Blondie, Flipper, Shirley W, where are you? Did this site get too Republican for you? I just take those threads with a grain of salt.
I miss old posters!
by Biahi 28 Replies latest jw friends
Overlook the political tripe being served up here if it gets your panties in a twist. You don't have to agree with everything posted.
I’m here to find out what’s latest in dubland, since my mom is still in. Also, I want to see them fall. When they inevitably will. I want to see the Governing Body in prison, for hiding pedos.
I see peacefulpete posting recently.
Are you the same peacefulpete from way back?
...aha, I check. It is. Welcome back.
I spoke to peacefulpete on the phone once, wonderful guy.
I KNOW..back then... many years ago....the topics had "depth" to them...real meat! Its was the "structured belief:" without the modern day twist.
Back then we were very involved with watchtower teachings. Pretty much I think we have exhausted Watchtower world but we still need to attract new ones.
Well, its nice to be appreciated. Honestly I've been sick quarantining waiting for second covid test results and have had too much time on my hands the last week.
I agree with minimus that we must attract new participants and make sure they feel welcome. We can't forget the purpose of the site is to discuss WT related issues. And in a way that those who are brave enough to come here don't leave with a negative impression.
As to old posters, I got an email from Narkissos last month, he's hanging in there. I've lost track of leolaia a couple years back . If anyone has contact with her let her know we miss her.
One thing the washtowel did was to forbid political opinions. You were supposed to just accept whatever they did toward mass enslavement, whether it be fighting "global warming" (never mind Mars and Neptune are warming--I doubt that putting carbon dioxide into the air on Earth could affect those planets), the Gulf war(s), or this upcoming mandatory vaccine. You just accepted whatever restrictions they came up with and went along, only with the washtowel coming ahead of them.
And no, I am not sold to the Republican party. I don't think McCain or Romney would have been any better than o'bummer was. And, if you give me Trump vs the likes of John F Kennedy, or Thomas Jefferson, or Andrew Jackson, I would have voted for one of them for president--and they were all Democrats. (And fought for our freedoms.)
Anna Marina
Hello Peacefulpete - I hope you feel better soon.