minimus, I dont hold a grudge against you and I am not shunning you on this board
who or what is your all time favorite singer or band?
even if you never saw them, if you could---you'd spend big bucks to see them.
i love anita baker.
minimus, I dont hold a grudge against you and I am not shunning you on this board
jesus showed the intended purpose of god's laws, when he worked on the sabath, avoided answering the tax question, forgave sinners that were commanded to be put to death by god's law, etc.
what jesus showed when he seemed to be offending god to fanatics was that saving life is more important that obedience to laws.
whatever god meant when he enjoined "abstinance from blood" to christians as belived by the wt, or when he commanded noah not to eat blood, and whatever the meaning is for people today of the laws that prevent the eating of blood and restricted the use of blood, certainly, based the way that jesus showed how god's laws should be applied, it makes sense that god did not mean that one should obey blood laws when eating or transfusing blood is the only means at hand to survive.
Jesus showed the intended purpose of God's laws, when he worked on the sabath, avoided answering the tax question, forgave sinners that were commanded to be put to death by God's law, etc. What Jesus showed when he seemed to be offending God to fanatics was that SAVING life is more important that obedience to laws.
Whatever God meant when he enjoined "abstinance from blood" to christians as belived by the wt, or when he commanded Noah not to eat blood, and whatever the meaning is for people today of the laws that prevent the eating of blood and restricted the use of blood, certainly, based the way that Jesus showed how God's laws should be applied, It makes sense that God did not mean that one should obey blood laws when eating or transfusing blood is the only means at hand to survive.
It is very intersting that because blood is potentially very infectious, that is an argument bloodless advocates use to show God's will with blood laws such as as pork laws aslo prevented trichonisis. Jws eat pork today though and pork , and rabbit and skunk and owl, etc can be eaten safely with little risk of infection. And people die of disease and infection all of the time without ever getting a blood transfusion. even babies without ever having the opportunity to disobey God, die helplesly. AS if God is behing the risks of blood transfusions, and VD, and AIDS. What about innocent victims. ans. no thats sata'ns fault.
What is important in determeing if blood use is religiusly wrong is not based on what Blood laws MEAN .Whether they litrealy mean no eating blood or if the meaning also includes transfusing blood and or that transfuing means or doesnt mean eating blood, Thats not important to decide. All one has to do is to reason Would the lifegiver prevent ONE TO EAT BLOOD TO SURVIVE?, and would HE PROHIBIT THE TRANSFUSION OFBLOOD TO SURVIVE if no other options are available ?IN MY OPINION based on Jesus teachings A person can eat blood and use blood medically as transfusion if it will save his life. The WTS misleads people into beliving that doctors dont know what they are doing
The WTS has made repeated medical blunders as and has shown hence it has not shown itself to be a reliable and trustworthy guide and source of direction on medical matters.
AS I pointed out on an earlier thread the wt justifies its religious stand on blood with fear of infection from blood. I tell you Ive seen people infected from blood transfusins and I would rather be dead than to have such horrible infections. I feel that the WTS has done a good thing by exposing blood medicine as very risky and has forced science to clean up the blood supplies resulting in safer blood. TOO the WTS hase taken away the power and control over owr bodies from seemimgly godlike docs and the state, and have given back to people he right over their bodies and to chhose above the orders of medcal authorities.
I say that the wts has done a lot of good to an extent by restricting jws from using blood for medical reasons. But I dont think the religious basis it uses has any Biblical support. I also feel that the WTS harms jws by not allowing them to freely choose blood traetments based on medical reasons and I think that it should officially lift the religius based ban on blood.
Blood is risky, but it is better to live than to be dead, so I think it is wiser to take the risk. Lots of medical procdures are risky too such as anesthesia, surgrey, drug treatments, etc, but when the benefits out weigh the risks, gota take the risk to keep on living is what a normal person would do.
I think that the WTS is stuck because it knows that taking blood for medical reasosns does not offend God, but it will have a Titanic effect on worshippers if the Siciety lifts the ban on blood, But they will figure out a way to do it wth the least amount of causalties for them. Seems as they dont care if bros and sis die until the food comes at the proper time.
