We live in Port Charlotte Fl. south of Clearwater and have't wore a mask in any store since the beginning of this FEAR MONGERING...and our NO MASK MANDATE state has one of the best stats.
a number of states are allowing people to not wear a mask.
some think this is disastrous!
what’s your view?.
a number of states are allowing people to not wear a mask.
some think this is disastrous!
what’s your view?.
can anyone explain this to me??
FEAR is powerful...The "False Evidence Appearing Real" virus data emotionally triggers people to act unnaturally. They are unable to think for themselves and will except what the so called "EXPERTS" say.
This is why cults work... these abusers pray on the same emotional as we say or die. (or get arrested)
Also they are afraid to look at other evidence because they are under the influence of of these criminals and except their ill-guided so called “recommendations.”
It's not about what's TRUE it's about CONTROL.
blondie, flipper, shirley w, where are you?
did this site get too republican for you?
i just take those threads with a grain of salt..
it seems like the only possibilities are women of color.
no whites need apply.. maybe he will change his mind and ask hillary clinton?
i support local and state and federal government’s power to safeguard the public.
i wonder is it getting to a point where we will be told we can’t go out anymore, can’t use your phone or computer anymore because of the viruses that we can get, etc.
are we prolonging this virus at all ?
Is this a trick question????
Of course they are. They have taken a page out of Hitler's play book and are using it against the unsuspecting population that has been conditioned to not think for themselves, and they have succeeded so far.
Good thing there are many that have their critical thinking abilities still in play otherwise we would be doomed for complete takeover with this mind Fng.
there is an allegation floating around saying he assaulted one of his female staffers .
most mainstream media do not report on this claim.
they either don’t believe it or don’t want to believe it.. funny how if it were brett kavanaugh or donald trump, they would be all over it.
recognizing that their states have one integrated regional economy, delaware governor john carney, new york governor andrew m. cuomo, new jersey governor phil murphy, connecticut governor ned lamont, pennsylvania governor tom wolf, and rhode island governor gina raimondo today announced the creation of a multi-state council to restore the economy and get people back to work.
this announcement builds on the states’ ongoing regional approach to combatting the covid-19 pandemic.. the coordinating group – comprised of one health expert, one economic development expert and the respective chief of staff from each state — will work together to develop a fully integrated regional framework to gradually lift the states’ stay at home orders while minimizing the risk of increased spread of the virus..
meanwhile on the west coast:.
PA resident here. Wolf had better enjoy his last term in office, cause his ass is being voted OUT! Small business owners in this state are totally PISSED, and won't forget how he's screwed them over. I'm not a small business owner, but everyone I've talked to (Dem or Repub) wants this clown GONE! We are also sick to death of having NY, NJ, and MD imposing their will upon us with their Liberal bullshit policies.
I agree...and the same goes for all like minded. They are taking a page out of Hitler's play book on how to get control of people!