though the name sticker on his WT was not a good sign.
OK, seriously, that's the funniest thing i have ever heard. that is so freakin sad!!
i just found out that my boss at my new job is a jw!!!
earlier today i walked into his office to ask him a quick question?
the nwt and wt on his desk.
though the name sticker on his WT was not a good sign.
OK, seriously, that's the funniest thing i have ever heard. that is so freakin sad!!
it is late october and the temperatures are still in the mid to upper 80's.
when am i going to get some cold weather?
send me some of that it has taken a turn for FREEZING around here lately. pool season is officially over. siiiiigh....
i have a feeling there will be no sleep for litte jo jo bean tonight.
tomorrow is the big day.
all my years of education and prep finally get put to use starting tomorrow.
good luck jojo!!!!
not that you'll need it. you'll be AMAZING, i have no doubt in my mind whatsoever.
my son and daughter in law just called and told me.
i am so excited!!!.
i feel funny about it though.
CONGRATULATIONS LITTLE WITCH AND WAITING!!!! :) grandmas are the best. mine lives in TX and i miss her like hell all the time.
two weeks ago on a monday afternoon our house was broken into and we were robbed.
the theives took all of tink's jewelry she owned and some of mine as well.
she was wearing her wedding ring at the time but everything else is gone.
aw, guys, that is really terrible. i'm so sorry :( huge hug to big T tink and CC from little t tink
i'm so so happy !!!
my sweetheart just called me.. she's gone to india to see her family
i wanted to know she was ok, i've been really worried about her these last few weeks she's been through so much so the break from everything will do her so much good
i'm so happy for you, hamas. i hope your gal is doing well. :)
the girls who dont bow their heads during prayer
hey!! i was one of those!! ;)
my computer was "hi-jacked" by zone labs/zone alarm approx.
3 weeks ago and with my crazy work schedule and everything, i couldn't get over to new caney to my son-in-law to get it fixed till today......i thought it would hafta be "gutted" and rebuilt, cause that zone bugger was hidden and lurking somewhere quietly just waiting for me to get online so it could prevent me from actually doing anything or accessing any websites......but my sil is a computer's kinda like havin' a doctor in the family...... anyway...just wanna let yall know my schedule has changed to 12 hr days 4 days a week, so i'll only be online 3 days a week till that changes....and my 4/12's start tomorrow....of course that's subject to change after next tuesday.....i don't know why i don't have an ulcer from all this craziness...prolly do have one..... annnnnnnnnnnd....lawhamercy, i missed yall somethin' awful!!!!!.
hugs 'n smoochies (cyberly) to everyone here!!!!!.
LOL!! Those are my eyelids...I'm squinting a bit at the eeevil deeeeminz.
hm, i heard the reason you were squinting so much was because of the lasik surgery :P
this looks great!.
see trailer!.
naturally i am gonna be first in line to see this, i've been anticipating its release for quite some time now. :)
when you travel to other cities, do you find that women or men look nicer or more sexy than in your home town?
maybe it's because we see new butts faces, that give this illusion.. so, is the grass greener elsewhere?
Hey! I'm in California.....
see, i TOLD you they make 'em nice in cali!! ;)