In my opinion I think that there is nothing wrong to use blood for medical reasons and that there is nothing wrong with eating blood if that is the only food available or if it is the only means to survive. according to the purpose o Bible blood laws BUT I fear that blood is very dangerous and potentialy infectious , and only if there are no other options availabe, then it is my only option that I must choose in order to stay alive. I do not believe that these reasons violate any religious grounds. And any sane person would do the same considering that the blood is not going to kill them more dead than dying without taking the risk or that God is not going to kill em forever in the lake of fire.
REcently I heard on the news that a JW woman bled to death after being satabbed by her deranged son because she refused a blood transfuison. The WT in my opiniuon has been deceptive into having us believe that you dont need ablood transfusion because expanders and other drugs will do the trick, fooling the jws to belive that, who dont know a thing about medicine, while JW doctors give blood to non jws instead of given them expanders also to do the trck.. Im sure bros go to their grave expecting a miracle wehn they stand firm refusing blood. I always belived that God would save my life because of loyaly resusing blood and that I would bever accept a blood transfusion, The wt knows best I trust them with my life.
If in fact the woman on the news that died for refusing a blood transfusion and others that have died because of refusing blood on religious gound, would be alive today, had they acepted blood , then I am very sad to conclude, that The Wt has caused harm to people and is responsible for innocnet deaths. Obscure to the understanding of the R and F, the wt does allow blood for use as medicine and does allow people to eat blood.
Since the WT ackkowledges that we eat blood all of the time because not all blood can be bled from meat, and also just as like some vaccines and other medical treatmenst contain small amounts of blood, and now they can be used medicaly because the position on blood franctions has changed insidously allowing their use, challenges WT doctrine and position on blood . So, then the isue has shifted from the use of blood to the amoint of blood used .
How much should one walk before walk is defined as work in violation of Sabath law? How much blood should one use or what parts of blood can one use before it violates God's laws?L ets ask the wt.since they are experts on medicne as the record shows them to be.
Sad thing that the elders know about this but do not warn the flock, but also too it is mindboggling that regardless of their awareness and views, they carry the md card and sure enough all jws including the gb, they willl die before getting a BT. I can't figure it out..I too fear a BT and wait for the GB to chnge its position officially before I am at ease totally with it.IT hard to chnge that deep rooted matter of concience inculcated by the wts I havent decide that I will ever accpet BT because of fear of punishment from God and fear of infection But again I am not faced with the choice of survival or death without blood. But I am speaking for me.
I feel that the sis on the news that died should have accpeted blood and should be alive today and I feel hurt angry and disappoined with the WTS because they did not allow the sis to freely make her choice but she was coerced into foolishly dying without a cause.
But if the WTS ever totally lifted the blood ban officially, it would be the sinking Titanic. We'll see what happens but in the meantime bros and sis and young ones are in a lot of danger I think.
The jws are told to read wt articles to make decisons on blood but I think that the logic and arguments and reaons used by the WTS is a deceptive tactic leading the jws to belive that it is their free choice and a matter of concience. I say bolony, It is coersion. The wt does all of the thinking for the r and f. They are not given all of the facts to make a free deciosn and are "boxed in" to quote Gopher ,so that they cannot make the right decison which is of course TO SURVIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The lifegiver gave you life. LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!! dont choose death. Lurkers beware make a free choice based on facts not coercion.
this may sound somewhat cynical, but i think the society has held to it's position on blood in order to create a never-ending supply of martyrs.
martyrs are needed for the society to hold up as shining examples of faith and devotion.
this sense of self-sacrifice helps them tow the line with regards to all of their insane rules.. wg
They are stuck
who or what is your all time favorite singer or band?
even if you never saw them, if you could---you'd spend big bucks to see them.
i love anita baker.
