here finally looking to get some things off my chest.
i've always been a very curious person with tons of questions about everything, and i also care deeply particularly about societal issues like social injustice, racism, and homophobia.
that, coupled with how boneheaded all the elders in my congregation are (except for one), led me to ask even more questions that led me to find ttatt.. .