JoinedPosts by NotNew
New DNA Study Confirms Noah
by notsurewheretogo in
amazing read...go on , have a laugh if you want to.. new dna study confirms noah.
by brian thomas, m.s.
RC 2016 Leaks & Releases
by wifibandit inin an effort to reduce the number of posts, this year i will try to add links to this post.
now, on with the leaks & releases!
first up....
Oh this for real?
its amazing how forgetful JWs many times can they cry wolf and still be looked at as speaking for God? They have been saying the world is so bad that it will end by gods hand for over 100 years!
So God is misdirecting them or not directing them...has to be one or the other.
thanks for the update.
Another generation....
by joey jojo init has been 21 years since the 1995 article that pretty much buried the idea of the '1914 generation'.. remember those guys?
the ones born in 1914 that would still be alive when the end of the system arrived.. i'm glad i'm old enough to remember going from door to door, preaching this belief.
the reason i say that is because i have a lot of 'still in' jw friends and family.
I believed it all...hook line and sinker...from 1955(born) until 2010 when the crack got to big to ignore...the walls started to crumble with the overlapping generation teaching. I now understand the power of mind control and why I did not wake up sooner, just glad I was able to. I used to say " yes they were not correct on their teachings but they were still gods chosen religion!" It took me a while to release that thought and see that they were not...when I researched their other teachings. So I guess I had new light :)
Last night's talk re sisters wearing head covering, puke making!
by purrpurr indear sisters,.
when you are fortunate enough to be in the presence of a jw penis you must take care to show the proper respect for it!
doesn't matter if said penis is prepubescent!
GrreatTeacher3 minutes ago
"It is a deliberate attempt to put down the male gender." - NotNew
In my experience, most guys are more than happy to acknowledge their penis. It's like they actually like them, or something.
**Fair enough...must be why Bruce (Caithlyn) Jenner has not had his removed!
Last night's talk re sisters wearing head covering, puke making!
by purrpurr indear sisters,.
when you are fortunate enough to be in the presence of a jw penis you must take care to show the proper respect for it!
doesn't matter if said penis is prepubescent!
purrpurr12 minutes ago
Notnew, when was the last time sisters treated the brothers like worthless second class citizens because of their genitals? When was the last time sisters forced the brothers to cover their head because they didn't have the same genitals?
**This is a weak argument...for not using the appropriate term when referring to a male!
It is a deliberate attempt to put down the male gender! Such a feeble attempt to get the point across fails with such childish descriptions.
If the head covering offends you the don't do it...let me know how that works out for you!
This is part of the religions teachings, don't like it then change religions or continue to try and change their beliefs.
Last night's talk re sisters wearing head covering, puke making!
by purrpurr indear sisters,.
when you are fortunate enough to be in the presence of a jw penis you must take care to show the proper respect for it!
doesn't matter if said penis is prepubescent!
So let me understand the use of the description " penis"...this is used when referring to males...right, and this is acceptable...ok, then, when referring to the female we should use the description "vagina"...right? It's only fair, and certainly not demeaning to either gender? Now go back and re-read the post here and subistute the gender with their gential part and see how offending it is.
What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Is this a site controlled by atheists?
by The Rebel inunder the exterior of being an ex- witness site, is this site simply converting atheism?.
i pose the question, because many come here in distress and insecurity with the realization that the w.t is wrong but still retain a belief in god.
my personal opinion is the threads on god are not challenged by an atheists personal animosity to believers, they are challenged and become confrontational because the atheist wants an elaboration and factual proof to a believers faith.. is this unreasonable?
25 minutes ago
Is this site controlled by atheists?
NO! Imo
The people are mobilizing Mr Drumpf
by Simon inprotesters shut down a trump rally.
massive numbers of people are out in chicago and have shut his event down.
there were scuffles inside the event.. despite his lame attempt to pretend the violence he instigates is nothing to do with him it's clear that it is as the cnn quotes during the last event showed only too well.. this doesn't happen at anyone else's events - candidates have even given up the stage to protesters, not called for them to be beaten and punched.. trump is an ugly person and this is just a small taste of what a future under his rule would be like.. shame on the gop for not kicking his ass out.
There's a certain amount of animosity towards Americans around the world, if Trump becomes president animosity will turn to hate
***The world already hates the USA...look around with opened eyes!
by Dansk indear all,.
i've thought long and hard before writing this - which came about after linda (fullofdoubtnow), who is suffering from pancreatic cancer, was recommended alternative treatments to mainstream medicine.
i believe i am in a strong position to know just how effective many (most/all?
This is a good site to review before taking any drug...get the patient view of ones taken and the effect of using.
Removed from JW.ORG: Warwick Photo Gallery 3 (January Through April 2015)
by wifibandit inthe warwick gallery #1 and gallery #2 are still up.. i have #3 backed up:
also pulled: .
wallkill photo gallery 2.
To call that dude out on that harmless comment is ridiculous. We are becoming a culture of the perpetually offended.
The right thing to do is roll your eyes at what you might perceive to be ignorance and move on.
Good suggestion...IMHP, Most of the bashing comments between male-female, male-male, and female-female appear to be low self-esteem that reflects a person's overall subjective emotional evaluation of his or her own worth. It is a judgment of oneself as well as an attitude toward the self.