The Beatles are my favorite band
the rank and file fears "apostates" hence jws will not accpet any evidence or arguments from succh like ones.
the mind set automatically rejects any charges against the wts without examining facts obejectivle because the wts cannot be definition jws view the wts as god's agency, so it cannot be wrong and even if it is wrong, it is for a reason that god is allowing it and it is god's arrangement and not the business of the rank and file to judge for themselves on that but,to leave it in j's hand and in time it will be taken care of.
in law that is called a catch all, which is sometimes the power that a judge is empowered with by the state to use his discretion and do whatever the hell he wants, pardon the phrase.. it is true that the wts has opoosers that distort facts and trump up charges in order to discredit the wts, but false accustaions against thewts do not camcel out real evidence that challenges the wt and above and beyond wt teachings is the evidence that puts a differebnt spin on and shows another perspective of the bible, and the concept of god affecting in peoples lives.
Christianity seems masochistic Goph, picking up your torture stake, enduring, self sacrifice, etc All those things that normal people dont want to go through, but xtians are supposed to be joyful and look foward to these things all religions too. Man I dont want to live my life like that. I never did. Imagine looking foward to a gt where one is going to be tortured and God is going to aloow it, with no guarantee of salvation. I jus want to be happy now. If "God" or more accurately as you say THE CREATOR has something better for me latter Ill take that too later. I enjoy reading all comments and points views. By your comments Goph, I see that you are on the ball and so is garybuss. You guys are sharp thinkers in my opinion. Out of the box and and just looking at things with an open mind, and not with a certain mind set.
It is a real pleasure being able to look at things from different perspectives and express and listen to diverse viewpoint without fear.
the rank and file fears "apostates" hence jws will not accpet any evidence or arguments from succh like ones.
the mind set automatically rejects any charges against the wts without examining facts obejectivle because the wts cannot be definition jws view the wts as god's agency, so it cannot be wrong and even if it is wrong, it is for a reason that god is allowing it and it is god's arrangement and not the business of the rank and file to judge for themselves on that but,to leave it in j's hand and in time it will be taken care of.
in law that is called a catch all, which is sometimes the power that a judge is empowered with by the state to use his discretion and do whatever the hell he wants, pardon the phrase.. it is true that the wts has opoosers that distort facts and trump up charges in order to discredit the wts, but false accustaions against thewts do not camcel out real evidence that challenges the wt and above and beyond wt teachings is the evidence that puts a differebnt spin on and shows another perspective of the bible, and the concept of god affecting in peoples lives.
Goph I agree with your observation about the tactic of Jws being told to blame themselves for evrything that goes wrong with them, you are sharp, but that is based on the same tactic the Bible uses on blaming people for being human.Bible says that it is humanity's fault because they are sinners good for nothin meriting death
it is true that the society owns 10'0s of millions of $ to say the least in real estate, and monetary funds used to run the org.
but can anyone substantiate that the wt has billions of dollars in moneys such as cash in bank accounts, in stocks?.
if so, how does the wt justify having all of that wealth while most of humanity is in dire need?
"Bthe great" does have a lot more money than the wts, but the mormons the catholics, etc also use their riches to help the poor and the needy NOW they dont tell people to go and rely on God.
With impartialialy, and having a science backgound I musr decalre that God has not let me down when I have relied on him so that is something that I have not imagined but I cannot understand it either because I also have fimacial responsibilities and other burdens that cash is the only solution and unless I win the lottery. Cash solves many many problems. Not all but many and amny people can benefit from billions of dollars in cah as a solution to their problems now while they wait for the new system.
the rank and file fears "apostates" hence jws will not accpet any evidence or arguments from succh like ones.
the mind set automatically rejects any charges against the wts without examining facts obejectivle because the wts cannot be definition jws view the wts as god's agency, so it cannot be wrong and even if it is wrong, it is for a reason that god is allowing it and it is god's arrangement and not the business of the rank and file to judge for themselves on that but,to leave it in j's hand and in time it will be taken care of.
in law that is called a catch all, which is sometimes the power that a judge is empowered with by the state to use his discretion and do whatever the hell he wants, pardon the phrase.. it is true that the wts has opoosers that distort facts and trump up charges in order to discredit the wts, but false accustaions against thewts do not camcel out real evidence that challenges the wt and above and beyond wt teachings is the evidence that puts a differebnt spin on and shows another perspective of the bible, and the concept of god affecting in peoples lives.
