Dear All,
I've thought long and hard before writing this - which came about after Linda (fullofdoubtnow), who is suffering from pancreatic cancer, was recommended alternative treatments to mainstream medicine. I believe I am in a strong position to know just how effective many (most/all?) alternative cancer treatments are. Let me also say that I know people here would recommend alternatives only because they mean well.
Three years ago I received the news from a specialist doctor that we all dread - I had terminal cancer! It had started with my finding a lump under my left armpit and, after eventually having been referred to my local hospital after being misdiagnosed twice, after a lymph node biopsy was performed it was found I had mantle cell lymphoma - the worst type of Non-Hodgkin's Disease.
I read all I could about the disease and found that chemotherapy was the prescribed treatment. Only a short time previously I had watched a friend die of breast cancer and she had had a torrid time with the chemo. I have to admit that the thought of having chemotherapy scared me to death because it is so toxic.
I perused the internet and read all I could on alternative/complimentary treatments and decided, much to the chagrin of my doctors, that I would refuse all mainstream treatments and go down the alternative route. I spent a lot of money on books telling me how to beat cancer, on vitamins and minerals, the likes of Essiac tea and apricot kernals, homeopathy and was given Reiki and faith healing free and also practiced cancer-healing chi-gung and became a vegan. I cannot list here everything I tried but, believe me, I tried almost everything!!
For a few months the disease seemed to be being held in check, but then the lump under my arm grew to the size of a grapefruit and I also had tumours in my chest and neck. I started then to deteriorate fast and found it difficult to breath. A check-up at the hospital revealed I had fluid on my left lung and the cancer had spread into my nasal region. No wonder I couldn't breath! In fact, my lack of being able to breath properly brought on panic attacks. I was desperate for breath at times and was really worried that I'd die gasping for breath.
I'll keep this short. I was eventually admitted into hospital and had a pluerodesis perfpormed, i.e. the fluid (10 pints) was drained from my lung and the lung stuck down to prevent a fluid build-up recurring. Thankfully, it was a success - but I realised I was falling apart.
I left hospital and immediately headed for Bristol - around a 4-5 hours drive - to see a private doctor who specialises in alternative cancer treatments. I paid £120.00 for the privilege only to find that everything she recommended I was already doing!!!
I eventually went back to see my haematologist. I was like someone out of a concentration camp and was informed that if I didn't accept treatment soon I would be unable to receive it as I was getting too weak. A professor confirmed the prognosis and gave me six weeks to live. I had no choice but to abandon the alternative/complimentary route and accept the mainstream medicine which was, of course, chemotherapy.
I have related elsewhere what the treatment did to me. At one stage things got so bad I didn't care if I died.
Now, there ARE some cases of people who have miraculously recovered from cancer to the amazement of their doctors - but these are very few and far between. Most so-called miracle cures are based on anecdotal rather than empirical evidence.
This site highlights many of the quack "cancer cures", some of which I had tried:
I reiterate that I KNOW people mean well when they advise treatments alternative to chemotherapy but unless they know someone PERSONALLY who has taken them and survived cancer or if they have survived cancer THEMSELVES using them then they should be very careful in being quick to recommend anything! How would they feel if after using the alternatives/complimentary treatments the patient died?! It really is too risky!
If it were not for the doctors and my using chemotherapy I would not be here now. Little Toe can testify to the size of the tumour I had!
I am not out of the woods yet. Happily, last week, I was informed that I was in remission and now the hunt is on to find an unrelated matched donor (MUD) so that I can receive their stem cells. This type of allogenic stem cell transplant, which is taken from the donor's blood, has actually been proven to be life-saving for a number of patients. I know of four people with my disease who have survived and are cancer-free after having such a stem cell transplant.
Unfortunately, there is a danger that I could die through the treatment as it is similar to someone having a transplant and one's immune system attacks themselves. 20% (1 in 5) people die from the procedure - but I turn it around and say that 80% (4 in 5) survive. I'm hoping and praying that I am one of them!! Put another way, if I don't have the procedure I'll die anyway.
So, please, before anyone thinks about recommending alternative/complimentary treatments be aware that most are not efficacious! You could be recommending more harm than good!! Believe me, I would do anything not to have chemotherapy - providing it genuinely works!
Contrary to what many people think (myself included at one time) doctors are not in league with drug companies to make big profits at the expense of their patients.
Finally, mainstream medicine has made great strides recently in its fight against cancer with a number of cures and potential cures being found. Personally, I have now lived longer than expected - thanks to the doctors and their treatments. Had I stuck with the alternative route you would not be reading my post now.