The rank and file fears "apostates" hence jws will not accpet any evidence or arguments from succh like ones. The mind set automatically rejects any charges against the WTS without examining facts obejectivle because the wts cannot be wrong.By definition Jws view the wts as God's agency, so it cannot be wrong and even if it is wrong, it is for a reason that God is allowing it and it is God's arrangement and not the business of the rank and file to judge for themselves on that but,to leave it in J's hand and in time it will be taken care of. In law that is called a CATCH ALL, which is sometimes the power that a judge is empowered with by the state to use his discretion and do whatever the hell he wants, pardon the phrase.
It is true that the WTS has opoosers that distort facts and trump up charges in order to discredit the WTS, but false accustaions against theWTS do not camcel out real evidence that challenges the Wt and above and beyond WT teachings is the evidence that puts a differebnt spin on and shows another perspective of the Bible, and the concept of God affecting in peoples lives
Hence the rank and files fear alls truth not coming throught the wt channel at the proper time rejecting any facts and leaving their thinking to the wts.
Maybe it is bliss for the rank and file to live oblivious to the dilemas facing the WTS. BUt whether the evidence showing these dilemas come from vitriolic apostates or WT realization, such serious probelms that affect WT existence is real. But bother reaching out or sister hunting for a mate are so involved with wt mntality that they either dont care orthey have a certain mind set that prevets them from accpting evidence from sn objective ppint of view.
I do know for a fact that some indiviuals can see through the facade but stay in the org. I also know that some dont know a thing, but is the rank and file becoming moe aware that things are not "jiving" or adding up. That there is a problem?
things were different when you were active in the org.
meetings, talks, service, assemblies, elders meetings, congrgational duties, busy with the hope of a reward of living forever and serving god with eternity in view.
all of your efforts and goals related to being a jw, your thinking, your views, your life, your future all revolved aroung the org.. with all that aside, what are you doing now?
In my opinion, the purpose of life is to enjoy life to the fullest. Not only the physical pleasures but the intellectual and emotional pleasures . Also to love and to help your feloow man and to make his burden easier.
The wt defines the chief purposse of life is to "worship God" but that means a lot of things ro a lot of people and that is an easy thing to say with billions of dollars underneath ones belt. The so caled worshiping God causes a lot of harm to imnnocent people and people in general,
I think that God is going to do what he wants and has done waht he has wanted to do. Look at needlesly how many jws have been killed in persecution and how many jws nevr had children and never got married and have k=lived sacrificial lives but not only jws other rekigious fnanatics have lived sacrficial lives without God evr requiring it.
OK if God really talked to the Prophets as the Bible states and they did what God instructed them. But jw's worship is deriived from Bible interpretation and not from conversing with God.
All one can do is try to enjoy the life one has and to move foowars and try be live better and enjoy life more.
i've been listening to marlene mercado's audio testimony on jwinfoline while reading and posting here today; and it reminded me that i had written to the society once, years ago, and i received a response.
the response made me angry with them, although they were agreeing with me on something that i was complaining about.
what made me angry was that they made no acknowledgment that they put a lot of pressure on the brothers to reach out and even after they have attained an office of oversight, a lot more pressure is put on the elders and servants to do more, do just so, etc....they claimed that it was my elder husband's own fault that he was barely ever home, and when he was, he was in his den or on the phone with someone who couldn't make any decisions on their own.
Yours is the kind of case that is embarrasing to the Society.
I will say however that being accused of the crime of being a childmolestor does not make one guilty of such. The Judicial System in the USA is devious. All a woman has to do is to acuse her husdband of childmolesting , which is the clever thing to do if she wants to take his money and his children and to harass him perpetually.
While many children are innocent victims of perverted childmolestor parents. which in my opinion should get punished severely, SOME children are also victims of the mnetal manupilation of their mothers who inculcate into the minds of her children that their father is sexually molesting them.
THe mother's attorney will prove to the court the guilt of an innocent man. Happens in Family Court. An innocent man is ruined for life, children that nevr been harmed grow up believing that their father abuse them.
Suppose the man is found innocent and the mother continues to accuse him and the child still acuses him, he is ruined for life. Even I would not trust him with my kds and will never be convinced of his innocence.